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10 Good
  1. To all the trolls who say the servers are underpopulated and the game is dying...I logged in today on my lvl 50 assasin on Dark Reaver and there were 215 people in the Imperial Fleet....86 on Corellia, 72 on Dromund Kaas, and 72 on Belsavis. That being said...I do believe BW did release too many servers too fast and in turn has given people the perception that the game is dying. Yeah, BW did fall on its face with the Ilum issues and Ability Q's, but they are showing an active effort to fix the problems. Going onto the forums and trolling like a fool doesnt do any good. As far as the Forums go....In EVERY mmo ive played they have represented the less than 5% of the player base that would complain regardless of what the developer did. Everyone wants to compare SWTOR to the WOW of 2012 but the fact of the matter is its ONE MONTH OLD. When WOW was a month old there were a huge number of bugs....and look at it now. That being said...i just wanted to take a second to thank Bioware for developing what for me is a breath of fresh air as far as MMO's go and for moving forward through all the immature trolling that goes on. Let the trolling begin
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