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Posts posted by Selenial

  1. I was under the impression that HK-51 was only in deleted content for KOTOR II? As for HK-55, our intent was that he’s his own new and improved model created by the Empire, but only produced in very limited quantities (which is why we haven’t run into any others yet).


    I know this isn't massively related to the thread, but it's a question I've wondered for a while. Do you guys consider cut content from Kotor II to be canon (in the loose term, since obviously they're all under the legends umbrella)? I always thought yes, considering HK-51 was in the game. I know Dave Filoni considers unfinished TCW scripts to be canon, and Leland Che considers deleted scenes for ROTS/ATOC/TPM canon unless contradicted, but those are examples more of people deciding the projects they were involved with will influence their works. You guys obviously weren't involved with Kotor 2, but do you let its cut content influence your work? If we ever saw Telos, would you consider the HK factory ruins to be there?


    I'm reminded of this quote by Anthony Davis, who sort of indicates to him that it is:

    "One of the things we would talk about as the various Sith Restoration projects went on was just how lucky we were that the game was so well received by some great guys like you two guys, you would fix that which we could not fix. We were not allowed to. We're just - we're really appreciative of that.


    You helped complete the experience for many people. Many people who get the game for the first time, like from a Steam sale or whatever, their friends are going to tell them, 'Yeah, go get The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, put that on their first - that's the way it was intended to be.' And that's correct. And just, really, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, I mean it."[/Quote]


    Either way, I'd love to know what you thought. I know there wasn't tonnes of deleted content for Kotor 2, but there was enough important stuff that it could still have quite an effect on TOR's lore, 300 years later.

  2. It would probably be somewhat discouraging for players in Europe, where evening prime time is in the wee hours of the morning for the time zone where the developers are. (8pm UK time is 2am Austin time, while 8pm CET/CEST is 3am.)


    Wrong way round friendo, as someone who plays on an American server while British, 8pm for us is 3pm Austin time (or 2pm right now, the time difference is larger as we've switched to summer time already). The overlap's not quite as bad, with that considered, our prime time is developer work hours.


    Different for oceanic players though, but since they don't have their own servers anymore I guess that doesn't matter :jawa_evil:

  3. Strange, I think it might be related the level of your gear comparatively to your character level, so if you're in level 60 raid gear at level 67 that's substantially worse than average greens are at that level. Not sure if that's how it works, but personally I've been soloing Belsavis and Voss heroics as a way to level my operative DPS, I keep my companion set to tank to make it quicker and I don't have any issues really.
  4. Heh, I’m only recently back myself so I can relate. Here’s where you want to go:


    Land on Odessen. You spawn on a large walkway, on one end is the instance you enter to meet Lana and Theron and your alliance crew (on your left hand side if you’re looking out towards the scenic view). On the other end is a hallway where the star fortress missions are located. You want to head towards the hallway with the star fortress locations.


    On the right hand side as you go down that corridor is an elevator, not one of the ones you stand on as it rises, but a button click one. It basically looks like a shut door, but there’s a button there, click it and go up a level, and it’s a short walk to the meeting room from there.


    Edit: Tried to find a map online for me to mark where I mean using photoshop, but I can't a screenshot of the odessen map anywhere :confused: If you still can't find it after this post let me know and I'll try screenshot it myself.

  5. Also, I am not going to be baited by your taunts. I may have misread one part of your post - that can happen in the heat of the moment, I am sure it happened to you as well sometime in your life. I admitted to my mistake, but my mistake does not invalidate what I wrote and quoted. Also, I will note that you asked for any post from Bioware regarding exploits. I have provided that.


    I don't think anyone is buying this. You stated something which was false, you were asked for evidence multiple times, you continued posting despite being pointed out in separate posts that you were completely avoiding the original question. You then claimed that the terms of service backed you up, you've just been proven otherwise, and are now attempting to bury it by saying 'let's agree to disagree'.


    I'm happy to move on, because I don't particularly care to convince you, but make a case to anyone else who may be reading. The lesson here though is to actually check that what you're saying on a public forum is correct, instead of just guessing, being proven wrong, and avoiding.


    Edit: I asked for posts referencing *the* exploit, and mentioned that I had looked during the time the exploit was live. Don't try and rewrite history.

  6. OK, background is, I'm a mostly solo player, only time I group up is for events like LvD, and incidentally that was the last time I grouped up. No guilds, ever (in this game - I had enough of them in other games). So, conquest up till now has only ever rarely come to my notice - I got the occasional small conquest reward, went "Oh, nice" and carried on with what I was doing. Now it is obvious that I'm working towards personal conquest; that pop-up cannot be ignored, whig brings me to my question...


    Currently my Conquest progress bar is showing 77,800/50,000 and I did receive the reward when I hit 50k. So why is it still counting, since I have achieved the quota. Am I now better off playing another character who has not got any conquest points at all, or do I just ignore it and carry on "playing my way"?


    I guess what I'm asking is how does personal conquest actually work? If anyone can point me to an explanation online, or explain it in simple terms, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance. :)


    Overcapping on Conquest points is only really relevant in guilds, as they have a larger target to head for (5 million total, for the largest haul as far as I know). You don't get any further rewards for personal conquests, but can help to make up for slack from other guild members by doing more than your share.


    Whether you want to switch to another character is your decision obviously, as to whether you value the 50k rewards more than continuing on one character, but yeh, nothing extra.

  7. Exploiting is to gain something from it. OP gained nothing.

    Would I have done it to test it out, probably not. I have never used one of the "BW Patched Exploits".


    To back this point up, I'm going to repeat the point I just made in that semi wall of text that I don't expect anyone other than Yiliarus to read. The terms of service say:


    "[You may not:] Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service."


    CaptRogue is right.

  8. You do realise you're not making any sense right now? What lie are you talking about? You asked for proof where Bioware said what they'll do if someone tries out an exploit and I have provided it. I have dissected it for you word for word. Are you calling Eric Musco a liar? You asked for proof. I gave it to you, clear and simple. You call it a lie nonetheless. What the hell do you want more?[/Quote]


    You've acknowledged this already in your last post, so I won't repeat what you already know. I will say however that if you cannot even comprehend what your own posts are saying, I am starting to understand why you can't understand mine. For the record, my post couldn't have been more clear:


    "Sorry, but can you link to a single one of these warnings? I looked through the Dev Tracker for literally any posts warning people not to use the exploit, and in the entire month before the fix I found not a single post addressing it. The only post on the subject was after it had been patched."


    Do I write in an alien language? Or does Eric Musco write in an alien tongue? How can you not understand that trying out an exploit, ANY exploit, leads to possible action against your account? What about that is unclear? What don't you understand about Musco's warning of not trying out exploits, WRITTEN IN CAPITALS, on the penalty of action against your account?[/Quote]


    Leads to *possible* action against your account, yes. What I asked for, I'll reitarate again, was as follows:

    "To both of you: Please, for the love of god, link me to a single Bioware post saying they will remove fairly-gotten gear in the history of this game as a punishment for using an exploit for absolutely no personal benefit."


    Again, *possible* action is what he posted about. He also, as I have pointed out numerous times now, said that they take into account whether you had any proper gain from the exploit. What you are not accepting here is that these are general statements. Musco has never said 'any testing of exploits will lead to actions against your account', and warning of *testing* exploits is an attempt to stop people saying 'sure, I got loads of gear out of this, but only as an attempt to test it!'. It is impossible, in most exploits, to separate out the testing from the exploiting.


    *Understand* please, the exploit Musco was discussing here. Invulnerability in a PVP Warzone. Regardless of whether you were just testing it or not, you would *always* benefit from pure invulnerability in a warzone, hence the risk of actions against your account. Here, he tested an exploit *by gaining absolutely nothing from it*, it is completely different, and it is exactly why Musco prefaced all of his comments by saying they would take into account other factors, that this was not a blanket rule, and would not always result in punishment. What are you not comprehending here?


    What did you do when you created this account? That's right, you agreed to the Terms of Service and Bioware's rules. It's your business to know what you are agreeing to. It's also your responsibility of checking the forums and the Dev Tracker in particular - which is easily available and reachable and does not require you to log in. [/Quote]


    Have you read the terms of service? I have, this is what it says about exploits:


    [You may not]: "Exploit any bug in the Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and/or communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service."


    Tell me, what unfair advantage did he gain from this? Oh right, none. Therefore, it's not a violation of the terms of service. Nice try, again.


    It's general knowledge that exploits are bad and shouldn't be touched. They're called "exploits" for a reason. Had the OP encountered it accidentally, that would have been visible in their account data. Apparently, Bioware found that the actions OP took were not accidental and instead, intentional.[/Quote]


    As I have just pointed out, this doesn't count as an exploit by Bioware's own rules.


    I am starting to think you're a troll instead of actually trying to discuss this, because you're not making any sense with the "you are lying" scheme. If that is your response to being shown evidence, quoted and clear evidence, then how can I think otherwise of you than a troll?


    I'll take your later post as a concession on this point.

  9. Actions have consequences, I keep repeating it. The exploit had been announced and warned about and yet OP willingly went in themselves - without being coerced or deceived - to test it out themselves. OP knew it was being warned against and yet he ignored the warning.


    Sorry, but can you link to a single one of these warnings? I looked through the Dev Tracker for literally any posts warning people not to use the exploit, and in the entire month before the fix I found not a single post addressing it. The only post on the subject was after it had been patched. :confused:


    I'm sure you're not just flagrantly lying about it, so if you don't mind linking it to me just so I can read it that'd be great.

  10. I genuinely pity the people in this thread that are so bitter they’re claiming you deserve this.


    Going into the instance to see if it was true is no different to looking at a YouTube video on it, in terms of effect on the game. It’s no different to even *knowing* the bug exists. Seeing if it’s true has no tangible benefit for you, effect on the game, or reduction in symbolic value of the mask/title like the actual bug abuse does. Sure, you’re somewhat at fault for losing your items because you could have realised the system might flag you, but you still don’t deserve to have your items or achievements taken away for it.


    Unless of course you actually killed a boss, then I’m all for it as a warning shot. Still, as someone who also earned those titles and masks legitimately years ago, I’d be furious if sheer curiosity with no harm done had cost me them for no reason. I can understand why you got caught up in it on Bioware’s end, but the decision should be reversed.

  11. No, just the Referral. So that must be the issue. I'll play another Alt for the week, then pay-Sub next weekend then. Thanks for the info, this is exactly what I needed to know!


    You're fine if you just put a credit card in and sign up for your future sub, that's what I did with onslaught. They don't charge until the week is up but you get access to it all.

  12. I've had a similar issue, with the glowing flags, but they've never caused a crash. I can however heard the fans in my PC work overtime. Not sure what causes the issue, but have a play around with your graphics settings while logged into another character, and hopefully when you log in they'll tax your PC less and it'll survive.
  13. m-maybe the flair will be good, r-right guys?


    The weapons seem decent at least


    The funny thing is, I think no. If you look at the reward blog, the Bronze flair is Silver, the Silver flair is Gold, and the top reward flair is just... uber-gold.


    IMHO, and I hope I'm wrong, they formatted it wrong, and the bottom flair is the top 96 flair, while the bronze flair is missing. We shall see.

  14. I think this situation is a perfect example of Bioware's current failings. More communication is entirely irrelevant to us unless the communication is worthwhile. You have left players with a little over two weeks, in the height of summer, to grind the extra rating needed to make up for this bizarre rating inflation. A short time frame in a busy month, what a brilliant idea.


    Of course, this could have been solved if the ratings were released a few weeks ago, like the following people asked for:


    If you could prioritize the ratings for each tier it would be great.

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I get characters to 1650 under the assumption that that will be good enough for tier 1. If it isn't I've got a lot of work to do before the end of the season...

    Please release the tier rating requirements... That is very important to a lot of people. Thank you.

    There is more than month left since that annoucement and still NO feedback about screenshots, prices or tier-rating demands :(

    I was hoping we would get some news about rewards, tiers, prices by now....

    So what day are you gonna release the ratings and the exact cost cos I can't wait any longer I keep checking the site every 5 minutes


    I understand it can take a while to get the weapons, mounts, banners, flairs and titles sorted. We didn't need to know exactly what these would be, as you've been fairly consistent over the past few seasons with the quality of your items. The issue everyone had was in this uncertain meta with specific classes breezing past certain ratings and others struggling, where you would find the balance. You decided to inflate the rating requirement pretty substantially, and have given players almost no time to sort it out.


    That doesn't particularly bother me, I have more PVP weapons and Titles (along with the infinitely cooler PVE ones anyway) and can stand to miss out on a few toons, but many people will miss out because of how awfully you've handled this situation. If you knew the tiers already you should have told us, and if you didn't, your PVP team are failing at their job. It doesn't take this long to set arbitrary boundaries, and you should have had the metrics to prove where people would end up.


    It pretty much goes without saying as well, that this is the worst season you could have chosen to make these strange changes. At the beginning of the season, RNJesus smiled upon some and not others, which allowed those who played a lot at the beginning establish a dominance due to how teams are chosen, and stay there, farming one toon until they had the comms to play with others. That's a good way of managing it, for the players, and good on them, but that option shouldn't have existed. The gear disparity shouldn't have existed, not when the grind took that long. All in all, you created a season in which gaining rating took only time, and gear. Once I broke 1500, grinding to 1700 and beyond took no time at all, and I'm sure many people found the same experience, so why arbitrarily restrict the the rewards to time spent?


    The way I see it, the only answer I can find to that question, is that you can't motivate people to play ranked through the rampant class imbalance, long queues and low population that your disastrous handling of this game over the past year has caused. As a result, you have changed the balance achieved when tokens were the reward for time, and tiers the reward for skill, to both simply being time sinks, because you feel it's the only way you can actually get people to play the game. That is frankly rather sad.


    I've been enjoying the direction the team has been taking the game until now. I had enjoyed playing the game again until now, and it doesn't even have anything to do with me missing rewards, as I probably won't. I'd fallen for your marketing ploy of increased communication, but all this shows to me is that when it counts, you'll be 'old Bioware'. I'd fallen for the spiel that you were returning to MMO roots, but this again only shows that only time sinks for sub revenue are on your agenda. Then again, maybe that's exactly what you meant.

  15. Anyone can make a post/argument. The main bit of debating is between the 2 compeditors, but anyone can make an argument if they feel one of the two is missing something or merely to post their thoughts and opinions on it all. Also, haven't seen you in ages, Sel! How ya been!? :d_grin:


    Things have been going well. Debated on KMC/ComicVine from time to time, but my sub was kinda fluctuating so I felt it easier to drop off these boards for a while. Things are dying down on KMC though and the old guard seem to be leaving, I hate the new lot so thought I'd pop back in here for a bit :p


    Wanted to kick-start the Kaggath series I'd planned on CV, Beni and Aurbere's IRL stuff kept delaying it, but since they're both retired now I thought I could run it alone, but my heart's not in it without the people I like, you know?


    Kinda interested in debating this one, shame I never actually submitted a faction really. Finding it a little difficult to know where to start though so it might be easier me just waiting until the next phase? That or if you could show me where to look I could give some brief thoughts :o

  16. It was strange, I was placed in a queue, backed out, then every time I tried to log into the server nothing happened.


    Restarted the game and I suddenly got through the queue that was supposedly 198 people long, and was right into the server when my game had finished launching...

  17. My game was glitching out massively during that scene, I got to see a little more of the traitor than I should have. No names, but a lot of narrowing down:



    They were wearing scion robes under the black robe, the robe itself was flapping in every direction,

    and I'm pretty sure that while doing so I could make out the shape of breasts. I'm fairly sure it was a female in zakuulan-esque robes, though I may be wrong.


  18. They feel... very unbalanced.


    Inferno was great, that was fun. I was pulling 12k ehps on my undergeared sage against the droid boss and we couldn't make it past it. I'm not being sarcastic here, I like that, I like the fact we finally had a difficult 4 man fight. I feel like we were doing something wrong, but hey ho.


    Fractured on the other hand? Story Mode KP level at best, cleared it with 6k ehps on the final two fights, bored out of my mind. Not sure how it's fair that in one uprising we're wiping to the second miniboss with double the efficiency of that required by the final boss of another uprising.


    Is this just bugged? Is inferno not supposed to be that hard, or what?

  19. Nothing makes me laugh more than people who have no damn clue what goes into programming or how a business is run acting like they do. Don't tell me you know anything about either, because you don't. If you think you do because you are a programmer or you own a business or whatever, then I feel more sorry for your customers than I do for us.


    Now, let me explain why I say this.


    When you go to a restaurant and the waitress brings you a Pepsi instead of a Sprite... what do you do? Do you ask the waitress to fix it (hopefully politely) or do you go storming into the kitchen and start cussing at the cook?


    Of course, you probably DO cuss out the waitress when the cook screws up, don't you? Most people do. However, all it does is make you look like an ******e because the waitress didn't screw up your order, the cook did.


    Now, how this applies to Bioware is that each department has their job. The developers working on Cartel Market content aren't working on the main content, and vice versa. Plus, much of the sales and such are on an automated schedule anyway. Bugs in THAT system are hilarious when they happen because once for like one hour the Harbinger server (only) got access to the Corsec Electrobaton a full six months before anyone else. It wasn't hotfixed or anything, it was just... wait what? Why did this happen?


    I agree with the sentiment that people need to stop making the Cartel Market jokes, they're obviously different departments and there's no reason to berate the developer team with useless jokes just to make you feel better. I do however majorly disagree with the sentiment in the rest of the post.


    This isn't a singular mess-up that people are angry about, it's a series of events which display nothing more than ineptitude on the side of the developer team. Perhaps ineptitude is a harsh word, but the only other explanation is deception, and I'd rather believe they're messing up than intentionally hiding information from the community.


    To use your waitress and chef example, I'll give you how I see this year as having unfolded so far:

    • You enter your favourite restaurant. The restaurant was successful, enjoyed by many, but has randomly rebranded from a semi-successful Thai restaurant into a substandard Italian.
    • You order a diet coke. You're told it'll be five minutes. Half an hour later your drink arrives.
    • When your drink does arrive, it's Fanta. You send it back, the replacement does not arrive for another half an hour.
    • The Lasagne you asked for comes out as a Spaghetti Bolognese. Same ingredients, massively different result. You send it back and are disappointed.
    • You're told it'll be ten minutes until the lasagne comes out. Nine and a half minutes later, the waitress informs you that the chef will need another fifteen.


    So yes, you're right. No point yelling at the front of house that the restaurant rebranded, it's obviously an executive decision. No point yelling at the interior decorator that the drink that arrived was wrong. People are however perfectly justified in complaining after this series of events, time and time again any action performed by the restaurant as a whole has been a let down.


    All of these apply to the game in some way. So yes, while it might not be appropriate to scream that the end of the game is nigh when TOR rebranded into a Story-based MMO (wonderful idea), it's perfectly reasonable to call the developer team out on their inadequacies when everything they do is in some way, shape, or form, a let down. Their new gearing system was far too slow, and has had to be rebalanced several times. Their new operation had a single boss, and even then had to be delayed by a month, and then an extra week. These events on their own are excusable, but together pile up into an unfortunate mess that you cannot fault people for leaving. When do you complain, in your mind? Must you simply ignore the bigger picture?


    Though I think we can all agree that any criticism needs to remain constructive, and not a witch hunt. I for one don't agree with the bashing Eric gets, since it seems to me he has very little authority over what he is allowed and not allowed to say. I respect that he has the willpower to stay in the position he has, most of his team seem to not manage to remain here too long...

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