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    Guitar, SWTOR, computer programming
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    Student for Network systems admin
  1. Hey guys, I need help getting this guild going, if i have enough people ill gladly transfer my character from pve server to here. More than enough money to start bank and such. The ranks will be based one whatever we can come up with as a name. I kinda wanted like a cult kinda name or somethin. Then have ranks for the diff classes, and ranks for the people who do starfighter, you know.. do the whole nine yards. I want people who will be on often or try to be atleast! Message me on here if you are interested. Ill set up a chat service and guild site in no time. Thanks guys
  2. Okay guys, Ive been a subscriber since day one, have only played on the shadowlands server and want to do some extra cool stuff that the current guild wants nothing to do with. I want to do in-character roleplaying, have contests (I.E duals for special items or ranks in the guild), and most of all I want to have world pvp where ever i so desire. I would also like to do videos with commentary maybe or screen shot comics of our stories that we come up with as a guild. Ill make the guild web page, facebook, and do all the hard stuff unless anyone is willing to help. So my plan was to transfer my main over to get the guild running on the imp side. I eventually wanna get the republic side going to so we can have friendly faction battles so to speak. I know it sounds ambitious and such but I'm so willing to put in the effort. Im playing on Jung-Ma, the east coast RP/PvP server If you are interested, please message me in here or find me in game as Freymos Thanks guys. hope to find some like minded people! Jordan
  3. So many times i join guilds and noone plays. Im in an awesome PvE guild now but would really like to start my own guild on a PvP/RP server so we could some actual roleplaying. Make up our own stories and even maybe make a comic book type thing with screen shots. If anyone is ambitious as me let me know.
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