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Posts posted by Jaick

  1. Also did everyone else notice how the characters in-game look.. different? My face looks like its made out of clay or something like that. The lightning seems to give my character's skin a different tone too.


    You know I noticed that too. It just feels.....off.

  2. I downloaded the patch around 10:30 this morning and had no issues so I guess I was just lucky. So sorry to hear all you guys are having problems. Don't fret too much as when it does get downloaded you probably wont want to play for a few days anyway because of the horrible performance issues. Currently keeping me from playing.
  3. The new shadows are pretty as long as you don't move because other wise your screen flutters so much.


    I was completely happy with how shadows were before the patch. I figured setting them to low would give me that but it turns them off completely. I just would like to set them to the quality they were before because as it is i can have a beautiful looking game as long as I don't move OR have an ugly game. It really kills my mood not seeing shadows.


    Talking with other people in game and they running much more powerful cards than me (GTX 260) and getting same results.

  4. Errrr because there is a lack of content end game lol.


    And please sir tell me what you or anyone would be doing in WoW at end game?


    Exactly the same as people do here. Sit in one place spamming for groups to raids/operations and queue for Warzones.

  5. Uh... I just remembered this and don't want to make a thread about it, but I read that the "big butt" issue that robes caused on body types 1 and 2 for human males is getting fixed in tomorrow's patch, anybody know if that's true?


    Can't remember where I read it, but I do remember actually reading it.


    Yes I saw people posting pictures of the change. It's not as prominent now.

  6. If by "train wreck" you mean a Themepark-Sandbox Hybrid MMORPG with a 3D multiplayer Freelancer-esq space game AND a ground-based game with a day/night cycle, massive explorable worlds retaining all the current story content AND Planetside-esq massive scale RvRvR....... then yes.


    It would be a beautiful train wreck indeed. :)


    It would never leave the drawing board because no one here has any knowledge on how to execute it.

  7. Give some of the players the budget BW had and I'm sure they would do a better job ;)


    No they wouldn't because 99.9% of the people here don't have any experience whatsoever to make a game. Just having awesome idea's is not making a game. You'd all spend the budget on Cheetos and Mountain Dew.

  8. This game will be continuing to lose subs until F2P hits. A lot of people on the SWTOR Facebook page have been asking when will F2P hit, so it seems to me the influx of players many others keep ranting on about will only be the F2P crowd. We may get a few subs here and there, but it may end up being like post-LotRO F2P and the player-base will diminish rapidly.


    It seems like many of the defenders and fanbois (especially fanbois) won't consider all the options. I know they love this game but they need to realize this game is dying and may continue to do so after F2P.


    RIP SWTOR July 31st, 2012!


    Last I checked LOTRO was still doing well.

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