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Everything posted by TheHeadCapper

  1. So you don't understand MMO and retention rates> lmao Guess they don't teach that at McDonalds.
  2. Logic and facts don't mean a heck of a lot to you do they. Funny stuff, please keep the hate going we are having a good laught at work about you.
  3. They did something right, even people like you sit around and post day after day about the game.
  4. Probably because they had an earnings call that debunked everything haters like you have been saying over the last month.
  5. Yes i love it. I can't even consider playing an MMO without voiceovers again.
  6. I rearlly enjoyed Jennifer Hale as the repulic commando (she did Cpt Sheppard in ME and Bastilla Shan in KOTOR).
  7. Guess you saw the earnings call and now your desperation for a succesful game to fail is hitting new heights. Go out, find a girl, you'll be better off for it instead of hating on the forums for a game you don't like. Really think about that for a while.
  8. You learn to understand how much threat your are putting out through playing the game. This is how we did it in MMO's that don't hold your hand like WoW for years.
  9. The worst might be people trying to drag other people down into their sadness and depression.
  10. That's the new lline now that's it's not dead after a month like the trolls predicted.
  11. Right but if you say there is no exploration and then choose to get the stuff you need to explore for off a wiki.....well........
  12. I never have issues getting a group on the republic side and as a bonus i don't need to look like a goth emo kid. I have an empire alt and i find the stories to be rather boring, yes you hate everything and everyone is scum....blah blah blah.
  13. You need to explore to get all the datacrons unless you decided to get it off an internet site, then that's your problem. Kind of like the guys who follow a wiki thorugh dark souls and then calls it easy.
  14. I disagree fundamentally. This is the first game i actually haven't even cared about level, or been in a rush to get to 50. I enjoy the character interactionjs and the ability to do different things like choose to kill someone, take their money or kill the original questgiver, this is a heck of a lot better than click accept to get boar tusks
  15. As a commando i have no issues. My sage isn't max level yet but certainly none there either.
  16. Your posts reek of desperation to see the game fail, well and the inability to do math.
  17. Maybe, but it's hard to believe someone doesn't know about the tracker.
  18. Like the dynamic content they already said they are adding in March? Learn2DevTracker
  19. Is this the new troll line now that there old troll lines have been proven wrong by the earnings call?
  20. I would just reroll. I've done it in almost every MMO, it's not like it's years after launch or anything.
  21. So many people that predicted it would be dead after a month, funny how they are about as accurate at predicting the future as the guy in rags on the street corner yelling about the end of humanity.
  22. I'm pretty old and have been playing games before there where even forums for games. From the first forums that came around everyone has complained about every game non stop. Whether it was UO, WOW, Call of Duty, Battlefield opr SWTOR. You really haven't noticed this?
  23. If you don't like repeating content an MMO probably isn't for you. Whether it was SWG or WoW there has always been repetition in MMO's. I personally enjoy running flashopoint and other stuff because i do it with friends and we have fun. Since i'm having fun i've accomplished my main goal of playing games.
  24. I don't have the bad load times some people seem to be having, The elevator is a quick flash. ship takes 10 seconds. I also use the fleet pass on a 1 hr cooldown to get rid of a lot of the running around. I wouldn't be opposed to less travel but it really isn't an issue for me right now.
  25. And every quest would be too high level so you couldn't even do them
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