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Posts posted by Exartess

  1. Healing isn't winning the match. The force is winning the match. Healing is helping that force win the match, but is not winning it directly. Which is pretty much exactly what I said. Nice try though.



    Healers are part of the 'force' that wins the match yet there is a distinct lack of parity when it comes to the award of medals amoungst the member of that 'force'.

  2. You are very welcome.


    Forgot to mention. If you are doing PvP you want to use Concussive Force 2/2 instead of Deadly Cannon 2/2 in the Gunnery Tree. So if you do a day of serious PvP you might want to respec for that.

  3. You should play the way YOU want to play.


    That being said, Bounty Hunter Mercenary and Trooper Commando have the same spec trees (just with different names for the skills). During Beta there was a Merc who posted his findings on the Bounty Hunter forums. He advocated a Hybrid build and said that he had great success with it in both PvE and PvP. I put this together from memory so it might be a smidge off but not far.




    This build is meant to stack Crit and Surge as your secondary’s. If you are DPSing you use Armor Piercing Cell and if you are Healing you use Combat Support Cell. Cell swapping in a fight isn’t recommended.


    The first 17 points goes into Gunnery, The rest go into Combat Medic.



    He also said that it depended on which cell he had active as to which of his numbers were higher. He said that if he was running a warzone with Combat Medic Cell active he would have 200k healing and 100k Damage / If he was running Armor Piercing Cell then the numbers were reversed and he would have 200k Damage and 100k Healing.


    I know that at your current level that this doesn’t really help lol, but there is always tomorrow. Good Luck


    P.S. He didn't advocate Alacrity because in his opinion it was a sure way to burn Ammo too fast.

  4. As far as PvP goes I would like some sort of immunity from the Light Flash and Sonic CC. Every BH and Trooper has a helmet and every helmet should be equipped with optic and aural overload dampening devices. If I have my cool helmet on then loud noise and bright light shouldn't be a problem. With those two forms of CC taken out of the mix I become mobile; even with all my channeled abilities.


    Also, as an Arsenal Merc, where do I keep the ordinance I shoot? I am shooting off 3 or 4 metric tons of ordinance in every match and I have no clue where I keep it or how my logistics train keeps me supplied.


    I would put the jet pack mobility issue low on my list. Being able to jump over fire pits or up to the scoring platform would be bad for Huttball. Troopers don't have equivalent tech and Stim Jumps would be dumb and are not feasible or believable.


    But back to the helmets, BH and Troopers ALL have those and we would all benefit from some selective cc immunity.

  5. I think BioWare hit a homerun with crafting.



    I am having an obscene amount of fun with a Mercenary and Armormech.


    Armormech crew skill has some RNG offered through Reverse Engineering as you seek certain flavors of each item. As soon as you get your second companion you can really crank out the products.


    What I discovered is that the Prototype version of the armor is infinitely more fun to use than the Artifact version. Generally you end up crafting 4 or 5 prototypes before you get a Critical success thus granting a Mod (Augment) Slot for that item.


    Overall, Armormech feels like it has depth. I spent 12 hours discovering all the prototype versions for Heavy and Medium armor useable by characters up to level 15. My Merc and Meko are decked out in top of the line Prototype gear with Artifact level Augments in every piece.



    All in all I spent a day having a very fun time, while crafting of all things, and ended up increasing my firepower and staying power by a ton. I am thinking of taking a tactical pause with my Merc in order to roll a Sniper. I can deck it out in full Prototype gear from my Merc and then pick up Cybertech (on the Sniper) so that I can fully sustain my new armor builds as I level on the Merc.

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