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  1. definately not in melee range, hate to break it to ya, thats why im so pissed about it. maybe caster range, but melee, cant even get close enough to mind maze, wish i had fraps or something to record, this is fustrating.
  2. it wouldnt bother me except im so far away when they detect me, like on the other side of the room....
  3. Are there certain areas that we cant stealth??? I keep getting this big red icon in the middle of my screen and then everything and its mother can see me, and this gets rly annoying during group stuff, when a boss suddenly takes off after me when im waiting in the next room for the rest of my group to begin, and its like you guys better start cuz he sees me. "from this far away?" yes i knoew -.-
  4. im lvl 45 ish, im just trying to get my ducks in order for raiding this has been a question ive had for similar classes in other mmos and nva got a propper answer too. trying to find a proper place to re-begin my rotation again. from what i understand from posts listed is that i do my rotations till i have just enough to do a coulple clarvoyants and hopefully force breach/project when approppriote and then saber strike some more, rinse repeat. i currently use the rotation: Saber Strike - if out of Force Spinning Strike - if target is below 30% health Shadow Strike -if Find Weakness buff is about to expire and you are behind target Whirling Blow - if you are fighting more than 3 mobs Force Breach - use whenever not on cooldown Project 2x(buff) - use whenever not on cooldown Shadow Strike - use whenever Find Weakness has proc'd Clairvoyant Strike or Double Strike which becomes something like clairx2, project, force breach(these two usually get paired together due to similar cds and the slight delay on project) one more time then spam saber strike a few times get another rotation in and then saber strike some more. excluding of course when i have the find weakness buff up and use SS. i was just wondering how much i should be saber striking during that down time.
  5. So I've got a question. When we run out of force we need to use saber strike to regain whatever we lost but my question is how much should we regain before laying down some big dmg again. Should I keep going till my force is full, should I stop around 60%? I guess im confused confused on when I should break off and continue my assault for the most dmg output possible.
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