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Everything posted by Zeino

  1. Last night my group went into Lost Island HM for the first time. We expected some slight challenge but knew that with our gear we would make it through ok. As happy as we were to have somewhere new to go, we were very dissapointed in the gear that decided to drop. First boss: Took a little bit of time to figure out that it is not melee friendly. Luckly we were a group comprised of mostly ranged aside for me, the Jugg tank. All went well upon our kill until we found that he was dropping gear well below his difficulty level. Still, we pressed on. Second boss: Took us no time at all to realize he was going to push us off the platform so we just thought about it for a bit and then killed him. Again, he dropped some gear that was worthless to anyone geared enough to run that flashpoint. Last Boss: Although challenging, it was only our second attempt that we realized we were going to two shot this new menace. We were lucky enough to get a nice piece of Rakata gear along with a Columi weapon. I am not upset with the addition of this flashpoint at all. It will give me something else to do once in awhile. The story line is great and I really enjoy where this is going. I would enjoy it even more to find that the story continues in further patches. Now, here is the bad that I see. As I mentioned, the gear that dropped was gear that was not needed by my group. I fully understand that with a fully geared ops group we are not likely to see anything that we need for our current spec. However, we realized that even with our high gear level and skill, we were having a hard time trying to acquire something that we would have little use for. Isn't the point of a Flashpoint to allow you to gain better gear to make things easier in the future? Would it be wise to maybe head into this flashpoint with your Tionese gear? Not at all. At this point you would need to be full Rakata with slight Columi in order to even attempt this place. I am in no way saying that this place needs to be nerfed. If anything, make the challenge and gear drops greater. Columi with a touch of Rakata is not going to cut it in there. On a side note, one of the mini-bosses dropped some of that legacy gear, now that was a good idea and I hope to see more of it.
  2. It would be fixed with brackets and cross server PvP... I do play on a PvE server at the moment. All my friends picked it so I kinda followed. I see what you are saying though. I did play a Jedi Knight for a little bit but then found out that friends were on the Sith side so I moved over there. The game play and available players is definitely a drag on the game. Maybe we will see server migration earlier than we though...
  3. Now that makes sense I guess... Im kinda sad though because I liked the other battlegrounds too
  4. I am Sith. Its fun when you win I guess, but too many players are just out for kills and not the actual strategy of the game. Is there a reason why it is so dominate in the PvP queue?
  5. Just like the question said, I never seem to be able to queue for anything else but Huttball. I have to honestly say that I am starting to dislike it a lot now. At first it was fun, it was great, and I had a blast. Now, it's the only thing that I ever queue in for and I am starting to get annoyed. I understand that we only have 3 battlegrounds right now. That still doesnt account for Huttball being the only one I have seen in the last 3 days.
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