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Posts posted by eedwana

  1. We are recruiting in expectation of Shadows of Revan. We are a West Coast guild with play time in early evening to late evening. 7pm to 1am


    All levels are welcome. We have a complete stronghold and full experience and reputation bonuses for the guild.

    The guild includes experienced nexus of officers but we need more players to achieve the flagship and bolster ranks for PvE/PvP/GSF. We do it all.


    We have VoIP servers for mumble and teamspeak


    We love helping others but expect you to put in the work as they say. As a subscriber you have access to guild bank and many items as an acolyte. (30days)


    Our members are friendly and helpful, so if you feel this is a good match for you then whisper Myeesha or Váder.

    Hope to hear from many of you soon!

  2. I guess you made your choice to quit albeit based on a rash and uninformed opinion.

    Too bad. We need more people playing. To whoever thinks communicating effectively

    Through VoIP in an online competitive game is over the top. You sir and or ma'am are a masochist.

  3. I want true space combat and more ships. This game needs more Stars in the Wars. I can see how our ship is a home but I dont see why we cant have other ships for space combat. Also single player space combat gets boring with the 6 stage templates or so. Add in space combat that has PvP or at least multiplayer access and space becomes a place more people will enjoy. More planets as well would be nice and Im sure we'll be getting them in the future. Also Trandoshans!!
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