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Posts posted by eedwana


    My core argument has nothing to do with the skill gulf. My core argument is that the game should be fun for the players. I'm pretty sure that even you will agree with that. 50-0 and 1000-0 matches aren't fun for either side, unless you happen to get a world record out of it. Even then, in my experience and the experience of others I've flown with, a close match is a lot more fun. It's really to my benefit to fly my crappy ships against new players as much as it is to theirs.[/Quote]


    How do we make this a fun game without 50-0 and 1000-0 matches? Keep in mind that GSF is also linked to Conquest objectives and that can be pretty competitive for 1st rank.

  2. Im a huge Star Wars fan even after Disney killed most of it(*** is with legendary?) Played SWG with Jump To Light speed xpac. Was very disappointed with lack of true space combat when SWTOR launched but with GSF I resubbed and pre-ordered. Dont regret it at all. I also do OPS/FP and some ground pvp from time to time so its a mixed bag for me.


    If GSF goes stagnant or gets killed Ill be hopping to Star Citizen. There at least I know the money I spend out side of subs goes to development of content and not more cartel packs with trash loot.

  3. Listen to yourself. "You lost because of circumstances completely outside your control as a new player, and had a very bad experience because of it? Well, suck it up and go play a few thousand games so it gets better."


    That's just not reasonable.


    How is asking someone to play the game as it is not reasonable?

  4. I wholly disagree with OP. I play to win and I train to win. This is a competitive game and as so you cannot ask people to 'dial it down'. What we can do and will do is point out how, what and why you need to change or do something different. I fly with anyone and everyone on the Bastion. Experience is everything in this mini game. Why water that down?


    That being said the onus lies with the fledgling pilot to bring themselves up and thats not going to happen if you pull your punches so to speak. Fierce pilots make for great training. I went through the trial by fire that this mini game is and I took my beatings knowing that great pilots as enemies will make me a great pilot one day. I will concur with another on this thread, a lot can be done to avoid rofl-stomps if we had a larger matchmaking pool.


    I just don't care about how "valuable" it is, because the term "valuable" is merely an euphemism of "they get the laurels and the rest gets nothing".


    "Yes, thank you, good booy, you helped me all of these years to get to the top. I'm an ace, gaining millions of money now, being able to live in the most exclusive and the most expensive penbthouse you can dream of, living in a world full of luxury, haviong my own vehicle crafted especially for me - I have everything I want now, and just a little bit more - meanwhile you are sitting on the street, dressed in dark brown rags, begging with a rusty voice for a lousy coin, and try not to die in the cold of winter when you have to sleep on the naked streets. I thank you for helping me to get into the great position I have now. Here is your coin."


    I tried to elaborate to to what the purpose was but I guess I wasn't clear enough. My apologies. Assists count as much as a kill does in achieving medals. Medals and objective points increase your requisition. You are given your 'laurels' as you so put by assisting in the kill.




    Here is a partial list of how to get medals. Please pay attention to the ones under Kill Assists. Good hunting.

  6. I really have no idea what had happened but EVERY SINGLE ONE I was killing ( I saw the explosion right before my eyes ! ) got the message "[insert other name than me] killed [enemy I had thought I had just killed]" ...


    It's as if some people were explicitrely hunting for low health opponents and do some killstealing.


    That is referred to as the 'assist train'. Its a valuable skill and most competitive teams will focus a target down. It happens in ground pvp too. Assists count towards medals as well.

  7. The funny thing is that if they had followed the WoT example in the video it would actually give newbies T1 scouts a useful purpose rather than just be cannon fodder. It'd actually be really cool to see how the meta would change if GS had their sensors tweaked so they required scouts to basically be their spotters.

    Oddly when i started early access i thought thats how sensors functioned. i was very let down

  8. Since gunships, scouts, and bombers are OP. We should bring balance to the game (as well as the force) by making a space battle game that is balanced, easy to step into and hours upon hours of fun. All it takes is porting the space combat from KOTOR to this game. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_iRFa-dX-qzU/S_ldMTP72_I/AAAAAAAACac/zEvJFgKE2a4/s400/The+gunner's+turret+of+the+Ebon+Hawk+firing+at+a+Sith+interceptor+over+Dantooine..PNG


    Once this is done there will be no more cries from those of Alderaan decent. These boards will be filled with accolades for this new and iconic space combat mini game.

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