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10 Good


  1. This night we did our first guild Ops-run and we found out that loot was distributed automatically. For starters I'd like to say that I love this system. It saves a lot of time and ensures that nothing can be ninja-ed. HOWEVER: once you have gotten something, you're stuck with it. We had 3 Sith Warriors (2 Juggs, 1 marauder) and a token drop for the Columni Boots. The system randomly distributed the token to one of us: of course it did so to the only person who already had the boots So he got a token that was useless to him, when it could have benefitted either of the other warriors a lot. Hence my suggestion for trading BoPs with party-members or something along those lines, because the automatic distributing in this instance doesn't ensure that something goes to the person that actually needs it, just to someone who "might have use of it". Or maybe change it so that only people who can use it are allowed to roll for it. That way things still can't be ninja-ed, but the ppl who already have that item or better can simply pass.
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