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    Star Wars, obviously.
  1. I agree with Docyrian. Most of your suggestions are fantastic except for the last one -- I agree that it would take away the diversification of the classes. In regards to the starships... perhaps, even the addition of different star ships that are not class specific? It would, of course, take some time to develop, but I think making these available for purchase (most likely with Cartel Coins) would be great. Although I'd settle for having the Imperial Agent's X70B Phantom on all my characters - that is one good looking spaceship.
  2. Then perhaps they should consider something similar to Diablo 3 with the Auction House that allows items to be sold in US dollars. Blizzard simply takes a cut and presto! virtual items = real cash. This is a nice system because it allows players to make a bit of money back from their addict--er, hobby... while still letting the developer take a cut. It also provides a safe environment for people to sell high-level items without fear of being ripped off (bad deals excluded). The only problem would be the devaluation of the credit as a currency. That being said, the credit already seems to be quite inflated and the Cartel Coin system won't help that, either. Sigh. Too bad it's a moot point, eh? Since they decided to go F2P all we can do is imagine.
  3. I actually propose a one-up on this: Allow players to link their legacies together for relationship purposes. Naturally, this would be agreed upon by the players and only possible between those who are on each others' friends list. I play with my husband and I'd rather like to drag his character into my legacy and link our characters. If TOR were to, in the future, offer some sort of housing this could be combined with that function. For example, a player could make a Legacy-based building and only characters linked into that legacy tree could then enter that building. This would not affect any legacy based perks, it would only be socially pleasing.
  4. Unfortunately, the free-2-play model brings in the $$ and in the grand scheme of things, that is what all games are about. I also dislike F2P games. It would be nice if they kept some of the servers as Subscription Only and did not force the Cartel Coin system upon the subscribers, but rather made it mandatory to be a subscriber on those servers to play on those servers. I guess that would be too difficult. It looks like they're planning to roll out a lot of new content in addition to the F2P function, so maybe you and I won't suffer too much (as we'll be distracted by shiny new things!!).
  5. Check out the description of the upcoming free play here to see what they're talking about. Where, exactly, are you going to put a rancor holoreplica or party jawa statue if not on a modifiable ship or housing complex? This was only a matter of time. I hope they don't do the messy build-wherever-you-want thing that SWG had going on. I know some of you love that, but it doesn't suit this game. I thought the suggestions made by AstralProjection were very tasteful for dealing with this issue. However, I would like to add that some buildings could naturally be tied to your legacy as opposed to simply being guild based. As I already have my some of my characters "related", it would be nice to have a family home for them to go to - this would be logical given the legacy function.
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