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Posts posted by Guancyto

  1. Every game does it

    It is a lazy fix and I don't know of a single game that ever makes changes to skills in PvP situations only. I don't know how complicated it would be to code something like that.

    Guild Wars does it (I think the sequel does too)


    Coding it isn't hard. If it's just a change of numbers, it's dead easy. ("x stuns for less time when targeting players," etc.)


    The limitation lies in the design phase: if it's an actual change in the skill or talent's functionality, it basically means you can't have open world PvP, because in the open world there's not really any way to tell if a player is fighting a monster, another player, or both at once. Guild Wars gets away with it by rigorously separating their PvP and PvE areas.


    TOR didn't find this desirable and I can't exactly blame them, but the bleed-over when your PvE skill gets nerfed for PvP reasons is just collateral damage from the design decision.

  2. I'm curious about something. I hit up Makeb and the intro to it referenced the ending I chose (Imperial Batman).


    If you haven't finished chapter 3 and go to Makeb, what do they think you are? What ending does it treat you as having chosen?

  3. Having played through the Consular story and seen most of the rest of the reep class storylines on Youtube, I will say this:


    The Jedi Council being a bunch of useless, oblivious, own-goaling jerks is not in any way unique to the Consular storyline.


    Consular darkside may not actually get a story, but it does let you slaughter your way through a significant percentage of the Jedi Masters. Don't worry, spend enough time watching them futilely flail at waging a cold war against an implacable foe stronger than them (and then later, a hot war against an implacable foe stronger than them) and you'll realize that every time you kill one, you're doing the Republic a favor.


    (The same is also true of the Sith and the Empire, admittedly.)


    Anyway, "chapter 1 end good, chapter 2 end good, chapter 3 good, all the rest unimpressive" is a pretty good summary.

  4. DarthTHC, you keep using that word "perfectly." I do not think it means what you think it means!


    It's not 'perfectly' fine, but it's totally manageable.The restrictions are petty, with all the good and bad that comes with that.


    If I had to change one thing... hmm. Early Bounty Hunter quest on Nal Hutta. You meet with the Hutt, and get your pay (for bein' a gorram bounty hunter) from his receptionist afterward. Quest reward is a credit box. F2P can't get credit boxes as quest rewards.


    For me, who is used to that sort of thing, this is hilarious. It's really obvious they just didn't notice the interaction.


    For an actual new player, they are level 3. They have been at the game for maybe half an hour, and they get the message, "sorry bounty hunter, to get your pay for hunting bounties, you have to subscribe to the game!" First impressions are super important, and it's a huge 'screw you' like none other, right inside the first hour. I'd guess it's individually responsible for driving away scores of new players.


    Nothing big, just change the quest reward.

  5. My... tone says I'm complaining.


    In text.




    Look, it's simple. The restrictions are stupid, sure. They're also really not a big deal, and more importantly, they're not in place for the benefit (or detriment) of Preferred players. It's not about me. It's about you, and about making you not want to give an honest try at being Preferred because you've heard such awful things about it.


    The point I'm trying to make is the restrictions are more "style" than "substance." They're intended to feel much heavier than they are. They're annoying, but they're not actually restrictive. I'm quite happy as Preferred. Spend some time that way and you'll see that the supposed 'perks' you get for subscription amount to basically, "the idiot boyfriend who doesn't accept you broke up will stop texting you all the time" and "you can be more lax about managing your (ingame) money."


    Fifteen a month for that? Pfft.

  6. I was in beta, bought the game new, and subscribed for six months (plus the free one that came with the game) at the start. Then a couple more months at the advent of F2P to see how things had turned out. Just now I've bought another month's subscription because I was curious about Rise of the Hutt Cartel and subscribing for a month was cheaper.


    I'm going to say something crazy and say, as a person who has endured F2P restrictions for more than a year now, F2P restrictions are way more annoying and petty than they are actually restrictive. As a freeper, you cannot go five minutes without being reminded that you are not a subscriber. But as a freeper, you don't give a damn. After a while, you just start to point and laugh at the desperation of it. "Oh god, please subscribe, we'll... we'll lower your vendor prices! We'll give you credit boxes! We'll stop bothering you about having too many credits! We'll do the dishes! We'll take you out to that fancy place you like! We can change, baby, don't be like this!"


    The vendor prices were always too low (for those things one actually bought from vendors anyway). The XP was always too high, and rest XP just made it worse. I remember, I leveled my first few characters under Sub XP rates. We were overleveled for everything, even without bonuses or flashpoints. We got off Korriban at level 13 for goodness' sake!


    Credit cap? Credits are pretty close to worthless when playing, useful only at endgame and in buying unlocks. Purple items? Blues are perfectly sufficient for 95% of the play experience.


    The really stupid restrictions don't exist to get freepers to subscribe. They exist so that a subscriber who has let their sub lapse is suddenly thrust into a world where dignity does not exist and bad things happen for no reason. They exist so that a lapsed sub suddenly has to think about all the little things that they're missing which don't particularly matter but are made to felt as though they are the most important things. They exist to make transitioning between the two feel like driving on bricks instead of asphalt (but both are totally roads). They exist for threads like this, where the subscribers can get together and talk about all the things in which they are better than the common rabble, none of which really make a difference in 90% of the game (and in the remaining 10%, they can totally pay credits for everything if they're smart about it). They exist to be complained about.


    They exist so current subscribers will continue to spend hundreds of dollars on a game they have already beaten.

  7. Having read the OP thoroughly... yes, this is a pretty terrible idea, but not for the reason that's getting thrown around in the following posts.


    $25 a month for a server where everything on Cartel is free is a terrible deal... for Bioware. A person who pays that premium will buy half a billion cartel packs, all the unlocks, absolutely everything, and basically rolll in it. For a month.


    In a month, they'll go "well, that was amusing," downgrade their subscription, never revisit that server, and probably spend a lot less on the Cartel Market for as long as they continue to play the game, because they had those robes/packs/unlocks, and now paying for them doesn't feel right.


    Net result? $10 to Bio in exchange for spoiling a cartel customer on the service forever.

  8. by livinig in a country that isnt listed , i have never had a toll free call . I couldnt even buy the game on official site because my country was in red zone. Now I cant use my credit card to subscribe because my country is in red zone instead im using game cards that are more expensive then regular subscription cost i buy from bulk cd key sellers on internet.Probably i wont recieve this months cartel coins because stupid system doesnt treat game card playtime as subscription.


    and still i dont qq


    This is why economy of western countries are collapsing. People are complaining on every single little detail.


    I, uh, I hate to sound crazy, but if you aren't receiving your coins that you ought to receive for the game time you paid for... maybe you should complain?


    Maybe you should complain a whole lot so they give them to you? It's not the death of western society to complain about not receiving part of the product you paid for...

  9. But then rescaling old end game content will make the new expension a must have as if you choose to not buy it there will be no more end game for you at lvl 50. Taking away what you could do formerly.


    There'd be no real endgame content for you anyway, people would be busy on the level 55 stuff.


    I mean, people still raided Ulduar during WoW Cataclysm, for instance, but they were a tiny minority and it was only for the lulz. Or the achievement points. I pray to every god listening they never introduce achievement points into SWToR.

  10. I think it's fairly important to note that this is why paid expansions in MMOs have historically been large and expensive (or free, if you're like EVE). You don't just need new leveling areas, you basically install a new everything. Or nearly, anyway.


    Ehrm, so forgive me...probably a stupid question but don't most of the FP/OPS require an item level that's higher then 55 anyway?


    I'm not saying that BW:A has an excuse for not including new FP/Ops, I'm just trying to understand how gamebreaking the new levelcap is for endgame content.


    Columi is level 56, yes. In theory, it would be to Makeb what Xenotech is to the base game now.


    It's... sticky. If you don't include new gear, what do you give people on Makeb? If you give people new gear, what they have becomes obsolete, and you're in the power spiral.


    I guess they could kind of work with it if they relegated you to EC and TFB, which want 55+ gear to be effective. But, the effectiveness of your ratings is based on your level, which means your stats actually go down as you level if you're still in Columi gear.


    They could make it work, I guess. It would be clunky and kind of ugly, but not exactly gamebreaking, I don't think. Someone who knows better can correct me, by all means.

  11. Well, okay. If they give us new operations and flashpoints for Makeb I will be very pleasantly surprised.


    But I will be very surprised. The only thing they're advertising is the planet and the level cap increase, it seems an egregious failure to not mention that there will be other stuff too if there is in fact other stuff.

  12. Cargo hold access 475

    Inventory slots 175

    3rd crew skill 420

    Custom titles 75

    Hide head slot 350

    Unify colors (but this doesn't work anyway) 350

    Legacy name 100


    I add this up and I find it costs me 1945 cartel coins. I can get 2400 for $20. So, for $20 I can unlock what I want. I'll be a premier subscriber so I'll get 500 coins a month. In months I can have all of this stuff or I can pop just a little bit more than the price of a one month sub and have what I want. That's my math. And I showed my work.


    That's how much it costs to get all that for one character...


    You're looking at about 2 to 2.5 times that for account-level unlocks. Also, you only bought one row of inventory slots.


    Edit: And you forgot your purple gear authorization, if that's something you care about (it may not be)

  13. That may be so from your perspective.

    I on the other hand have no problem whatsoever paying miserable 10$ for a beefy chunk of content such is this one.


    If it were a beefy chunk of content worthy of being called an expansion, I'd be more okay with it.


    As it stands all we have for certain is a planet with a couple of planet questlines (at least one for each faction), and a dev saying it's a beefy chunk of content.


    Everyone in this thread is boxing in the dark, certainly, but your fan is showing.

  14. I've been thinking about it, and it may well be that they don't have the technology at present to give us Makeb in the CM.


    Oh, they definitely have the ability to restrict zones, as evidenced by Section X being a cartel market purchase.


    But, as with everything else about this content update, the level cap increase ruins everything. The existing mechanic to impose a different level cap came with the trial, and that was all account-wide and all done out-of-game.


    Using an ingame item to raise the level cap may well be trickier for them to code. I have little doubt they'll add it eventually though (although whether or not they do so only after it's become obsolete, like WoW charging five dollars for outdated expansions, remains to be seen).

  15. Those games offer about only 6-8 hours of game play at most. And before the ultimate edition the Fallout New Vegas expansions each were $20 each when they first came out. You are paying $10 for even more hours of content and if you have multiple alts, which then it is probably more.


    Ah, I hadn't known that they used to be $20. That's pretty hefty, even for OWB. I sunk a lot more than 8 hours into that DLC, though. (Although the other ones were probably not quite so long or beefy.)


    To be honest I don't like how they worded it as an expansion and should have called it a DLC since it doesn't add more to the class story line, but more of an adventure pack. But right now, we are all just speculating about the content, so its pretty much a guess in the dark as to what it will bring.


    Yeah, see, I would actually be totally okay with what they're offering it if they called it an adventure pack, didn't raise the level cap and didn't shoehorn the class stories into somehow being continued by it. If it could stand on its own merits and there was no need to buy it to keep up with game development or access post-RotHC content updates, I'd be pretty content. That's probably not going to happen, though.


    I'm skeptical about this, but what if (and this is a big what if, now) they added like:

    1 Planet

    5 Levels

    3 Flashpoints

    3 Warzones

    3 New Item Tiers

    2 Ops


    Do you then think it would have been a better value than a:

    1 Planet

    5 Levels


    I think so. The fact that we don't exactly know what is comes with the expansion pack is a big mystery and if there is some clarification, people could make better consumer decisions.


    Well yeah, of course that's a better value. :p And if that's what we end up getting for $10, I'd call that a proper mini-expansion.


    BW's PR department is not very good, honestly. (Look at their F2P page; does a terrible job of selling the benefits of playing.) I understand that they've gotten kind of gun-shy about giving details away, but people will kind of go stir-crazy from lack of good information. We're all boxing in the dark, here.


    But we can really only go with what we know or say "wait for more information." It's the people who go with what they know and go "this sounds AMAZING AND **** YOU IF YOU THINK DIFFERENTLY" that worry me.

  16. Two areas?



    Underwater area, giant tree, underground place, desert, battlefield, another battlefield that was a world PvP zone. That's six and that's not counting the full revamp of the entire old world (which admittedly, you didn't have to buy Cataclysm to access). Even just on zone content that's many times the additions.


    Not comparable in size to Makeb at all.


    While I have no problems with $10 for a small expansion, you seem to forget that Cataclysm was another nail in the coffin of WoW. It was also the first expansion that was SO bad that they gave it away for free (I got mine for resubbing).


    I think that had less to do with the quality of the zones (many of which were pretty good) and more with the unrelenting focus on grind and the lack of content updates beyond daily areas and like a new raid somewhere.


    ...rather like ToR, in fact...

  17. Ok, so its optional.


    Not if you want to access the future content updates that you, as a subscriber, are paying for and funding with your subscription.


    "Pay $10 extra for a whole lot of not much or unsub" is not a great argument to make to your customers, which is why Makeb works incredibly poorly as an adventure pack/DLC.

  18. you don't have to buy Makeb


    You do if you want to keep at endgame content. The Makeb "expansion" is going to raise the level cap, remember?


    I think you'd get maybe a tenth as many complaints about it if it were genuinely optional, rather than most likely tied to half to 3/4 of their post-Makeb content updates.

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