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Everything posted by Shadowfold

  1. I chose to play a bounty hunter just because and I'm enjoying it very much. Soloing is easy with Mako and I generally have a good time with how evil I can be sometimes. I did a few of the flashpoints and some heroic areas with other people and I'm gonna be honest, I hate the group content so far. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if healers are doing something wrong, but tanking in this game is frustrating and not fun at all. Keeping agro on more than one target is impossible and I die way too fast. I know what I'm doing, I've been playing MMOs for almost 8 years and have been a tank for most of those years and I can't get the hang of tanking in this game. So I decided to stop bothering with group content since I just get frustrated with it. Is it possible to continue playing and finish all 5/6 chapters without ever stepping into a group? tl;dr, I probably won't play after I finish the story for my bounty hunter because there are far better games for actually playing with other people. I just want to play the game for the story and single-player aspect. I just want to know if finishing the game is possible without grouping.
  2. They'll add server transfers in a few months when the game population halves and most of the low pop servers are absolute ghost towns.
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