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Everything posted by Nocorras

  1. Darkness is like assassin on training wheels, it's a dumbed down pvp spec and extremely easy to play.
  2. The hardest healer to kill on my server is a good merc healer. He tanks 2-4 people and heals through it and puts up insane healing numbers.
  3. LOL, newsflash. Healers heal. I had 0-5 deaths every game in solo queue.
  4. Every game he is focused by 2-4 people at all times and heals himself. I rarely get healed by him. I either die or vanish run away and heal.
  5. Mine crits 3k+ 86% surge though base. For bad players it is. It's an easy/boring spec with survivability from using dark charge. If you need dark charge to keep you alive you're playing wrong.
  6. Too bad I'm not using tank spec and you're completely wrong. I'm playing 31 madness.
  7. Oh what a surprise. http://imgur.com/UjCVE
  8. Oh look -- http://imgur.com/zDPeF -- another game with no water and no deaths.
  9. It's a bad build even if it's in a sticky.
  10. and it's a bad spec. rofl you get reciruclation and resourcefulness. All credibility lost.
  11. Lightning recovery is better in every situation.
  12. Oh ya shame on people playing the game how they want to and being good enough to not have to play darkness to live. Bad players use darkness survivability as a crutch sorry. When I play deception I get just as many medals as darkness minus the 50k guard. (Medals win games dont you know) Darkness is the most mind numbing boring/easy spec to play of the 3 specs.
  13. Oh look at no water game and no multidischarge game (per usual) for you. http://i.imgur.com/Iu1bh.jpg I guess you'll cry foul on that one too. I could have gotten 650k+ if they held us.
  14. It's called death field and killing everything in the middle for ball control. What does water medals have to do with anything? Oh that's right nothing. Again, I'm sorry you play with subpar players. I did not multidot with discharge, get over it.
  15. I don't throw dots on everything to get damage. Every screen shot I linked is focus fire with my only aoe being death field. I'm sorry you play with bad players.
  16. I heard medals win games. You're too dense to see anything other than medals.
  17. Over 50% of the games I get into on Wound in the Force end early due to the other team glitching the queue to get fast wins, this glitch is making me not even want to play the game.
  18. low slash to crushing darkness sounds so pro
  19. it's a 3-5% increase in reduction. I usually take it as deception. It's optional.
  20. There isn't much to choose from, it's preference really. I don't think electric execution is worth it over duplicity though.
  21. Lmao, darkness is not hard. It's the easiest of the 3 specs to 'master' by far. You just aren't good at deception. I won't even go into the cringe worthy stream. Darkness is basically the base class with a few more survivability things tacked on so bad players can live in pvp. I have 0-5 deaths max every match always being in the fray. Honestly, I can't wait for rated stuff so I don't have to see an egomaniac post wrong/bad information with his valor rank in bright red/big letters thinking it justifies his opinion.
  22. Well considering it worked this morning and I don't think there were 50s on the test server...
  23. You won't deal nearly the damage I can as madness. You won't catch 5 at a time most of the time and the raw damage isnt there. I'm not multi dotting discharge to pad up numbers, I am single target bursting and using death field.
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