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Posts posted by Aqualisk

  1. This build would run out of energy quickly. You are going to need an energy return ability of some kind in order to effectively heal in long fights. You will need either sith efficiency from the madness tree with reserves from lightning or force surge from the corruption tree.


    What is the goal of this build? I can't really think of any reason to take chain lightning without wrath or lightning storm.

  2. I suspect there's an Empire quest with the answer to this question. As an Empire player and given the titles I've seen people sporting I would venture that Bounty Hunters may have something to do with it.
  3. Is anyone else really disappointed that you didn't get to deliver the killing blow?


    I cannot believe that somebody at Bioware thought it was good for some no-name Sith council member to kill the villain that I have been fighting for nearly half the game. Cannot believe it. What a stupid way to end the duel.


    In general the Inquisitor is shafted when it comes to cutscenes. Compared to the Sith Warrior our story reads like a library book. The Warrior throws people, does fancy lightsaber stuff, and tons of other things. The Inquisitor gets to do very little of that. I just can't believe that at the one shining moment we get, in a game where we are mostly the underdog, it's robbed form it. So disappointing. I would ask that the writers please don't repeat this mistake. I feel really cheated after having completed it.

  4. You get a mask from a class quest. I have been wearing it since I got it. Putting new mods in it every planet. I got it in my late 20s and I'm 45 now. There are some other masks I have seen, but most of them look horrid. The only bad thing about the mask I am wearing now is it hides my darkside corruption. I was in a quest and my mask bugged and I thought my graphics messed up because I was so white. I started as a deep red pure blood.


    That's a helmet. The OP is asking more about breathers like the warriors get.


    The answer is no, we don't. We get hoods and helmets.

  5. I would suggest not using a tank companion vs. the first Sith. The Force Storm just wrecks them too much since they have a habit of not moving out. It's better that you hold aggro and simply move out of the storm while a companion does dps or heals.


    I myself did it while healer spec so I used Xalek. I would put him on passive during force storm to get him to move out of it, but that was clunky.

  6. The better answer is to go Madness up to Wrath and then dump the rest in lightning for Chain Lightning and Lightning Storm.


    This lets you spam Force Lightning until you get a wrath proc. Use that proc on Chain Lightning then proceed to use the procs on Lightning Strike until it procs Lightning Storm or Chain Lightning refreshes.


    The upper madness tree really isn't all that helpful for leveling. The healing is so meager it's not even noticeable and the final talent is of dubious use in PvE.

  7. Actually every single class is based off of procs. I am not sure why Bioware went this route, but every spec and every class has to manage procs. Yes it is annoying, especially with how small the buff bars are. I wish the rolling text would display when you got procs so you wouldn't have to just stare at your tiny icons.
  8. Lightning spec is very weak until you get Lightning Storm and Forked Lightning. Once you have those talents your damage goes up a lot. Lightning Storm allows you to fit Chain Lightning into your single target rotation for a lot of extra damage. Couple that with Thundering Blast auto crits at the end of the tree and you can deal some very impressive burst.


    Lightning suffers a little bit though because it relies on Lightning Strike for most of its damage. This requires that you don't move often which can be a hassle in PvP and some PvE fights.

  9. Chain Lightning is the hardest hitting attack we get minus Thundering Blast. It's essential for lightning dps. If you're spec'd for madness you won't get any use out of chain lightning since you wont' have lightning storm. Lightning Storm is the only way to use chain lightning realistically in most fights since the standard cast time is so long.


    Madness spec is okay too, it just focuses on DoT's instead of nukes. Having used both specs at 40, I can say they're pretty equal. My personal preference is lightning, but madness really isn't any worse or better.

  10. i would reccomend sending a forum post in the Customer service forum or doing an in game ticket to Customer service. they can help you better than us poor players =P


    Thanks. I'll try an in game ticket, it does sound like a bug now that you mention it.

  11. Hello,


    I've abandoned a quest on Tatooine and cannot reclaim it. I've tried visiting both NPC's involved and nobody has the mission for me. I didn't like one of the decisions I made during it, so I abandoned thinking I could redo the quest, as it says in the knowledge base, but I can't find it again. Is there something special I have to do?


    Specifically I abandoned the quest for force sensitive jawas on the Empire side.

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