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Posts posted by Aqualisk

  1. irrelevant to everything else that is going on today id like to bring something up. Last i checked... this is STAR WARS! NOT the magic kingdom. I mean Come ON. SAGES? SORCERERS? wth!? why isnt it something Futuristic?!? My only guess is that EAware wanted to attract WoW players... so they had to dirty the starwars name to do it... not happy at all.. thoughts comments? anyone?


    Sorcerers and Sages exist in the lore of Star Wars. This isn't anything new at all.

  2. They're both the same mechanically. If you want to get down to it, Khem is technically better for tanking because he heals on mob death due to his stance. Xalek's stance doesn't have a flavor ability because it increases his armor.


    The only other difference between the two is that Khem Val has an instant cast lightning punch and Xalek has a 1.5 lightning strike. Both have the same cooldown. Xalek also gets an unlisted ranged and channeled force lightning which does mediocre damage.

  3. The problem with not using Mako(assuming you're not a heal spec Merc) is that it turns every fight into a DPS race. You have to burn down the enemy before they down you. This will not always work in your favor. Having Mako out, while causing you to deal less damage, usually means you will successfully kill any group engage. DPS companions are a gamble while Mako is consistent and effective.
  4. I've just hit 50 and got lucky with my first pvp bag, which champion set is best for madness?


    The set bonuses are really minor. I'd go with whatever pieces get you to 30% crit asap. Other than that try to get the pieces that don't have wasted stat points on accuracy as it is no help at all in PvP.

  5. Spoiler is a spoiler, and there are few ones which involve the last part of the game.


    Anyway, when you watch any modern movie its always the same, the good guys win, the poor guy gets the girl and the rich is a jerk etc.etc. But it doesnt mean you cant enjoy the movie. Same here. I was lightside Sith inquisitor/assassin and enjoyed it because it was new and somewhat ridiculous. You could've done the same. I also enjoyed IA story, even though I expected most of it because I'm a fan of cyberpunk genre.


    Choosing the right dialogue choice (even if it has no effect on the game), listening to the different answers, getting in character and wasting time on other minor stuff is fun! Complaining about what you expected to complain about is just useless. And, really, compare it to medal of modern duty. Its not Deus Ex, not Planescape or Baldurs Gate, but its not bad, and by not bad I mean good ^^


    The story [isn't new. It's boring and rehashed and certainly doesn't make you feel like a powerful Sith? Just because you liked it doesn't make it good. You're also implying that people spacebar'd through the dialogue sequences or weren't thoughtful with their responses if they didn't enjoy the story. That's a lot of assumptions.

  6. I was hoping the legacy system would unlock new races and such, rather then only expansions.


    They confirmed that the legacy system will unlock new races.


    I'd say cathar have a high chance of getting added as a playable race considering they already have male/female variants, have hairstyle variants, can wear/show gear, and speak basic.

  7. Some are confused.

    The Jedi Knight does not kill the "Voice of the Emperor", they kill the Emperor's true body.


    His spirit lives on, though, as someone already stated. So he'll be back.



    The mail you get as a sith warrior seems to contradict that. It says the voice was defeated by a jedi knight(the player) and says the emperor is still gaining strength.


  8. Both Skadge and Torian only get blues from the belsavis bonus quest lights out. There are no oranges. If you have one take a picture and post it because they don't exist. People keep saying they have techblades and techstaffs. However what they really have are electrostaffs and vibroswords or techswords, Not orange Techblades and Techstaffs.


    Forge is correct. Aim hilts do not exist therefore it impossible for there to be orange techstaffs and techblades.

  9. I dunno about you guys, but I got shivers of excitement when I jetpacked straight out in space out of The Founder. And I don't see how you could get a better ending than taking down the single most important person of the Republic, the Supreme Chancellor. No other class gets such an important kill.


    Jedi Knights would have a word with you.

  10. That sucks.


    Yes it does! Bioware's logic was that they wanted you to use all of our companions instead of just one and switch their roles. When in reality we all just use one companion because it compliments our class/spec even if we don't care for that companion. In my opinion the previous system was way better.

  11. I have to admit, I felt the conclusion was somewhat anticlimactic as well. No new title. No big surprise. No big cinematic other than the "family" posing on the bridge of your ship. It just felt... "oh, ok, I guess I'm done."


    Was the dark side ending any different?


    Nope. You get a nice letter from Darth Tormen saying that the Dark Council will want your services in the future, but that's it.

  12. Killing Armored Sith (forget name) is the end of story? Little unexpectedly.. What aboud Mandalore? Nothing more? So sad.. I reach 50 2~ weeks ago and after end quests i don't feel myself like bounty hunter..



    So you ran around the galaxy chasing high profile targets for money and you don't feel like a bounty hunter? Why would you think betraying your employer would lead to you feeling like a bounty hunter anyway?


    The story isn't over. It's just an interlude after you complete current content.


  13. I'm pretty sure this is a leftover from the beta. Quizen, Skadge, and Torian all suffer from it. In the beta they had different roles, for example you could have Torian use guns, but at some point in time they decided that they each companion needed to have a unique role. Torian and Fess got stuck with new roles that the game didn't quite support. There used to be companion kits which changed their roles, but alas they don't exist anymore.
  14. To the last few posters please read the responses. The questions have already been answered. You reach either end of the spectrum regardless of how many points you have in the other. Once you head towards the cap it removes points from your opposite alignment if you have any. If you wanted to go from light side V to dark side V you can.
  15. I think she's just a questgiver in the BH class story, and not an important one at that.


    I don't think so. I completed the BH story and you never meet her.


    I'm also disappointed with Malgus. You only ever see the guy once in person the whole game prior to the flash point. You talk to him via holo for some flash points and that's it. He's a relatively minor character for being plastered on the art everywhere.

  16. Yeah the only difference is your surname.

    Lightside: Darth Occulus

    Neutral: Darth Imperius

    Dark Side: Darth Nox


    What I’m a bit confused about, is whether your name is changed to Darth (alignment surname) for your title.


    Nope. It just sticks Darth in front of your name.

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