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Posts posted by Endel

  1. Go play an Operative in ranked before commenting, then tell me how epic their survival truly is when focused.



    • Can't roll when netted.
    • Only 1 stun breaker and saving it for net can be a death sentence when hard stunned and focused.
    • No DCD that can be used while stunned.
    • Evasion is short lived and on a relatively long cool down
    • Keeping probes up for heal and DR takes 1-2 GCD
    • Curative Agent is great, but does far too little healing if focused by 2 people. Even with Curative Agent + Probe + DR on Stim Boost you will not survive being focused.
    • Lack luster damage compared to mara, sins, merc, sniper.
    • You basically need to save Evasion for Cloaking Screen to have any chance of escaping in stealth
    • Would gladly trade Volatile Substance for something that did direct (instant) damage


    In normal warzones you can better run away from the fight, but in ranked you kinda have to be in there, and, well, then you will probably be focused.


    So yeah... "nerf operatives" ha ha ha....


    All of the above is correct.


    People that cried since the beginning of the game, achieved their goal of bringing Ops and Scoundrels to a laughabale state, still have the nerve to ask for more nerfs for this class...


    Can people finally focus their cries on some other classes? :rolleyes:

  2. LoL, I'm getting trolled in the merge server thread I started in the gen section by solo story content players telling everyone servers are fine.


    I don't remember when i last visited General section.


    Basically if you write "PvP" in a thread title in any context, they jump in to tell you all sorts of negative things about PvP.

    It is a section for people that i don't want to see in our wz's...

  3. So i have revived my lvl 55 OP yesterday. The experience was deffinitely way much better than in low bracket on pub side.

    First game was a classic Huttball and to my surprise, every person, played objective and we had an easy win.


    In next wz's situation was also not so bad but as someone mentioned here, as the hours passed, it all evened out because more and more obviously unexperienced playeres started to join wz's and Pubs started winning some wz's.


    The experience was still much better than Pub side low bracket.


    I understand all the arguments that because of joining imp side, we cause the imbalance but when you have just couple of hours of play time, you do not want to have that time wasted by players who are not willing to learn. It is the complete ignorance of many players on pub side that is causing this imbalance. There are just too many lvl 30's with lvl 1 valor joining. They have absolutely no idea what to do. There are players that would say at the start that they are new and they are willing to learn. I offered couple of players like that yesterday to team up and they got a hold of things preety quickly....but they were willing to learn.


    I was wondering... what if the brackets were valor based and not lvl based? Probably not going to work because the queue times would be muchlonger i guess?

  4. Its actually kind of funny if you queue later on in the evening and an 8v8 map pops. You might find you have 6 reps facing the 8 imps...it's an absolute slaughter.


    Yes, this is exactly what happens.


    I simply leave a warzone in such case. Yesterday we even had 4 or 5 vs 8 imps.


    To me, playing in such conditions is a complete waste of time and since i only pvp here i refuse to have my time wasted like that so i leave.

    I might consider continuing with my new pub char but could someone tell me, is it the same in the highest bracket? Is there the same problem with republic players who have no idea what to do and refuse to learn in highest bracket?

  5. I don't know how you guessed that i play on TRE but you are correct :)


    I rolled a new char on pub side but it seems that i have just two options. Go back to my 55 Operative and continue with it or transfer to another server where there is no guarantee that the situation will be different in lower bracket.


    The only reason that i didn't go back to my OP upon returning is that i read that it is now even more nerfed than it was back when i played. And looking on forums, it seems that another nerf is inevitable because no matter what, threads about nerfind OP's are appearing as often as they were when game started and every year after that.


    Well i am deffinitely switching to imp side in this case as i would like to have at least a bit of fun.


    I just don't get why people think it is ok to queue for wz's with 0 research on how to play and refusing to learn when people try to explain...

  6. Seriously guys... is it so bad now?


    I left the game long ago to finally come back and what? The situation in low level bracket is so bad on Pub side that it's just unexplainable... where i play, imps are winning 8 out of 10 wz's. When you try to explain, you are beeing called names, and when you waste time of pub player in their fp's...al hell breaks loose... Simply, they can waste your time in a wz but you cannot waste their time in a fp...


    I came back after 2,5 years and back then i left due to reasons that pve players were allowed to waste our time in wz's...now it seems they are allowed to do the same...


    This game is basically beyond repairing pvp wise...am i correct to think that?


    I aloso cannot understand why it is so hard for so many people to learn the basics which are easier than kindergarten...

  7. @Banderal


    First of all, thanks for taking time and describing things as they are now.


    It seems that a huge load of things have changed.


    When lvl cap was at 55 i was geared fully with basically best pvp gear avaialable (can't log in now so don't remember the name of that gear) but it was an end game pvp gear.


    Will this gear be viable until i reach a lvl cap or should i dispose of it as soon as possible and get something else?


    Once again, thanks for help here.

  8. Ok so i have played yesterday...and i'm super confused as to what happened in the last 2,5 years.


    First of all, can someone tell me, what happened to warzone comms and all the PvP npc's on the fleet that you could barter commns for stuff with them? I found only 2 PvP npc's and 1 big Hutt ;)


    Also what are the wz brackets now?


    I hope some patient person will answer this :) Thanks in advance.

  9. Hello.


    After two years i will be coming back to SWTOR for a month for now.


    I played from beta but stopped because PVP got boring. Now i'm bored in other games so wanted to pvp a bit once again here.


    First, could someone tell me, if this thread is still more or less up to date? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=668162


    If not, could someone post a link to some up to date pvp gearing guide?


    I stopped playing at lvl 55 cap and if someone could tell me what gear to aim for in pvp i would be grateful :)


    Thank you

  10. . For the most part assassins/shadows play the pvp match they dont stalk easy kills


    So in other words you say that OP's/Scoundrels in wz's only look for easy kills while Shadows/assasins play objectives not looking for easy kills? :rolleyes:


    Please don't post on the internet again if it's something equally irrational, so far away from truth and so much against any kind of objectivity and logic.

  11. This is a buff to concealment, think about it before all you all knee-jerk with whines please. I'm very happy, no white bar from hiddenstrike+debilitate, no energy loss on roll, no having to be behind the target to get that first backstab. And a nice buff on the shield probe, it's all gravy babes relax :D


    All of this is meaningless after you execute Hidden Strike. It doesn't matter if the resolve doesn't go up now. After you open up, the enemy will just knock you back or stun and kill you afterwards and with nerfed roll, you cannot even escape. It is you who shoul think first not suggest others to do that :rolleyes:

  12. Well i have adapted to every single nerf we had since release and there were many, but this one single nerf to hidden strike is too much even for me.


    You just cannot nerf so much the most important ability, that defines a class. Hidden Strike is the most important ability that can make a difference in fights, especially 1vs1. This is the crucial stun for an dps OP/Scoundrel.

    The whole tactcic is based on this skill and especially on it's faceplant stun. Remove the stun and every opponent with half a brain will just laugh emote at us and proceed to kill us (after using a knocback, stun or whatever else). In such situation with normal roll we at least had a chance to escape but now even that is gone. I'm perfectly fine with a nerf to roll but not when our most important ability is nerfed.


    So after the huge uproar about how we are OP after 2.6 and an equal ammunt of suggestions (both pre and after 2.6) that it was our survaivability that needed some love, in 2.7 we get:


    roll nerf = survaivability nerf

    hidden strike nerf = survaivability nerf


    Instead of buffing survaivability, they further nerf it (let's be honest here, shield probe cd reduction is not a buff to survaivability, this change is meaningless).


    I tried all classes and only dps OP/Scoundrel is what i'm sticking to and since i only pvp, there is no further reason to pay my sub if these changes go live :(

  13. Like i said in some other threads, there is literally nothing special with our buff that came with 2.6.


    Was playing 3,5 hours in a wz's yesterday and nowhere could i find the OP'ness that is suggested here (and only here) on the forums.

    If people would only read the patch notes and see how tiny and insignificant the changes were...but no. One gets killed in a wz by an OP/Scoundrel and here he is on the forums crying that he cannot play against OP/Scoundrel (because that's what all this crying really is - inability to lose combined with inability to play against a certain class especiallhy if that class is played well).

  14. Sorry IIy, but Operative are now back to where they were pre-nerf from the PvP aspect.


    I would say we are still far from what we were in the beginning.


    Nothing with OP/Scoundrel is overpowered after 2.6...except mayb healing tree remains a bit OP.

  15. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave you reported this?

    Because this is not the proper avenue of approach for stopping farmers.

    Put in a CS ticket and be done with it.


    Unbelivable :rolleyes:


    How about you read more than first two words of the OP?! What is wrong with people these days with their reading...


    i have reported these players multiple times, due to seeing them there everyday, doing the same thing, not responding to tells, and moving in the same pattern.


    But there always have to be a ******** in every single thread saying that forum is not a proper place and they should report in-game.

    Newsflash for you Oddball, BW regardless of how many in game reports you will put on no matter what issue, THEY PROVED hey never react on such reports.


    Best example is the idiot on Pot5.

  16. That post that he quoted was actually pretty psychotic. Not everyone lurks on 4chan, and not everyone's accustomed to such fat, blatant trolling.


    And what was psychotic in that quoted post?


    Like i said earlier. This is a computer game. Just move on instead of logging to another char to make such a stupid whisper with poor grammar. If you can't stand beeing killed, just roll on a PvE server and problem solved. That is so simple that i find it hard to grasp why so many here are so disgusted as if they were those white knights mentioned earlier.


    Maybe OP is going by the motto "if it's red, it's dead" which is a sound way of playing on a PvP server. I also think that if it was indeed a lowbie (like a lvl 20 char) he deffinitely wuldn't gank him.

  17. I agree that nobody should complain for being ganked on a PVP server.

    The only reason to gank lowbies in swtor is because you are a griefer and not an actual competitive player.

    I bet you opened from stealth on him as well eh?




    The only eye rolling should be done by me. That's what should happen when responding to people who clearly have reading problems.


    You asked if i opened on him from stealth? Why you ask me? I'm not the OP, i didn't do the ganking and i'm not playing on Pot5 :rolleyes:


    Maybe you should ask OP if he opened from stealth.

  18. I would never, ever wan't to be in the same guild, group or any other activity in game with a type like the one sending the whisper.


    What a crying kiddie. Plus the spelling...


    If one cannot handle beeing ganked in a computer game, especially when it's done on a PvP server then such person should not be playing that game on such server :rolleyes:

  19. PvP players are not the majority in this game or most others.


    I agree completely and nowhere have i stated that or even suggested :rolleyes:


    You're also very clearly a pessimist. Funny that you see 9 instances of planet as meaning people are simply bored and have nothing better to do.


    And what does that have to do with anything?:rolleyes:


    And before you will jump into conclusion (like many others will) i am doing this event every day and i am not against it. I'm just trying to counter couple of other things in this thread.


    One of them is blind support of the game which may end up very bad (my reference to LOTRO on previous page).

  20. Not exactly, they did it so we would stop asking for it, they do read the forums, some of the stuff will never happen, and some stuff gets done almost straight away (they love a free idea they can use, dyes for example)


    I'm not saying that they are looking at everything and saying can we do that, but the two people who are paid to read these forums were probably sick to death of the Bring Back The Rakghould Plague threads, and had a word with their colleagues, so those threads would vanish. And given how mixed the reception was (half loved it, half hated it), I doubt those threads will be back soon, because those of us that hated it will jump on them viciously.


    So how about this:


    You say that BW saw many threads asking for the event and decided: "let's bring it to them". Fine. So they all go through all the planning, testing creating the tunnels and do LOADS of work (that probably took them months) to bring this to the playerbase.


    Now, for some time now there were dozens and dozens of threads everywhere (PvP forums, customer service, general discussion etc.) about a player on Pot5 that hacked the game, is ruining everything for everyone and is having fun with it. Cumulative evidence from many players was posted and what BW is doing about such a simple thing? Nothing. Yes, he still is running rampant in ranked WZ's. You could not have more documented hacking example in the history of this game and yet BW is only fast in removing the threads without even stating they are looking into the matter. Why no "let's ban this guy so the threads about him will vanish and people will stop unsubbing because of this" mentality that you explicitly gave as a reason for giving us the Rakghoul event?


    This is your great BW that is going out of their way to humbly do what the forum playerbase is wishing :rolleyes:

  21. No, good content is good content, bad content is bad content.

    But the Rakghoul plague was returned because the forums were constantly asking for it to be returned, basically EA/Bioware gave us what we asked for (us the entire player base, not me specificallly). Personally I don't like the event, but it was asked for, and thus we can't complain to Bioware about it, but we can ask that they change specific aspects next time (because plenty of people love it, why don't ask me).


    Oh please don't make it sound like BW humbly listened to forum playerbase and added this event. In other words, do you say that BW is making forum playerbase wishes come true? If yes, then they are doing what a small percentage of gamers wan't which would be ridiculous (forum users are nowhere near a majority of playerbase).


    Besides, all it takes is to look at PvP forum to know that BW will never do what forum playerbase wants.


    To sum up: adding this event was deffinitely NOT done because people were asking on forums.

  22. I'll tell you this, four servers at Heavy on a Sunday night, none on light, and nine instances of Alderaan up say that this event has been a great success.


    To me, it says that the 9 instances are there not because the event is popular but because it is the only new thing and only new "area" in the game in some time and people may be bored with everything else by now.

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