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Everything posted by Twickers

  1. Sorry but no, you want to switch your AC, roll up another character, there's a double XP weekend coming so it wont even take that long to get to the level cap. And you have over 40 levels to figure out if you even like the class, this is something I wouldn't want to see happen either.
  2. Delays are normal and bugs are a normal part of MMO's none are perfect, dont like? Then dont play MMO's.
  3. ahhhh I knew it, as soon as I saw word of a delay the hypersensitive 5 year olds who want to nitpick every thing about this game come out of the woodwork. People be happy they're being open with communication, the only other alternative is to keep us completely in the dark, Jesus.
  4. This game also made me love healing, in WoW I DESPISED healing, I hated the clunky spirit system, I hated how every, freaking, expac they changed healing regen mechanics AGAIN AND AGAIN, I just hated it, so I tanked or DPS'd because at least that wasn't getting changed every six months or so. This game made it short and simple, yet punishing if you didn't play correctly, and made managing resources interesting and didn't make you have to re-learn how to heal every other patch, I find it deeply amusing that I went from purely tanking and DPS'ing in WoW to pretty much purely healing and DPS'ing now.
  5. If this was more of something like WoW's challenge modes, sure why not? Make stuff ball bustingly hard and unforgiving, but really I want to see at least one new flashpoint than something just re-done with stuff having more HP and hitting a little bit harder. I get that they have to cut corners here and there but it really feels to me like they aren't trying to give us some fresh new content at times.
  6. So some people will have millions of credits to burn and will get shiny gear that way, woopty doo, lacks the set bonuses and as others have stated repeatedly, there's new 75 gear coming out.
  7. Makeb was a new story, sure it was essentially the same story for all the classes, still a new story, also their selling point rather than PVP. But please do keep trying to look like you guys are the "only thing keeping this game afloat"
  8. And it took WoW over 10 years to offer that many PVP things to do, this game is two years old with 5 warzones currently available. Now as for offering actual PVP objective world zones, I say sure, make something like that so the PVP community can have something to go do inbetween warzones.
  9. This is a pretty meh pack...Might go for the praxon aero, and maybe the adno mantis, but I'll just wait till one shows up cheap on GTN. Pretty big letdown on these packs.
  10. One of the first sensible people in this thread, I'll agree that the PVP community needs some love but acting like you guys are the "only thing keeping this game afloat" is truly laughable, face it this game was more centered to PVE, you came into this game expecting groundbreaking PVP and constant PVP updates, honestly you really failed a spot check then. That said it WOULD be nice to see a new warzone or two for the PVP community
  11. We tested it last summer, game was still afloat at the end of it
  12. And how do you know that PVP'rs are the "majority of the community" I get you guys have an overinflated sense of worth but I doubt your the biggest portion of players.
  13. This has to be the single stupidest statement I've ever seen, congratulations sir. PVP players probably barely makes up 5% of their revenue (see look, I can make up stupid statistics too!)
  14. Sorry Amber but I think that imperial players should be compensated for this in some way.
  15. Fair enough, still if you were coming into this game thinking that it was this groundbreaking PVP experience, you're really not looking hard enough, it's still far more focused on story even if the cash shop is also heavily promoted.
  16. Oh look the PVP community is acting like they're the only thing holding this game together again You really should have realized this game would focus more on PVE content when it was so heavily focused on story.
  17. Wow what the hell, now I'm kinda glad I decided to go republic for my PVE stuff, but this is really messed up and needs to be rectified ASAP.
  18. Those who say that there's been absolutely no improvements are full of hot air, compared to the game at launch its far, far more stable, yes crashes and other hiccups still happen, and every once in awhile I have to wait a bit for something to load but that's with any MMO. Honestly the ones I see complaining the most are the kiddies who immediately declare a game engine to fail if they cant get over 100 FPS at all times with everything running at max settings and downloading three million programs in the background.
  19. I do agree that there needs to be challenge for those who desire it, but making bosses so few will see is not the way to go about doing it, the best way is making hard and especially nightmare mode more punishing. I would go so far as to make nightmare mode so punishing one screw up would cause a wipe.
  20. As much as it would be nice to see something for the 1%, it's a waste of time and resources to make a fight that so few will see, take the original naxx from WoW, barely 1% of guilds even saw anything past patchwerk (I'm sort of making up a number but from what I remember barely 5% of guilds saw past the first bosses in naxx), all that time, money and development wasted because barely anyone saw the whole thing, how would you feel as a developer to put so much work into a fight, hell an ENTIRE RAID, and barely anyone sees it? I don't know about others but I would feel like putting all that time and effort into a fight would have been wasted. Now they could make a secret boss who has absolutely nothing to do with story at all, but it would feel like a giant space flea from nowhere, and even so it's a fight very few will see, so why waste valuable resources and time making something few will see? I WILL say I'm hoping that when they make nightmare mode TFB and S&V that it makes the hardcore community cry, make it ball bustingly difficult for you crazy people out there, but secret bosses that only the small hardcore community will see? I don't think so.
  21. It was a PVP and PVE buff, mostly PVP since now you only need one grav round to do better burst.
  22. I don't care how cheesy the other races look humans are boring
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