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Posts posted by Shibata

  1. Great points in the OP. These things are on the minds of a LOT of PvP players (and maybe even PvE ones). The lack of any type of new content or any news about something new is driving people away. Some will say that people will be back when new content is released, but that is not true. Fewer and fewer return when something new pops up and since it is so rare that new things are introduced to the game, a lot of ppl will never look back, me included.


    In the beginning, I started on a server where the population started to die down fast (a closed server now), literally ALL the people that started this game with me (old MMO and IRL friends) quit in the beginning of the year 2012. I stuck it out till 2 weeks ago when I could do it no more. It is over for me as well and my new guild on the new populated server is dieing too. The OP stated all the reasons me and my entire guild are leaving: bottom line = boredom. RWZ's are such a fail without cross server queing it amazes me they got released in this state (not to mention exploits used even in top rated games, bugs and lag etc). Even on top PvP populated servers, some guilds are without much competition. Trust me when I say that winning a lot is boring after some point just like loosing a lot by others. Add to this the fact that everything is so repetitive and nothing new is coming soon and you have people abandoning ship.


    Not sure about the state of PvE, I gave up on that after the bug fest that the early Operations were. Maybe thouse are better now but surely people are bored of that as well, there has been nothing new for months now.


    At the moment, the big impression we players have (the people that I know at least) is that this game is being abandoned by everyone: developers first of all. Too bad, it could have been big, but the wrong people were on the job from day 1.

  2. Sorry mate, but in my book, anything this repetitive is by far NOT quality. I want something different, unique, non-repetitive involving space please. That is what I want, others may not agree, it is their right.


    Would be interesting to make a Poll and see what the majority wants (I doubt it's repetitive, on rails mini games) ... too bad Polls "scare" these forums so much that they got completely removed. For the same reasons, I never do dailies anymore. That is one of the worst ideas ever in a MMO, too bad they copied that crap too.

  3. The system is well balanced. Does not need modifications. Resolve gets filled fast enough anyway the way it is now ... if we add roots to filling the resolve bar or even roots ignoring a full resolve bar then what? People will spend most of the time being immune to everything will they not?


    If you are not in a competitive and organized guild that does PvP, you will ofc ignore everything I just said, this I know for sure. People who play in random groups do not understand that this game is about team work and objectives anyway. This is the harsh reality, like it or not, it's the naked truth.


    A coordinated team will NEVER CC / root unless they are instructed / they know exactly when to use it. Therefore, you will NEVER see the so called "X minute stun locks" on someone. This does not happen, EVER (first of all because it is impossible). It is a stupid myth created by players who cannot accept defeat and being outplayed. They move onto these forums afterwards and keep creating threads such as this one. This is what is wrong atm: the community that needs to get better, not the game (at least in this aspect of the game, in other areas, other discussions).


    From the paragraph above, you can also draw the following conclusion: CC breaker timer does NOT need to be lowered. In coordinated teams, usage of CC's and roots is not a spam fest, therefore there will plenty of time for the CC breaker to get back up. Furthermore, the use of the CC breaker is highly tactical, you need to know when to have it up. Simply having the so called white resovle bar and use it then is not enough. Sometimes you need to wait even more. Depends on the map and tactics used. Not going into anymore details, each guild has their own tactics and that is enough to say.


    TL;DR: Stop asking for this part of the PvP system to change, resolve is fine the way it is.

  4. No offense but I'm not an idiot, and did you even read the title of the thread. You and the guy under you definitely didn't understand the question. I clearly outlined the combinations I was inquiring about, Operative and Gunslinger OR Scoundrel and Sniper. I don't need clarification on what the mirrors are.


    You need to learn some internet manners (I'm sure you need real life ones as well). The guy tried to help as he saw fit and you reply like that and expect people now to help out? Furthermore, you original post is really misleading and it does sound like you don't know the difference between AC's and specs. That is on the first read. If you think people have time to guess what you tried to say, you should think again braw. I would have an advice for you, but I just cba to give it right now. Enjoy.

  5. Never seen resolve not working myself. Seen some bugs, seen some lag, seen some cc immunity, but I've never seen a problem with resolve itself.


    One thing that concerns me is when people talk about full and empty resolve. When I am playing in guild we always talk about "white bars". Resolve is either grey or white, if its grey no matter how full then cc will probably land. If its white then its time to root them. The cc breaker should be used when you are white barred, and yet many players break while grey and walk into a second stun during which they can waste their white bar.


    THIS ^


    I could make an educated guess that most people that complain in one way or another about Resolve in this game have no idea how to actually make use of it. If you are unsure about how to use it, read what the quote above says or search on youtube, there are quite a few videos that explain how to properly use it.

  6. I don't know if this issue is just specific to the Prophecy of the Five server, and I don't see any other threads about this but...




    Is there any priority in getting this looked at / fixed?


    I hope it's been reported and being looked at at the very least.


    We've lost matches because the game just freezes for seconds, sometimes close to a minute of intermittent lag.


    Earlier today, everyone, EVERYONE, in a huttbell experienced lag for almost the entire match, people teleporting, balls being lost, it was pretty bad.


    I play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd EU. Lag spikes were in almost each warzone we played last evening. In a Void Star it was so bad, that we even capped a door and the other team had no chance to interrupt the cap due to the screen being completely frozen for 2-3 seconds a few times over. We were basically seeing screenshots that were changing each 2-3 seconds. It was the absolute worse LAG i ever saw in this game so far.


    EVERYONE experienced this lag: our team, their team, everyone. It is NOT our problem. It is server lag, game lag, client lag (pick one BW) ... it is not in the player's control. It has been happening since 1.3 went live. Bioware, acknowledge it's existence please and fix this asap, it makes for poor competitive play in Ranked Warzones and not only !!!

  7. I’m curious why there isn’t more outrage about Operative and Scoundrel healers. Operative and Scoundrel healers currently enjoy a gross advantage in PvP combat over both Sorcerers and Sages as well as Mercenaries and Commandos. Operatives and Scoundrels possess more methods of crowd control and escape than any of their counterparts, are more maneuverable while healing, are nearly immune to interrupts, and have a resource system that provides an utterly inexhaustible supply of healing.



    Our other healing classes never complain about such nonsense. You must play with really bad healing sorcs or mercs (or perhaps you even play one). We always roll with 1 OP and 1 sorc/merc for healing in our ranked. There are no problems at all with them, I even envy mercs a bit at the moment for their survivability. Good healers are good, no matter the class. Period.


    Get a proper tank and have proper peeling and stop crying about the world being bad to you. You surely need to step up your game.

  8. I absolutely hate leveling up characters.. it takes so long and is increadibly dreadful. At least, to me. I currently have a level 50 and increadibly love the whole end game things. What are he odds that Bioware would even give me a free level 50 character? I mean what's the harm in it.. I've already paid $60 for the game and $60 additional dollars in two 60 day time cards. And also does anyone else wish upon a free level 50? I mean heck I'd be happy for a completely gearless level 50 and if we was put back at the beginning of the main story so I still had to do my class quests. I do not mind grinding those. Just the painful trip of making it to level 50.


    Would you like some sugar with that?

  9. Several times I have been attacked by Imps on Ilum and Belsavis, and I have heard of others being attacked too on these planets as well as on Alderaan. The latest incident occurred as we were grouping for the Belsavis World Boss fight. The Imps attacked the Boss, and us, prior to our fight with it and I have reported them as we were there first. I was the first there, then our group, then one imp showed. It was then that around 5 showed and attacked the boss. You don't attack the boss with 5 unless you have the intention to disrupt another group from achieving its goal. This sucks. I am tired of the imp attacks, their hacks ( I see it every day in PvP) and I am just biding my time till Guild Wars 2 goes live on 8 28 12. Anyone else been attacked or disrupted by imp players? If SWTOR wants to continue, stop the hacks, and end the PvP flag ( on a pve server!!!) immediately after leaving a warzone! As for the Imp attacks, I guess you can't expect much more from a player who WANTS to play an evil character.


    Can't decide yet if this is serious, kinda looks like it, usually if it's weird enough, it's probably real.


    Anyway ... you are on a PvE server (he says so) so half the people that replied here did not actually read the OP. Even on a PvE server, after you exit a Warzone, there is a 5 (FIVE) minute wait for the PvP flag to deactivate itself. Is that so hard to do OP? Is it that hard to wait 5 mins in a friendly area of you own faction? It is your fault and your fault alone that you did not wait for the PvP flag to be off. Instead you come crying like a little girl on the forums that the big bad boys that play the "bad guys" killed you in a virtual world. Seriously? LOL. Furthermore, PvP areas are even on PvE servers. Get used to that and if you are trying to kill world bosses, make sure you can also defend against opposing faction players with your group. Bring more people to help defend the main raid (solutions are out there) ... stop being lazy and demanding everything for free like a lot other ppl in this game.


    And yes, as others said before me, since you seem to hate PvP you plan on going to a PvP orientated game instead of SWTOR? Jesus Christ man, you are too much :).

  10. Simply not true. Commando healer is by far the worst out of the 3 healers, and commando dps is the single worst class in the game, though scoundrel dps isn't too much better (but at least they have some utility).


    What? Merc Bodyguard (and commando counterpart) with a tank guarding him and proper peeling is immortal. Do you even know what you are talking about? Tha fact of the matter is, people got scared of the nerfs back in 1.2 and abandoned Mercs and Sorcs healing wise and some picked up Operatives in the hope that their mobility will make them better. They were wrong. Even then, if you teamed up with a good tank, you would be strong as merc/sorc (merc more then sorc though). Same goes for Merc dps, people are scared of playing it, but proper players will always cope with changes.


    Please do not comment on things you clearly do not understand.

  11. Well DPS teams rule the ranked WZ's. Pug 8 man teams lose a lot. Went into a buzzsaw of an all Trooper team. Didn't have a chance with the Pull in and AE. Pull in and AE, Pull in and AE. Had 3 games in a row vs that one. After a 0-13 beating Ranked just is now completely broken with min/max teams ruling without challenge. DPS for pvp needs a nerf bat. I run a Sith Immo tank, I take 6+k hits while guard is up = Dead in under 5-8 seconds depending on if i'm not CC'd thru the whole thing.

    1.1 PvP was WAY better Tanks could guard without fear of melting, healers could keep team up and DPS worked for a living. It was working and some brilliant dev team decided that tweaking slowly was way worse an idea than doing a full overhaul. made WoW arena come to SW:ToR. Strategy makes no mind vs min/max teams. It's sad that only when pug v pug happens do you have a true strategy and skill come into play. Any addition thoughts or similar encounters out there?


    I really do not want to sound elitist or anything, but with 0-13 wins for you, you are nowhere near the real RWZ's competition at the moment, no matter where you play as a server. You are in the lower to lowest brackets, and probably so was/is that team of full DPS you mention. Therefore, what you guys do there is not really that important in the big scheme of things. We are only in the ~1700 rating atm and we never meet full dps teams anymore. We annihilated some 2 days ago and we had a full melee one last evening (all Jedi Knights against us, a mix of Sentinels and Guardians) that we absolutely destroyed - we had 0 deaths the whole Civil War we played.


    We run with a balanced team of 1 Pure tank (Jugg or PT), 1 Assasin, 2 healers (2 OP or 1 sorc and OP - we will have a merc bodyguard soon also) and the rest dps (healing and guards in the mix as it should be). I really doubt that at the very top you will be able to succeed with pure dps teams. As you can see we do not avoid any classes, we can play with Merc dps/heal or Sorc dps/heal easy, provided they know how to play the class.


    At the moment, there are no really underpowered classes, there are only people that play classes badly. What the game has, is classes that are easier to play than others and classes that find their utility later in the game of PvP with best in slot gear. That is a problem as well but at the end of the day, when you play with really good people, their class matters less if they know how to play it.


    Sure, some tweaks and tone downs can be made to DPS overall in this game, it does tend to be exaggerated when using min/max gear. And there are a few specs that are simply useless for top ranked atm. I'd give Operative lethality or concealment as an example (and the scoundrel counterparts). We found out we had the most problems with an Operative dps in Huttball matches (and we have a really good operative dps in our opinion), they are simply useless there, even controlling mid for them is really hard as they can get focused and killed way too fast and bring little utility overall against proper teams that do not use them. We actually went on a huttball last night that had 2 scrapper scoundrels. They did not even touch us (us healers) and they really tried, were not too bad, but peeling them is so easy, it was hilarious how fast they were killed. This class has a meaning in solo play or PUG-ing, but not in a team environment unforntunatelly, and I am an operative myself, I think I know what I am saying. Imo the same applies for PvE in regards to their utility. So there, you got some1 underpowered in RWZ's, but everyone else is pretty fine atm.

  12. I am wondering what I should do. I have full BM and working toward WH but it's taking forever which doesn't bother me too much and I don't want to get carried through RWZs to get it without earning it.


    But do you think it will be better to pug RWZs and get 20-50 rated comms or just do normal and go from there?


    Right now my guild doesn't have enough people in BM/WH to really stand up to some of the groups that we might face in RWZs so most of them dont even want to queue.


    Just lookin for advice.




    My opinion: go for ranked. Do not go expecting to loose horribly, try to do everything you can and most of all: try to get at least 8 medals for full benefits. Even if you loose, remember, that if you play as best you can and prevent the enemy to get an easy win, you get more rewards.


    Also, the 8 man guild teams in very good gear will slowly climb the ranks and start playing more and more with each other, leaving PUG groups at the lower end of the ranks to battle it out with each other, giving you chances to win from time to time depending on how good your group will be.


    This is what I will do on my alts anyway.

  13. Prior to ranked, when we still had 4 pug's, the following happened in Civil War:


    The 4 of us were all at mid defending against a full attack. We took a big risk and left one of the pugs to defend snow. We never do that but, oh well, we did it this time. Now, the pug was a Jugg with decent gear, mostly WH so we were hoping for the best, when we simply see the guy starting to go down in health, he dies, the assasin that killed him starts to cap. We rush there we cap it back bla bla.


    I ask the guy politely in ops chat: " Why did you not call incoming on snow "?

    Answer: " I was CC'ed "

    Me: " You could not type while CC'ed "?

    ............ (silence)


    Boggles the mind.

  14. This happened to us. Our healer got stuck in spawn and couldnt move and eventually got booted.


    Now, we managed to win anyway playing most of the match with 7 players and down a healer, but that could have cost us the game. This kind of glitches being in is UNACCEPTABLE. We cant have teams losing matches in Ranked just because of stupid glitches.


    It happened to us in a Voidstar, one of the first games we played. The team member is a sorcerer (not that the class matters, it happens to everyone). We got extremely lucky as it was almoust the end of round 1, and he was not kicked till Round 2 started and fixed this for him. Again, we were very lucky, I bet others are / were not.


    This is a major bug, and with Ranked in the game, you need to prioritize a fix for this ASAP please Bioware.

  15. I think you didn't understand the sarcasm here.

    DPS is way over the top right now making it possible even for an healer to burst another healer in almost a stun.

    I've been doing that with my healer just to ninja nodes. I killed a sorc healer and a sorc madness in 12 seconds, the time of my freighter. The healer died in the 4 seconds of my stun. And yes they had at least BM gear.

    Heals are perfect where they are.

    They need to tone down the DPS of everyone as well as changing guard to being something active and not a passive 50% damage transfer.

    Tired of seeing people die in 3 seconds top just because 2 sentinels force sweep dispatch.


    Edit : To poster above. I said I can kill healers with my healer. Not that an healer can kill me. And I win my 1 on 1 fight 99% of the time. The 1% is against certains individuals which I win 95% of my duels against.


    I was simply covering both aspects there. You came here with an accusation and a title that is way too exagerated. You provide no proof, no logs, not video, nothing. You tell us a nice story of how you killed some sorc. Maybe the sorc was really really bad? You think that the developers will listen to this whiny post about a non-existent problem presented like this? Everyone keeps coming on these boards to whine about situations where they got outplayed. Most of all I believe do that. That is my own and personal opinion.

  16. People keep replying to the OP that he is a clicker and that he backpedals yet nobody is offering any feedback or fix to the problem.


    They are right to point these things out OP, you need to understand that first of all, even though thy have only a abrupt way of saying it. You need to be more mobile, use the pillars or other objects that could help you LOS opponents (especially when defending / attacking mid in Civil War) and if you start being more mobile, you automatically stop backpedaling as you try to move around a lot more. This increases your survivability, as you die quite often in your video. Yes, even healing sorcs can be mobile.


    Furthermore, do try and bind more abilities to the keyboard or get a mouse with as many buttons as possible. while you may not see it now, trust me, it will make things a LOT easier.


    Good luck.

  17. yes, this is massively annoying. my favorite was when i was teleporting around and took 15k worth of fall damage. that was definitely a surprise..........


    This thing happened in huttball. I did take some damage, maybe not 15k, but i did take an 8-9k, as my health bar was at ~60% all of the sudden after trying to use a hutball vent.

  18. I can kill another healer with my scoundrel healer. Seriously nerf healers damage.


    You're funny :)


    If you ever got killed by a healer solo you have serious l2play issues.


    If you are a healer and ever killed a dps solo, that dps has serious l2play issues.


    Sorry, no way in hell that I can say these things in a different way.

  19. Its great and all that people are willing to go on the test server, but I'm not about to test a update for bioware while I'm paying them to play the game even on the test server. It's their job to test it and get it right. That's why we are paying them a subscription fee.


    While not everyone can find the time to test features of the game like the stuff on the PTS, those who really desire extra content, could also give a little something back, if not to the developers themselves, then to the player-base, to the community.


    As a comparison: the country you live in takes care of a problem. You are nor required to help the authorities in the said problem, but if you show a bit of civic duty and help your authorities, then maybe you help the community as a whole and maybe you will even feel better about it.

    While we are just playing a game here and we are the ones paying, maybe it would seem far fetched to compare these things, but MMO's are a diffrent breed of games. Doing a little something and trying to give a little back, can mean a lot for everyone involved.


    I know there are not many that think this way, but if we could just reach a few more, maybe we could do it all a bit faster, and benefit everyone.

  20. Although i do a lot of PVP i don't care about ranked warzones. I want more open world PVP or RVR and not some rated wannabe e-sports league.


    I'm sorry you fill that way, each person enjoys his own game but maybe other players that care about this feature will chip in and help the testing process. Best thing about ranked is the competition it will bring and the fact that you will be allowed to form an 8 man premade and play against the same type of team. Most PvP'ers probably want what you want, maybe we will get it at some point. However, what is now announced is RWZ's, and I hope we get things tested faster so that the people that want the feature, actually get it in the game soon.

  21. There's no solo que, and I dont know 7 other people to test ranked warzones with


    There are groups forming when enough players are around. It does not have to be same guild groups (though if whole guilds test it, it is most welcomed). PuG testing is more than ok imo, it is not the competition that is needed, it's the testing of features. The problem is that we need more people to get more groups going, on both sides.

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