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Everything posted by dan_the_man_

  1. And that "emperor" dies in pvp by a smuggler's dirty kick
  2. Agreed mostly. What'd you expect your companions to do on, for example, The Infernal Council, Soa, Fabricator, Minefield, Operator IX,? Tanks and mdps will stick to boss no matter what surrounds him and probly die in 1-2seconds, healers will stand at one place and throw attacks to boss even if raid is below 60% hp. Can't imagine what'll be with rdps. Anyway, we're all pugs to each other, you're pug to me, I'm pug to you, but that doesn't mean that any of us is n00b.
  3. Am I the only person who regullary encounters vanguards tanks "tanking" on one target from 30m range with hammer shot and full auto. I've played mostly as a healer and always encounter tanks acting as dps (nuking one targe),while others kill me, so the tanks are ones to blame here.
  4. Общая гильдия The Dark Side (Империя) и Revival (Республика).
  5. Rhythm Augmentation Droid is obtainable through free security key. But I agree about Taun Fawn, I'm living in the opposite side of the world and I'm not able to get to PAX East. Koreallis, anyway, were a bit hard to get. If they'd return that achievement, make it need only one speeder of Koreallis series. And what about containment officer achievement? I didn't have a republic toon and was unable to get republic set. Event has ended and I still need this set to get a general "fashion" achievement. Meh.
  6. That's why I use GTN on my ship or in VIP zone.
  7. I don't know what are you complaining about. I prefer skipping Alderaan, Tatooine and Hoth and stick to Makeb. Staged weeklies+GSI+normal dailies+searching speeder parts, most of them are in the same areas. So in 2 days I have the weekly done without flying between planets and doing other quests at the same areas.
  8. I don't know what are you complaining about. That's not daily, that's weekly. I, personally prefer skipping Alderaan, Tatooine and Hoth and stick to Makeb. Staged weeklies+GSI+normal dailies+searching speeder parts, most of them are in the same areas. So in 2 days I have the weekly done without flying between planets and doing other quests at the same areas.
  9. Lolwut? Spamming kolto shells? The only thing better is to spam cleanse. Rapid shots can't be used on yourself. Merc healers have probly the worst survivability of all healers in pvp. Sorc can bubble+Force speed. Ops have stealth. And what do we have apart from hydraulic overrides? Maybe a sorc/op was healing your targets and you just haven't noticed them? Yeah, I can agree that in PvE merc is still good (not if you spam kolto shells), but in PvP it's crap.
  10. Galactic senate has already made a mistake with droid rights bill, droids rebelled (not sureif it was M0-T0 who started this), guess BW are too afraid to make the same mistake.
  11. What if Palpatine is a real Emperor's Voice? And in EU legacy not the palpatine is a ghost, but the real Emperor?
  12. Use group finder and when you exit area select "exit location". Had the same problem as well, found this as the only solution. :/
  13. Not sure if that's a stupid april joke, but pvp is broken. Really broken. I had a bad feeling since PTS 900k hp. So, what do we have now? My noob scoundrel in full recruit has ~1500 cunning and ~1700 endurance. Expertise is ~1600. Seems ok untill you see the stats of 30's - more than 2.000 of all these stats. Huh? I'm afraid to visit 55's wzs already. So pvp in this game is lost for me. Wonder if it's another bw money-draining programm or they're kidding us or they're paniced and can't leave that state so they can' t do anything. :/
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