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  1. Sweet. You know I've been playing on this server since launch and that is the first I've ever heard of this. I'd love to have them involved on this forum project too.
  2. Hello fellow residents of Ebon Hawk! I don't know if this has been done before but if it hasn't it is high time that it did. A forum has been set up on enjin specifically for the guild leads of our server to use to keep in touch and have open channels of communication. We play this game for many reasons, and being able to communicate about what is important for you and your guild to others in a similar position can be invaluable. So, please come to The Ebon Hawk Guild U.N. and check it out. This project is just starting so everyone that participates brings us that much closer to success and making our server community one of the best communities out there. Raven
  3. Been adventuring in Illum, doing the Gree quests and just had a group member get auto flagged for pvp when an empire character ran between her and a mob. Then the empire character's group jumped on her. Here is the kicker, she was technically in a PvE area, trying to do a PvE quest. I remember a little setting you could toggle in Rift. When it was turned on, you could not be auto-flagged for PvP. Your aoe's would not effect flagged players. By the same token, you could not heal flagged players with that setting turned on. If you targeted a PvP flagged player and hit them, it would still flag you. But the point is, if you didn't want to be flagged, you wouldn't get flagged accidentally. I really think this game needs something like this. The debacle on Illum in the PvE area of the Gree event is a prime example. Thank you Raven
  4. Dear Developers... I have a suggestion that address the most common complaint about Sages and Sorcerers. Everyone says they are over powered, and I do tend to agree, but I don't think an across the board nerf is called for. From playing both classes I find that there are two tweaks that I think could fix their over powered-ness and yet still leave them intact for healing. First, I'll outline what I see as the underlying problem. For sages, it's Force Armor. For sorcerers, it's Static Barrier. Both are abilities that each class automatically get at lvl 14. They absorb damage. This is one of the primary skills that a *healing* sage/sorcerer uses. Then, on the Telekinetics/Lightning skill trees, there is an ability on each that only 7 points used will increase the absorption of said "bubble" by 20%. Those are Telekinetic Defense and Lightning Barrier. Where I see a problem is that I can take either a sage or sorcerer and put *no* points into the advanced class' healing tree, have that "bubble" and have it boosted by 20% and still be a very effective dps. My suggestion... Make Force Armor/Static Barrier a skill that is purchased from the *Healing* skill tree, and move Telekinetic Defense/Lightning Barrier to a higher tier of healing skill tree. Doing this will keep the primary healing ability of healing sages/sorcerers intact, but will make it so that every single sage/sorcerer doesn't have it. Keep it healing where you have to commit to the healing skill tree. But, that's just my suggestion.
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