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Everything posted by DurdensWrath

  1. It's the same old story. Elitist **** lords whine and moan, Bioware overreacts, and heavily nerfs something. And just like before, Bioware will completely turtle up and not go back on this buff, because they have too much pride. You know, not enough pride to QA things, but enough to where once they take a stance, they won't admit they're wrong. This is the Cartel Slot Machine 2.0.
  2. And just because others have not had your "skill"/experience, does not make your position right either. And why do you even care? It's SOLO, let people have OP companions if they want. It sure didn't look like it was hurting enthusiasm. God almighty I hate people who want to regulate and minimize other people's experiences. A nerf should never be the answer to a vocal minority not finding "challenge".
  3. Basically you just invalidated every Bioware apologist. You said the MAGIC word. FUN. They turned this grind-fest, WoW clone into a fun game again. People (the majority) were happy. And why shouldn't they be. Who gives a rats *** if solo content is easy? The elitists still have their PvP. They still have their HM OP and FP. Now all the poop sockers are the only ones happy. No kidding. And the dumbest part? "Hey, lets nerf this right after Fallout 4 came out, and right as Battlefront is released! I bet that won't cause us to lose any players!"
  4. IT IS SOLO CONTENT. Jesus. You people and your e-***** measuring. Not 65 quests. Jesus H. Christ. The regular heroics. They're a right pain in the *** now. Not even worth doing anymore. And their playerbase is telling them, they're wrong.
  5. That's not the point. They were doable before, and are SUPPOSED to be doable. They are nearly impossible to heroic 2 do them anymore.
  6. QFT. I can't stand how much longer this takes now. Pre-4.0 I could go to other planets heroics and faceroll them because I'd out levelled them. Thanks to level synch, that of course is not an option. So yeah, having slightly OP companions helped out there. Now they're just TEDIOUS. Worse than the grind for a Netherdrake. I'd almost rather gear my companions again. Because heroics aren't progression. FP and OP are. Blah blah shill blah. Blah blah, Bioware apology, blah.
  7. You misunderstood. I was talking about the achievement for not using the buffs. Which is nigh impossible now.
  8. The problem is, that you used the buffs. Star Fortress was hard, but doable solo. It is nigh impossible now. They nerfed companions 75%. 30% would have been a good starting point, 50% at the worst. Bioware sucks at game management. I think I was too generous when I said they got their programmers from DeVry.
  9. Ask Ghisallo. He's all up in Bioware's junk. He loves this.
  10. I really feel like Bioware did a cash grab. They made something they knew was powerful. Got people to talk about it, and bring other people in, got their money. And then removed it to please whatever a-holes were ************ in the first place.
  11. Other MMOs have started to learn. Bioware has shown it is INCAPABLE of learning. "Your choices matter" after all.
  12. The problem is, level synch. So there is no point where a player feels powerful anymore. The heroics were still challenging with multiple gold star enemies. Now they're much much harder and way more time consuming. They're not worth the effort anymore. What bioware had done was make it so people could "enjoy" the grind. Those who wanted a challenge could have made one for themselves. And man, am I tired of you Bioware apologists that come out of the woodwork ready to take whatever load the devs are willing to splash on you.
  13. I'm so tired of that B.S. Every time the players are having fun, they whip out the "intent" card. These devs are like Congress. The best things happen when they're not working. People are failing Makeb content. Heroic 2 that they were able to complete before. That isn't top end content. That's grindy crap that people were actually willing to do once KotFE came out. Oh, and why am I not surprised Menace-NZ is all for these nerfs. There's never been a bigger Bioware apologist or elitist.
  14. So, apparently you're either a liar, completely full of it, or out of the loop. You might want to have a talk with the devs, because once again those mouth breathing fools have nerfed the bottom out of something. IN CRE MENTAL CHANGES. Learn how to do this. Or stop hiring coders from DeVry. They're the worst team I've ever encountered. Marvel Heroes? They actually take some feedback, have a test realm, and pay attention. These people listen to nobody but the loudest and most tear filled whiners, and then pull a George W. Bush and double-down on their stupid decision, so they don't look weak. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If it is a benefit to the player in anyway, these ******s will nerf it to the ground IMMEDIATELY. A gamebreaking bug, it will take weeks or months to fix.
  15. Add me to the list. I am a Consular. Have one that has started KotFE, the other has not. With the one who has not, I was able to only place Nadia, Felix, and Theron. The rest were 0/0. Come on bioware, you're better than this, or you used to be.
  16. It's a bug only introduced with 4.0. And shouldn't be hard to fix even if you'd hired a general moron with basic find and replace skills.
  17. Finding places where variables are set and removed? Not hard. Clearly something is clearing the space where that module is stored.
  18. 100% this. Bioware seems to lack all tenants of good SDLC. From unit testing on up to regression testing. And by how slow they are to fix things, clearly they don't use change logs. Or proper code management.
  19. And this was working in early access. So something they "fixed" broke this. You'd think that after all this time those morons in development would have learned to regression test.
  20. No, more just in general. This is not a hard fix. If they're doing proper change management, tracability of where this went wrong should be easy.
  21. Their QA process reminds me of an old commercial of a child not being able to fit a square block into a round hole. He then took a hammer and slammed on it till the square block fit. That's basically what it feels like their bug fixing process is. I sometimes wonder who manages their change management process. Because holy hell. If you keep breaking things that aren't broken before, someone needs to do a root cause analysis to find out why they suck so bad.
  22. I'm sure they'll fix it by 4.0.2 /s Which is over a week from now. If then. I guarantee if this was an exploit that was BENEFITING players, it'd be hot fixed toot sweet. I hate these devs sometimes.
  23. Seriously? Do you not have some kind of code repository where you can look at changes that you make to the game? Something is being done to the variable that holds the slot of that item.
  24. Is it literally too much to ask for you to get one of the main things you were rolling out with this right? I think a monkey throwing ***** would be an upgrade to your QA department.
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