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  1. I'm still giving BioWare the benefit of the doubt, because the game has been out for 2 months, but i'm getting more anxious now. I want to see more content, because to be honest i feel like there really isn't much to do at lvl 50. I'm not a pvp guy but i enjoy it more than pve. I played SWG for a little and World of Warcraft for about 2 years starting with Wotlk, and idk swtor has so many more bugs and isn't as smooth, and i really need to see some improvements, but at the same time i understand it takes time, and i refuse to go back to WOW because of how much of a huge star wars fan i am. I like the game overall ,but i feel kind of in the dark about where the game is going and what BioWare is going to do with end game content, because yeah they have the best MMO for lvls 1-49, but i feel like after your class quest line, there is almost nothing. So idk, just kinda depressed about the game right now. Hopefully something exciting happens before my subscription ends in April, if not i might not renew until something happens. Don't get me twrong, the swtor is a good game, it just has ALOT of room to improve.
  2. I would love to see a flashpoint or operation that starts or ends with space combat, i know this is alot to ask to early, but i just wanted to throw the idea our there. Also, i hope this hasn't already been discussed, and if so i do apologize.
  3. I agree, it would make a nice place to keep a guild bank, and where guildies can meet up. Also, i'd really like to see guild captial ship warzone fights!
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