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Everything posted by Crainn

  1. Ugh. Just came back to the game after a long hiatus. That's exactly what I was doing. Thanks much. Embarrassed.
  2. Hi. I unlocked them, but they're not activating. I've never had this happen before. Bug?
  3. Agreed. I want an option to revert back to the old wheel please.
  4. Hi. I've been away from the game for months. I saw the changes to the UI which includes an animated response wheel that transitions like a powerpoint slide. Is it possible to turn this animation off? It's unnecessary and time consuming in my opinion. It makes me want to skip all conversations especially if you have to spacebar through them. Thanks.
  5. Thanks all. Was looking all over the place for an answer to this. I just got legendary with them.
  6. So, once you farm the 12 KDY construction kits to get this mount, which takes awhile, the mount is not in your collections? If you want this mount on all your toons do you have farm tons of construction kits?
  7. I use R as my keybind nearest enemy, it works fine. However, if no target is selected or my target is dead, a party member or my companion becomes my target, usually after they cast an aoe. I've tried turning on all options, such as auto targeting and sticky targeting, and turning them off, no change. I just have to live with it. One of the few things in this game that's really irritating.
  8. I have the same problem, and its been there since beta. I've tried turning off auto target, and it doesn't matter.
  9. Prophecy of the five just went down....cascade effect....panic!
  10. People will always find something to complain about.....always have....always will.
  11. They're not naked, it the invisible cartel armor. I got a chest piece in the pirate pack.
  12. This still continues to be a problem. I'm rezing this old threads in hopes that Bioware fixes this. I know, don't get my hopes up. And yes I've submittled multiple bug reports
  13. Agreed. I've made numerous posts and bug reports and Bioware does NOTHING. No wonder they had to go F2P.
  14. I've been having the same problem since beta...no kidding. I turn off sticky targeting and click the ground alot.....I know it sucks. It's ridiculous that such a problem still exists regardless of the many bug reports I've submitted.
  15. Thank you for your bluntness. How do I submit a bug report?
  16. Hi all. I've been having this problem for awhile. The game keeps targeting party members when no target is currently selected. I've tried auto target off and on as well as turning off/on the "sticky" targeting (click anywhere to deselect current target). The problem will not go away and makes flashpoints very frustrating. Any recommendations? Thanks.
  17. Hey smartguy! Thanks. However I couldn't find a post that dealt specifically with my issue. Thanks for being true to the forgiving MMO community. Paving the way with niceness!
  18. I critted a lvl 14 piece of armor, it has an augment, yet it still says I need a MK kit on the armor piece even though it already has an augment slot. And yes, just to make sure, I used a lvl 14 Augment on the slot but it won't let me equip it. It gives the usually message about a more powerful slot. What's the point in critting augment slots if you can't put anything in the slot?
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