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Everything posted by DrRepulsor

  1. Good morning or good evening to everyone! Been playing this game from a long long while was original beta tester. Been rank 1 vg/pt and multiply gold holder on multiple toons. Now that does not matter. As battle record current arena 75% win rate and WZs 90% win rate across the toons. So what I'm trying to say I know thing or two about PvP. I'm going to list only broken abilities/specs/items aka tacticals in game. Please let me know if I'm wrong but most people would agree with me who actually know what they are doing and PvP and high skill level. 1. Since I play that class often. VG/PT - I do not have problem with vg dmg and actually survivability became just a little better but just a little compare to old days. However tactical "Neural Trigger" has to be removed from the game or make it at very least proc only every 30 sec and fill 3x more resolve compare to how small it fills resolve and 15 sec. For people who has no clue what that tactical does: VG/PTs single target stun on 15 sec cd is removed by any dmg of yours and target get stunned for 2 sec. If you stack 2 or 3 pts = death to anyone and they do not have even fighting chance. 2. Madness/Balance sorc/sage self heals is way too too tuned. I do not have problem with dmg on madness sorcs even many many people would agree its broken atm. However, I do have problem with their selfheal's. It has to be reduced. 3. Jugg/Guardian tank dmg in pvp way too high to be exactly is guardian slash/crushing blow ability hits for over 90k crits very very often in pvp and with self heals and endless dcds, we do have problem. I believe if you chose to play tank in pvp which I do play it too I should not be doing more than 50k crits. Plus taunt self heals becomes very very unkillable raid boss. 4. Gunslinger/sniper Saboteur/engineering spec - with already spammble no cd AOE 50% slow which does decent dmg explosive probe can hit 140k+ on very very consistent basis. If you combine 2+ engi snipers on one target with 35 meters 2 sec stun which does not fill a lot of resolve become very impossible and practically no chance fighting against. Tactical TO-RO Ionic discharge which give 50% crit dmg to explosive probe has to be tuned down to very least 25% crit dmg to explosive probe. Incendiary grenade has to be at least 5 sec cd. Full disclose I play every single class but classes I listed above I play a little more. I mean who does not like OP/BROKEN specs/class/items. BW needs to fix that because its getting out of control. 7.2 is the worst PvP balance patch I've seen or very close to one of the worst. BW FIX your stuff!
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