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  1. Maybe it's just my server (anchorhead) but with the frequency that I'm stuck facing premades in huttball, having a quitter debuff would just make me quit pvping altogether except when I had a premade of my own. Allowing up to 4 people to queue together at once, in warzones that are 8v8, pretty much means that pugs have no chance against even the most average premade. Getting penalized for refusing to keep respawning and get facerolled in my own endzone for 15 mins is a horrible idea.
  2. Immunity timers. 30 second immunity to any knockbacks or grapples and 45 second immunity after any stun, or something along those lines. People might actually have to think about if and when to use their cc. Any game who's pvp revolves around making it impossible for someone else to play, i.e. constant stunlocking, is poorly designed.
  3. They should make the centurion gear buyable with standard wz comms. People would still have to work for their gear but new 50's could get a full set of decent 50 pvp "starter" gear in a reasonable amount of time. Keep the bag roulette crap for champ and bm. I think this is a fair compromise between the "new" 50's with no gear getting roflstomped and the "old" 50's who got their gear already. Before anyone says it's not fair for new 50's to get their pvp sets that easily, bear in mind they don't have the benefit of ****** lvl 11's for medals in huttball anymore.
  4. What amounts of aim, endurance, shield, absorbtion and defense should I be aiming to have to start tanking Hardmodes?
  5. I've only been 50 for a few days now so forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something. From what I've seen at the vendors, centurion gear is inferior to champ gear and the bags you buy give cent commendations with a chance for a champ gear token. The thing that I don't understand is with the rate you seem to get champ gear tokens, and the comparatively pathetic amount of cent commendations per bag, you'll get a full (or close to it) set of champ gear before you could even get enough commendations for half the centurion pieces. What's the point of having an "entry level" 50 pvp set if everyone skips it almost entirely?
  6. I'll take anything that looks more substantial than one dinky blaster pistol for PTs. Especially since 3/4 of the pistols are especially small or have strange tips that look like they fire suction cups.
  7. Please correct me if I've missed something but Virtually everything you can make using Biochem requires Biochemical compounds, yet whenever i check my missions to send out companions, sure enough, there isn't a single mission to get bio compounds. this happens to me at least 50% of the time. Considering how long missions are starting to take at lvl 200, this is reeeeeaaaaaaalllly infuriating. I never even post on forums but this is driving me nuts. Am I missing something or is it just a really bad system?
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