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Everything posted by markyboy

  1. I'm not talking about the server queues I can deall with them. I'm on about the loading times between character selection and loading the chapter, I have currently been waiting for 6 minutes and still am not in game??? Anyone else having this issue? sometimes it takes a minute others almost 10 minutes!!!! Ps. My machine aint top spec but it's well above requirements and not a donkey
  2. Account says preorder is activated, where can I confirm the date I acivated it? Ah nm mines 6th August lol just found the old email so guess I'll get in the next wave?
  3. Solo Shot first and was the only shot fired so GO AWAY GEORGE LUCAS
  4. No they were Ruined by Mr Lucas for the Blu Ray release
  5. Pfft OFF TOPIC Closed my thread for being off topic even though it was about SWToR where as this clearly isn't lol
  6. For the record (and no more WoW stuff please lol) WoW's launch was really awful, massive queues and yes we had early access. Lets just leave WoW to the children now please
  7. Seriously people why are there so many of you moaning about not getting early access yesterday??? So What??? does it really matter? is it going to affect the quality of your lives? NO! Early access has been in mmo's as far back as Lineage 1, Legend of Mir etc. and never has there been such a bunch of moan asses as you lot! What would you rather? Everyone (1,000,000+) starts on the same day causing huge queues and lag? Or have a nice gentle flow of people so that any issues get rectified as soon as they are discovered? Having been beta testing mmo's since 2000 I have to say that a few days wait is FAR prefereable to a disastrous bun fight. So just chill out and be patient, your time WILL come.
  8. Anyone have any insight when the downloadable security key will be available? Sooner the better I say
  9. Hey! don't dis' the OP, you are NOT worthy
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