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  1. my legacy name is tigolbitties and my title is the unmasked
  2. i did read that if you were in the beta tests that you should uninstall and reinstall the client tho I too was part of beta test and did uninstall and reinstall the client and also have a nice computer. It has gotten way better since the launch weekend but i still get low fps every once in a while
  3. what kinds of things can you buy at the collectors edition store. Is any of it more powerful then regular game content or is it all mostly cosmetic stuff.
  4. can anyone help me get to bug town on balmorra?
  5. can anyone tell me if the collectors edition in game store is worth buying the collectors edition for? What kinds of things do they sell in there and is the stuff way better then anything else you could buy or grind for or is all the stuff more for looks.
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