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Posts posted by webtoehobbit

  1. Ever heard of console companies or toy companies purposely creating a shortage to cause a stir and increase demand?


    Sucks that we're all pawns here, but that is 100% what is happening. It makes it seem like we are all fist fighting over a tickle-me Elmo, when in reality, they have made the server cap a minimal amount.


    Hmmm so purposely set the server pops low and stuff the servers past capacity, make the game look uber popular cause the queue times are 1 hour plus and this will make people really want to play cause they think something is awesome about this game since so many people are playing? I wouldn't put it past a corporation to pull something like this....

  2. Well said DirtyShadow, they have yet to actually say what they're going to do to fix the issue, adding servers will not fix the issue at heart right now, adding new servers without being able to transfer characters to the new ones will not aleviate the queue times. Please Bioware, give us an answer, we are now paying customers, give us some hope. Just a quick "we're working on increasing the populations of the servers" or "we're going to allow character transfers" would suffice, you don't even necessarily have to give a specific timeline, but just knowing that you plan on actually fixing the REAL issue would give us all some hope. It's good customer service, thousands of your customers are sitting in the dark here waiting for an answer! PLEASE GIVE US AN ANSWER!
  3. I'm severely disappointed with these queue times. And honestly, the comment from the devs saying something like "We can't promise there won't ever be queue times" is unnacaptable! Plain and simple. I remember when Aion launched and when a server filled up YOU COULDN'T CREATE A CHARACTER ON IT! SIMPLE! If Aion could do that, so can SWTOR. And all they said was "We're gonna put more servers in the game." Well.... that's great for new players but us exsisting players who have to wait hours are fed up! Honestly, I will not be playing this game past the first free month I get with the game if this isn't fixed. Pity, I seem to have wasted a perfectly good $150 on a game that I have to wait hours an hours to play.... I'VE WAITED 2 YEARS AND NOW I AM EXPECTED TO KEEP WAITING?!?! And I am already a paying customer, I was billed for my collectors edition a couple days ago. Don't screw this launch up Bioware, for goodness sakes, you have so much going for this game and it would be horrible for it to drive people away, even hardcore people like me who have been waiting years for this game, over rediculous server queues.
  4. This is my fear realized. First timers will hit queues like this, and flee from the genre for ever. Cannot say I blame you, though.


    Agreed, I mean MMO regulars like us and hard core fans like us will wait till this is fixed, but the guy that sees this on the shelf of some store come post December 20th and gets all excited to play it, pays the 50 or so dollars it costs, creates his account, signs in to have to wait an hour + the average non mmo playing customer will most likely be turned off by this and go back to skyrim or something of the like. I was really hoping this game would really draw in new people to mmo's casue star wars is such a huge franchise, but now I'm worried they will be getting a horrible first impression if these queue times are not improved greatly by launch.

  5. I hate when people say "this must be your first MMORPG launch" Well, for starters I've been in more than a few MMORPG launches and this one is the only one I've ever had these outrageous queue times for.... EVER! That being said, when I do get in (1+ hours later) the game is experiencing a really smooth launch and is relatively bug free! I've said this once and I'll say it again, GREAT GAME BIOWARE!!! :D Just please please please do something about these queue times, waiting 1+ hours to log into my server is a bit much....


    Oh, and also, to those of you who say "reroll on a different server" Yeah, like any of my names will be available anymore and I really don't wanna replay through stuff and try and get the good armor I've gotten already. And who was I to know that when I choose my server (which was Low during a peak time when I choose it) would end up being over an hour wait...

  6. So I just got my Collectors Edition in the mail today and I'm playing with the physicsal security key I got and when I press the button on it to display my security code, the code will change sometimes.... I'm not sure if it's supposed to do this or not, but don't I have to type in my security code everytime I log in? So, shouldn't it just be one code that displays and not change every once in a while?? Just wondering if anyone knows
  7. So, I thought I'd try and, I don't know, talk about something other than people QQing over their self entitlement. So I thought I'd make a thread where we thank Bioware for the product that they've created for us. So Bioware, this is for you...


    You have an amazing game on your hands! Thank you for the countless hours you guys poured into making this game what it is today. Thank you for even allowing us early access when you certainly weren't obligated to in the first place! I am patiently waiting for my early access invite email as we all are but all in due time, and until then, keep up the good work!


    So, feel free to reply to this thread thanking Bioware for doing a great job! Cause let's face it, without Bioware, some other company would've had their hands on this MMO and well.... I don't even wanna think about that! :p

  8. I think Bioware is handling things incredibly well and I feel sorry for them because apparently our community is filled with a bunch of crybabies and Bioware has to hear all this crap from them. For God's sake just shut up, we will all get into the game, don't attack Bioware, the company that made the game you are so eagerly wanting to play. Ugh, honestly, all these people QQing are so much worse than reading troll posts....
  9. Ok so this whole "wave" thing is getting to me, like all of you guys. lets break this down.


    its a work day/ school day for most of us. it started at 0700 EST. you would think most of your population would be getting ready for class or work, not getting ready to sign in to swtor.


    also its the 1st day, so people who did not pre order in july should know its unlikely they will be playing today and should go about their lives.


    so is bioware doing this so called "wave" to keep the server lagg down or what ever?


    i dont think so. the servers should be able to handle stress now. due to some of the examples i gave up above we should have little problems getting into the game at the same time and skip this "wave" crap!!


    p.s its my normal day off for me thats why im home.


    Oh please, just shut the hell up, no one wants to hear you cry like a little baby.

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