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Posts posted by Baraxis

  1. So here we are 3 years later, and STILL NO FIX??? ***?! Would have been nice to know before investing time and money into this class/character! Come on BIOWARE! See if I continue my subscription...:mad:


    If you really believe that it has been three years and they still haven't fixed it...and thus nobody has been able to play that class you must be nutz.


    Maybe try putting an actual lightsabre in the main hand and not the training sabre....

  2. This is blatantly false.


    And yes, you should be worried...but not for game optimization. So. Much. Defense.


    See, people like the quoted are a major problem in MMO forums....they don't like the game the way they used to so they BASH the entire game when anyone has an issue....


    On topic though, I have gotten into the habit of reinstalling windows annually to get rid of the unavoidable performance loss that occurs. My dinosaur runs the game on ultra..by dinosaur I mean 4 year old computer.

  3. Big Giant Snip.

    Getting back the the illusion of choice...I have played every class story through to completion and have started playing stories again. And while the destination is the same regardless of choice, the journey is VASTLY different. And I think that is where choice is real. A full LS jedi knight who abides the code and helps as many as possible, sacrificing military success for innocent lives is a VERY different journey than the moderately DS knight who hates the Sith and the Empire and will do anything to insure their destruction.


    What you view as a "VERY different story" is viewed by many as "some conversation choices differed."

    I do agree with you, but from what I read here on the forums, people in general don't really think beyond space barring through the convo and looking at the log to see what they have to kill or collect. It's a shame really...just my opinion.

  4. Sorry, but while you make a few valid points... Your points about the CPU and Internet aren't completely right...

    I have a system that is probably in the top 5% of people playing this game and I have fibre optic Internet...

    My CPU is a i7 4970k @ 4.4ghz... I have SSDs/great graphics too, but as you said this isn't where the performance is found in this game...

    Lag and packet loss in my experience is mainly at the Bio side of things... Currently there is 85-100% packet loss at the Bio ISP... this on top of the poor software optimisation and server performance is why people get lag... Of course you can't rule out some who have poor systems or Internet... But it isn't the real issue behind the lag


    How do I have a far lesser computer yet don't have lag then? Unless my network needs reset of course...then the situation gets fixed.

    I am always amazed at the money people toss out for computers these days. I make most of my annual income from those people. :)

  5. This is a straw man complaint.


    Why are you taking away our ability to gear our companions the way we want, to do the role we want them to do? - They arent. Now all companions can choose between three specs (DPS, Tank, Heal)


    How are you going to make them be healers, tanks and dps AND PVP at the same time? - They never said they would do that


    So what if I want to put PVP gear and PVE gear in my companions and min/max them, Everyone else has that same option to do so if they aren't lazy. - Companion gear is only used for aesthetics in the expansion. Stats scale with level (and presence?).


    Are you changing their abilities, giving them more abilities / cluttering up my screen realestate with more hotbars for them, what? - More options is a good thing


    I don't like that I am going to have the possibility of losing my companion / companions in my story line due to conversation choices I make without being able to know about it to prevent it. I could be loosing my favorite companion to use in my story line. - Bioware has told us we would not lose any of our companions. A companion might leave us "story wise", but they will continue to exist as they do today. So if you decide to kill Lana in the expansion, you'll still have her as an option outside story missions.


    This will probably cause me to wait to play any of KotFE until players post and reveal options on YouTube which is disappointing. - Good reasons


    You completely ignored the person and responded to what you mistakingly thought they said...

    Point one: we cant gear them

    Point two: PVP ability is not taken into account

    Point three: you just plain ignored them and responded to something else.

    Point five: what you say in response only applies to companions we have before the expansion. Not to future ones.


    Over all you really need to read first THEN respond.

  6. Thanks for the translation JDiablos.


    I've got to say, this particular statement is puzzling.


    Companion affection already affects crafting. Like right now. Before any of the 4.0 changes. Since launch, actually.


    If you do things your companions don't like, their affection goes down, their crit crafting chance goes down, their mission efficiency goes down. People solve this by:


    a) Use a companion that agrees with their RP choices, or

    b) Feed gifts to the companion to fix affection drops.


    It's not like this is some new problem being suddenly introduced in 4.0.


    That is only half the problem....well not even half....

    The influence/affection is combat as well as crafting...and...its every companion not just the one that is out.

  7. All comms will be rendered useless. Except the ones you run out of before the expansion releases. Those will be used to purchase the really cool things. /sarcasm


    Anyway, the higher end comms are always reduced down to planetary ones or some such. It keeps the balance in check.

  8. Will they have dialogue at all. That's what most people want to know after Makeb and SoR. My post wasn't insulting in the slightest, though it did bear a hint of frustration that we are justified in conveying. We spent a long time with these companions, only for them to be tossed aside for new mediocre ones just so that Bioware can cater to newer players. We deserve to know in what capacity our former companions will return, and whether or not we will be able to continue any story with them. Musco has no intention of answering that question, he already abandoned the thread after 10 minutes of activity within it. They know they will piss off the remaining players if they reveal that the new companions are little more than what they are now, speechless husks.


    Of course the companions will have dialogue....

    Every companion will say something....eventually....

    How often and how much are questions that lead to spoilers, so will never be answered.

  9. There's many ways to interpret it

    ''Will they have dialouge in the story?''

    ''Will they have cantina/ship convos?''

    ''Will they have actual companion quests?''

    Also, it's best to not insult the people you're trying to coax an answer from.


    The person made it exact....Eric had no reason to ask for clarification. Is there going to be Conversation quests? It was a simple question.

  10. If you get too high level and the x12 XP goes to the 6xp for the mission, they don't show up on rewards. I found that happening at the end of DK because I ran some heroics out of habit.


    **note: they may show up if there is multiple rewards to chose.

  11. sounds like two people dont understand tanking,




    There are at least 5 that don't understand it. I pugged with them last night.

    Since I am one of them...kinda....

    Can someone toss up a link to a "number infested" guide to the tanks attacks? Looking mostly for PT and VG stuff.


    This wasn't meant as a derail in the beginning but it sure turned out that way.

  12. I think it's a problem from both sides. I see a lot of people give "advice" and criticism in a very bad way. But i also see a lot of people take genuine advice in a bad way. So i don't think you can only specify the problem on one group.


    However, i don't like the word criticism in here. You can't criticize someone for playing the way they do. It's their free time, it's their experience. There is no wrong. There are always ways to do certain things more effective, so you give people advice. But you can't criticize someones hobby unless it is offensive to someone. And no, playing badly should not be offensive towards other people.


    Anyway, it's the internet, a lot of people feel very important here, to important to listen to other people. It's something that will never go away. Just focus on those who are willing to listen to advice or who do enhance your gaming experience.


    It is offensive to have someone in my group screwing off....just putting that out there.

    It is also offensive to have a "know it all" in my group.


    I shouldn't be surprised how few people replying here are siding with the OP, but I was. This game is very casual and that seems to lead to the more glaring separation between the min-maxers and the other 95% of the playerbase.

    I come from the serious side of the raiding/ops gamming style but not the "gotta have BIS and perfect rotation" group.

    I would call it "play well and adapt fast." :)


    I still think, in general, that players in this game should "tighten up" there grouping skills before doing higher level teaming....or be prepared to take blunt critiques if they just level to cap and dive right in to grouping.

  13. Guess you missed how unpopular Sapience and Patience were. Both LotRO and DDO's forums were just the same as these, in my experience.


    Up until the server removals I was a Lotro player, had been there since launch-ish. Lotro was known for not pushing its game to the public...no real attempt to make it larger. However, to say that the forums/community team was like this one is so false as to wonder if you were ever there.


    Those people were all over player sponsored events. They constantly talked about changes and the REASONS they were made. The developer blogs were incredibly detailed. There is no way 2 months out we wouldn't have the info we are asking for here.

  14. As we get more advanced here in real life we will see what a HUGE mistake social media is as well......

    Lack of actual human contact is the reason we haven't evolved already. Take away all this facebook/twitter crap and we could actually use the force. :)

  15. Not gonna lie, this was sad at best. Once again completely ignored the community. Pvp was asked for throughout the ENTIRE stream, and not even a mention what so ever. Really disappointed.


    I don't PvP...here at least. I can definitely see why that part of the community was disappointed in a game that is so obviously set up to have at least decent pvp, it IS a war after all. BUT...I cant see why ANY of them are still here in this game. After this stream, which followed the months of complaining from pvpers, it is crystal clear that this game is about a galactic story now. We are part of it. That is the extent of the game. It isn't a raiding game, it isn't a PvP game, it is not a single player RPG. It is a casual MMO set in the Star Wars galaxy. Anything else, and I strongly stress that ANYTHING else, is going to have a minor nod at best.


    Crystal clear now.

    It is enough for me, then again I am old....:o

  16. Ok, I thought they just did it end of last year. Still, they merge all the servers, and then the decline is so severe that a couple years later the servers are all desolate again, and in need of another merge? Posts like mine are all over the forums. (How to deal with server issues, server problems, queue problems, they needs cross-server queues, etc.)


    They need to merge all the servers into one. I mean, already everyone's solution to this subject is to move to one server (Harbinger). I don't see the upside of being on any other server. So apparently there is no point to any other server existing...


    I've seen a lot of other threads about this, and everyone gets hostile about it in reply for some reason. Yet, it's a very real problem for anyone not on Harbinger (and a couple other servers). So they need to just merge it down to 1-2 servers. I shouldn't, as a new player, have to scour the forums to figure out the one server that actually works before I make my character... And then if I don't do that, I'm forced to pay for a transfer 3 months after I start my character because I didn't know any better.


    Not only that, everyone's hostile attitude when anyone says anything at all about SWTOR is baffling. I want to play this game, and enjoy this game, but these issues are off-putting in a way that I don't want to deal with it. Then the way that everyone replies to this matter is the final nail in the coffin. To the point where I will just quit in a couple weeks. So the game gets none of my money.

    Then, another new guy comes along, encounters the same issues, posts on the forums, and gets the same dickish responses, and doesn't give the game any money either. So where is this game in a few years?


    It's an unstoppable downward spiral apparently. :(


    I play on the same server as you, I think. Shadowlands. If that is the same server, then we...in general...team with guilds and friends we met as we leveled the first few times. Case in point; I play exclusively with the same people I played my first few characters together with. We met in beta. There is a list of like 10 people we 'sometimes" will call on to run flashpoints or whatnot.


    Gotta remember the mature the community the more likely they avoid the drama that is pugging. I advise talking to people and joining a guild. Random invites and joining ques is no way to make actual friends.

  17. I dunno - I mean I use vent with my guild sometimes - but i'm a husband/father, etc - so i'd rather not have to burden my guild with a conversation if my wife or daughter comes down. So far, no issues just listening, but overall, it's not as easy to do for some people.


    You don't broadcast all the time...only when you press a key.


    In response to the rest of the thread, if not for voice chat most raids/ops/big things would never be figured out. I know there is no way I would have ever stayed in MMOs as long as I have if not for the ability to actually hear teammates.


    I can understand if all a person did was planetary stuff or even flashpoints, but for what gamers do at end game, what the MMO industry calls end game, coordination is a must. Since seconds matter, voice chat is necessary.

  18. all powertechs/ vanguards should gain jet charge/storm


    Now this would maker sense. I still cant figure out how I am going to fill the hole on my leveling PT. Just wait a few levels to get a skill to fill that gap? If I spam what I have I will overheat...made that mistake already.

  19. except they STILL will....even w/o the decimal I BET YOU people will still list things at extremely high prices and there will STILL be the nose-breathers that buy it then come crying here about being "scammed"



    When did it become the mark of stupidity to breathe through ones nose?

    I coulda sworn it was the mouth...is this an alien thing? Do others have some other orifice to breathe from? Is this related to the talking out of your ***? Is that where we are supposed to respire?


    WAIT I get it....on the forums....you people talk out of your asses....so that is also where you breathe from....so....your posts are actually just farts!



    YAY I got it!

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