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Posts posted by Kalterien

  1. One minor thing that may need correcting: It was Voss Parck who brought Thrawn to the Empire and later served under Thrawn, not Colonel Barris.


    If I recall correctly, Barris and his men had circles ran around them by Thrawn's crazy tactics on that uninhabited planet and Barris was not exactly a fan of him, likening Thrawn to a Jawa during their first meeting because of the furs he was wearing at the time.

  2. I'm curious. I see preposterous threads for Klingons v Sith, Jedi v Superman, Middle Earth V Star Wars, WOW v SWTOR, etc....


    How come, despite the forums being hosted by Bioware itself, I never see Mass Effect v Star Wars threads? The possibilities are there & potentially endless:


    Mass Effect v Star Wars.


    Commander Shepard v. Revan v. Captain Picard


    (cut for length)


    One of those three people does not belong in this discussion... I just felt the need to point that out.



    Because, you know, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise is from Star Trek.


  3. Challenge accepted.









    I love this image! *hugs Kabone for drawing it*


  4. You have to do Balmorra and have Captain Kill-joy forced upon you. If you can finish Rathari before heading back to Balmorra than all the more power to you, but if you're having problems with that encounter just go back and finish Balmorra.
  5. If there ever is an Alternate History prompt, I'm going to end up posting like half a dozen different things because I have a monumental number of ideas floating around in my brain. :D

    For example: A retelling of the Warrior story in a bizarre alternate reality where Quinn is the Sith. :rolleyes:


    Then I started thinking about what Quinn would be like as a Sith.


    Then it dawned on me that there is a Sith out there who is cold, passionless and methodical, a manipulative schemer whose intricate plots ultimately end in his favor no matter the outcome. And he makes some damn good speeches.


    Quinn + Force Sensitivity = Darth Jadus




    I'll just leave that thought sitting there.


    I will never be able to look at eiher Quinn (who I adore) or Jadus in the same light now... Thanks :D

  6. guilty pleasures

    SW Echidnae, quinn, vette, and ls jaesa.

    points if you catch the easter egg reference



    " Whatcha doooooin?" Vette chimed as she popped up behind Quinn as he was focused intently on a holopad. Immediately before she could see, he closed it.

    " Mind your buisness, twi'lek" He growled.


    " Ooooooooo~ I bet your spying in on your boooooyfriend, Moff Broysc " She giggled.


    " I said LEAVE" he growled again, starting to tremble with nerve.


    Sensing a growing cloud of angry disturbance in the ship, Both Echidnae and Jaesa popped in.

    " What seems to be the matter, Captain?" The sith demanded dryly.


    " Your pet twi'lek won't leave me to my buisness." Quinn sighed, exasperated.


    " I just asked what he was doing." Vette pouted, feighing innocence.


    " Now Quinn, i told you Vette is relentless as soon as her interest is caught, i'm sure as soon as she sees how utterly boring your field reports are, she will relent."


    Before Quinn could protest or resist, the holopad was taken from his hands and turned on. Immediately the figures in the galaxy's hit children's show " My little Bantha: Friendship is the Force" pop on screen. Jaesa couldn't help but let out a squeal.


    " My stars! I LOVED this show as a child! i had no idea they still were running! i had ALL the toys! Oh. My. GOODNESS!"


    "Guys" Vette interrupted, looking slightly disturbed. " This is creeping me out now, i SWEAR i've heard the purple one's voice before...."


    Malavai just sat there, his face buried in his hands in defeat as the 3 girls around him giggled at him, and watched the show eagerly. His plans to discreetly investigate and canvass the kingdom planet of Equestria had been foiled. Yes... he was merely investigating the potential strengths and weaknesses of a potential boon to the empire...



    AHAHAHAH! Ahhhhh.. Crez... my husband started looking at me funny when I burst out laughing at this and for some reason, that seems like a show that Quinn would totally watch and deny.. because really, who isn't a "brony" at heart? That and I was thinking about something along a similar vein the other day, sooooo... I think I'll just not bother writing it now :D



    Oh Risha-sparkle, I love that Tara Strong voices Holiday too in game.


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