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Posts posted by poobacca

  1. What an utter disappointment concerning faction imbalance!


    Don't they know, can't they comprehend that this is the number !1! game killer atm?!!!!


    Republic are outnumbered, GREATLY, on ALL PvP servers. And their populations are ALREADY in a death spiral. And yet they are taking a wait and see approach....


    They need to do something....NOW!!!


    Nobody wants to be blocked from playing the faction of their choice.


    But they can still give a minority faction a special "Call for NPC dropship" to assist in PvP fights that scales to the level of faction imbalance on a server say when it gets greater than 1.5:1.


    Is that too much to ask?

  2. I am really disappointed as well as to the usefulness of crafted gear overall. Why in the world should an NPC vendor offer better stuff????


    That just defeats the point. The vendors should offer greens at best, and their cost could stabilize an economy by keeping a baseline. This games economy is WAY to npc centered. They are basically keeping people out of a centerpiece of MMO longevitity, a player based economy.


    On top of that, the crafting system is substandard. What do we do really? Press a button for a mission, or click on a spawn. Click on another button to craft an item. Wait a bit, and there it is. Thats it. Even a rat can do it.


    We need a crafting system and player based economy similar to SWGs.


    Very disappointed with the game in this area.


    Worst part, in interveiws, they INTENDED to have a mediocre crafting system. Well they suceeded at that, and as a bonus its really not that useful.


    Worst part is that you can play PvP for a few hours, even losing, and end up with better gear via commendations than ANYTHING you can ever craft. Why even bother what a waste. What a failed system.


    And what a fail with the PvP design as well. PvP should be to demonstrate your ability to outplay another sentient human being, not to grind the best gear in game so you it becomes a no brainer auto win combat, dominated by the imperials in nearly every server due to an inexplicable allowance of faction imbalance, that just leads to the Rebs diminishing numbers.


    These problems were forseeable, we spoken, but were IGNORED!



    Is there any dev in BW that can see the problems clearly and is bright enough to figure out the right solution?


    This is not just a slam of the game. I want it to succeed.


    I wish there was a way to add all this content, which is great, into the old SWG system. Imagine the game that would have been. SWG was forever lacking in content, but had a great community because of the player centered design. It also had great PvP. (and the worst with the draconian NGE).

  3. I'm a cybertech and I've tried to RE crafted ship parts, only I can't. It is lit up so it appears I can. Is this a bug, or working as intended. Seems strange that we can't RE this equipable item but we can all others. And its a shame we can't make them better. Perhaps it is because it is an item that we normally can't make.
  4. Well I got my first critical crafting. It in fact does open an augmentation slot. I RE'd it to a purple superior, but with no augmentation. The crtitical craft does not carry over the augmentation slot. The RE progression in the guide is right on.


    Thus, the IDEAL crafted item is a purple, with a critical craft augmentation slot on it. You simply have to craft enough purples to get the augmentation, and it will be random and rare. You can't get a schem that includes the augmentation.


    Not sure what this means with looted purples. Can those be RE'd into something else?

  5. Please someone confirm if I am getting this reverse engineering progression right.


    If you start with a green level schem that you learned from your trainer, you can RE it blue, then RE it purple, but no further right?


    I noticed that an earpiece (cyber) when it turned purple, had a rampart relay device (superior) label on it (willpower based). Is there more than one type of purple possible for each type of main stat? (Basically am I done REing, or is it possible to get some other substat added to willpower? If so, do I RE the purple version, or the blue version?)


    I read that there are two ways to RE. Is that second path only available with a critical craft (btw, never had one yet), or only if you started with REing a loot, or a schem you got from a mission? I am unclear on this.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. I have read that clicking on the left handed operation portrait doesn't work well atm.


    I was wondering if you have target player 1,2,3 and self mapped to keys on a mouse/gampad/keyboard works better?


    Or perhaps you could have target next friendly player mapped to a key. But that would seem to be clunky as you have to pas the healthy ones first

  7. Same 29/32 situation on my counselor.


    1) Missing 1 person of note (Orgus Din it seems to be, or perhaps Sateele Shan). Perhaps you have to escape the convo and click on the person to get. If so, that stinks, since I am past it now. Only thing to do if that is the case is wait for someone else to get to that point and join them in the convo. Tried to join a knight for the Orgus Din convo. Kngight didn't escape the convo though.


    2) Also missing the wingmaw and terentatek. Should be easy to get those once someone finds the right one to click on.

  8. Get it fixed please because as it stands this game has terrible world PvP, it's the biggest carebear fest since WAR. Why are Empire & Republic seperated on the contested zones, I am half way through the game and have not seen ONE Empire player so far, what a complete joke. I rolled on a PvP server to PvP not to PvE, take a look at how WOW set out the faction quests in their contested zones to get a clue how it should be done.


    Anyway, it seems the PvP community are not happy about this at all.




    To all PvE server rollers you need not reply to this thread as these matters do not concern you, thx.



    EDIT: Am actually afk in the middle of the road on a very busy contested zone and I know when I alt+Tab back to the game I will be safe and sound. If this was WOW I would have been killed by now, what a tame safe and sound world you have created and this means for PvP players it's very, very boring.


    I feel so sorry for you that you feel entiteld to grief other players yet can't do it due to game mechanics. If you feel that need go back to WoW where even the BW devs said you belong.


    If you want to stick around for challenging PvP, head to the PvP zones as others have said. We will be there waiting.

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