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Posts posted by poobacca

  1. Old guild died out.


    Cleared everything except for TFB HM (got to 3rd boss before guild died).


    I am a mature player and looking for a similar focused guild that does mainly PvE, but does PvP in the off-raid times.


    My main toon (Wifeypoo) is full campaign geared and is 3 pieces short of full War Hero PvP gear. Wifeypoo is a cybertech with many level 26 schems. I am working on finishing my healer alt (level 35) while waiting to join a new guild.

  2. Old guild died out.


    Cleared everything except for TFB HM (got to 3rd boss before guild died).


    I am a mature player and looking for a similar focused guild that does mainly PvE, but does PvP in the off-raid times.


    My main toon (Wifeypoo) is full campaign geared and is 3 pieces short of full War Hero PvP gear. Wifeypoo is a cybertech with many level 26 schems. I am working on finishing my healer alt (level 35) while waiting to join a new guild.

  3. 1. Others perceive it as overpowered in PvP.


    2. I agree that it is overpowered in PvP. The problem specifically is when shadows combine the kinetic tree with DPS pvp gear.


    Your 1.3 "fixes" did NOTHING to fix the PvP problem and we took a huge hit in survivablity and utility as a tank in PvE. This was promised not to occur by the devs yet that is exactly what you did.


    Solution: Restore our armor and reactive healing in PvE, keep the reduction in PvP matches and restrict somehow the DPS gear with a tank spec.


    But will you actually listen to us? Doubtful, since you ignored us before you did it.

  4. Got mine in the mail today. Thank you guys. I really wanted this speeder. My wife referred our daughter and now we have three accounts (which we all use in the same room... yes we are nerds...) so I'm hoping she gets hers when the billing cycle hits :D


    Exactly when did you get your speeder?


    When you refered the friend? When his 30 day trial period was up and had to start to pay? When he reached level 15 for the free trail period?


    Info would help here.


    Also, one of the posts said you need to select to recieve SWTOR email. Another said SWTOR emial AND EA email. I wonder which is correct. I had problems logging onto origin. I reset my password and it STILL wont let me login, saying the server is down try again later. Anyone else have this problem. I was just trying to see if I had the preference to recieve emails on or off there. There was not even a phone number to contact them. Sad

  5. We have done EC story and HM before. This time, every time we tried it, just after double destruction, stormcaller drops an electrical disturbance on the healer/dps sitting on stormcaller. Not randomly, every time. Tank on stormcaller still has aggro, so it is not an aggro issue. Seems to be a bug, we have done it the same way before and have not had this problem. But are we possibly missing a mechanic? Was there a recent change to this boss we missed? Or is it a bug? Anyone else having this problem.


    We also have had the trash mobs respawn several times in this op. We are thinking its a bug.... Only way to compensate is for the two on the tank to jump off to get away from the disturbance there and minimize the dam. Its SUPPOSED to be dropped on the guy off the tank attacking stormcaller.

  6. The current Nightmare Pilgrim fight is extremely challenging (in a good way). The fight needs to be no more and no less than 16 people. Less and you fail to kill before enrage, more you die from the 16+ man DoT of death. It takes 16 endgame geared people (rakata/BH/campaign) to coordinate very well (hard to do) to get him down. And even then it is very close to the enrage timer. Any interference from enemy faction, even from a solo player (like a stealth class) at key times causes a wipe and the eventual waste of inhibitors. Both sides are capable of easily putting a stop to the others getting the Pilgrim to go down with only 1-2 people.


    Yes you can have another group providing PvP security (if you can find others willing to cooperate in this role and basically waste their time world PvPing instead of doing WZs), but that will not stop stealth classes from messing it up still. I have seen firsthand both sides screwing it for the other with such minimal interference because of the nature of the fight. Or even taunt/kiting the Pilgrim out of range to despawn.


    I am not asking for an end to PvP, or even world PvP on a PvP sever. I am asking for a mechanic that can deal with PvP interference successfully and still get the Pilgrim. One possilbility is to allow 16+ groups without the DoT of death as cushion to deal with PvP interference. Another option is if an enemy or allied faction is in range while the Pilgrim is up, that they get insta killed if not in the ops group that spawned the Pilgrim.


    Yes, the Pilgrim is a spark for world PvP. No it should not be able to screw over a group doing the fight without any way of dealing with the interference.

  7. To start off I am a SWG vet and miss many of those features. At the same time SWG was missing many themepark features that would have captured a larger player base. In general, SWG lacked themepark, and SWTOR lacks sand.


    I would like to play a Star Wars game with SWG's crafting system, SWTORs leveling/questing system, SWTOR's combat system, SWG's space combat, SWG's housing, SWG's open world PvP and free-roam worlds in general. SWG's player housing and decorateability, SWTOR's voice over, SWTOR's operations, flashpoints, and warzones. SWG's non-combat professions.


    A themepark draws in a large player base at first, the sandbox stuff keeps players around (instead of cancelling) while awaiting new content. I believe both chief executives are to pig-headed to see that having both elements is the optimal way to end up with a large SUSTAINED player base.

  8. There is only one mission "Rest" that gives above 2 Ciridium and Mandalorian Iron. All others only give 2, despite being labeled as abundant or rich. Can't we have one that grants 6 or 8 Ciridium like the other tiers?


    There is a similar problem in the tier 1 missions as well. Only the "Lean Mission" gives above 2 units and there are only 1 missions for tier 1.


    This is the metals side of underworld trading (for Cybertech).

  9. Okay, pretend I am lost, how exactly do I link the g13 to the swtor program, please detailed, I am lost


    There is a program you download from logitech for the G13. (gaming software). Then you click settings. There is also a help menu btw. It allows you to like this program with the game so that the software starts when the game does. (the .exe)


    From there you map your buttons. You will probably need a few hours of reading the logitech game software help to fully utilize the G13. It is a wonderful gamepad (when it works).

  10. In 1.2, the following things will happen:


    1) The cost for training will go down across all tiers.

    2) The cost for tier 3 speeder models will go up across the board.

    3) Certain landspeeder models will be removed from the game (the ones on sale right now).


    The net result will be a significant reduction in level-up license training costs as well as a measurable reduction in the acquisition of your level 50 speeder. Purchasing additional speeders at level 50 will be more expensive, something you could call a luxury tax :)


    TL;DR: If you want to game the system and save money, buy your tier 3 speeder now and wait to get the corresponding license after 1.2 goes live.


    I've tried to get your attention regarding an error in 1.1.5 with no success so far.


    All speeder prices were reduced as promised. But the requirements to obtain the speeders WERE NOT reduced as promised on the Korrealis Sovereign (and the imp equivalent). It STILL requires valor level 65 and is BoP. I strongly suspect that is an oversight on BW's part. You removed the social 10 requirement on the Barron and it can be traded. Same goes for the other speeders.


    Please confirm your intent with this speeder. I have been playing the game as intended, enjoying the leveling process and even doing some pvp along the way (level 10 now). I should hit level 50 before 1.2, but there is no way on Illum that I'll get to level 65 valor before 1.2. Additionally, keeping this requirement will only reward the exploiters who farmed the Reps on Illum. I never exploited and played the game as intended (not spacing through convos). Now, doing so, I will be out of luck being able to get this soon to be collectors item.


    Did you INTEND to keep the Valor requirement on this vehicle while removing it from all the other soon to be extinct vehicles? Did you intend to keep it BoP while making the others tradeable?

  11. I am in the same boat, cept a bit worse. I have been enjoying the leveling process and now am at level 41. I did not power grind. I also have been crafting as I go along. Did a bit of PvP and am only valor rank 10.


    I REALLY ticks me off that they are rewarding the exploiters and powerlevelers and screwing over the people that played the game as they had intended. Why do I say exploit? Because it was the imps that farmed the heck out of the reps on Illum to get valor 65 in a few hours. Now they will get a vechicle I will never have.


    And you are right. They just plain lied to us. They said they would remove the requirements. They didnt. They said the vechicles would be tradeable. This one isn't. Is there some way to officially complain to get this remedied?

  12. I love my G13 but have been having issues with it not working (specifically usually 2 directions of the thumbstick) with SWTOR sometimes. I have to unplug it and plug it back in. Then it works fine till I log out of the game and log back in later. Not sure if I have a defective G13 or if it is some driver issue.


    As a side note, I hated the thumbstick it came with (too pointy), so I swapped it for a gamepad thumbstick. Works like a charm and is comfortable.


    I read that someone does mouse turning(I have a G700, so 13 more buttons to map). Can someone explain how that works? How do you set it up for mouse turning?

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