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10 Good
  1. Agree. BW has stated that they want to make all specs able to perform equally at their chosen role. Whether it is a Merc/Healer or Agent/Healer for healing they will both be great healers, if it is a Jugg/DPS or Mara/DPS they will both be great DPS. The goal is to make it so that the player can choose the class they want to play for the sake of the class. Otherwise everyone will just make whatever class is the best PvP class (at least for pure PvP'ers) Also, I seem to feel like my Jugg is doing more dmg in PvP now, not sure if its just that I am being left alone as players focus on others or not, but I feel like I am taking enemy players down much faster than before. For a Jugg its still slow compared to others, but I am pleased with the apparent DPS boost. Anyone else notice this?
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