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Everything posted by Nymphalis

  1. But does vicious slash share the other abilies gcd? That's the main point im trying to make about using it. I'm not positive i'll have to look when I go online, but i'm pretty sure that vicious slash doesn't. I'm only talking about using retaliation as a marauder when your abilities are on gcd and you have that window where you can use it for maximized dps. Although, it depends on how much rage you have and the situation.
  2. I'm just not that sure, because it does more damage than sweeping slash and it doesn't share the GCD. That sounds very useful when all of your other abilites are on cd, not just cd but gcd as well. The applications for regular rotations in pve are limited except for some fights. But for pvp it seems useful, especially because of the amount of time we have to get up our rage. Rage seems to be no problem.
  3. It does more damage in the aoe sense, but less in single target.
  4. Well, all bosses damage is aoe and it procs from damage+ some damage abilities are impossible to avoid from them (inside soa's mindtrap for example) and I said when abilities are on cd or they are resetting you can use the ability in the time between when they are starting up again.
  5. For aoe probably slash, but for single targets probably retaliation if i'm not mistaken.
  6. Yep, but I meant that at times you have more rage because ravage doesn't have a cost and it's channeled giving you more dps for extra time on your cd's cooldowning.
  7. Yes, it's 3 rage. But it all kind of evens out because ravage doesn't cost anything.
  8. So i've been noticing in most marauder guides (or any gameplay videos for that matter) that not many marauders use retaliation. This ability doesn't share the GCD with your other abilities and is a great asset when you are building rage and your other abilities are on cooldown. Even for carnage, massacre has the small window where you cannot use the ability, so use retaliation in that small time-slot. This should increase your dps by a sizeable amount, if anybody notices any flaws in this, please let me know.
  9. Err, You do realize each max level character has around 30ish abilities right? You enterchange the bars with buttons for different situations.
  10. They are champion level Weaponmaster lightsabers...
  11. Thanks a bunch for the input! I was just trying to farm medals so I really wasn't focusing as well as I should have on the objectives, because every time I seem to do the objectives I only get 1 or 2 medals and thats not to great for a pvp video :/. I should and will zoom out, I just haven't gotten used to it for an mdps yet.
  12. Well, thanks for your input I appreciate it. Now I usually do around 200k+ damage in warzones. This video is almost a week old and i've gotten much better since then.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOj_hUX2sYM&blend=1&lr=1&ob=video-mustangbase Huttball PVP video. I just noticed there isn't alot of carnage gameplay. If you have any questions just ask, constructive critisism is appreciated.
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