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Everything posted by StratRebel

  1. Crafting is one of my favorite parts of a game, as it is for many people. Both the crafting and auction house functions in this game are subpar and unfinished. I hope this is one of the first fixes after class balance because you will lose a lot of players due to a poor crafting system which does not reward hard work. BW promised recipies that would be limited on each server so only a few top crafters would be rewarded for extra hard work. I have yet to see any hint of these, and the only recipies that do exist for most crafts are outshined completely by the very first pvp or pve level 50 gear....just pitiful
  2. Random sort of works for PvE, but you will completely destroy a player's incentive to PvP when random is in the mix for rewards. Especially how the system is organized currently, because it is not truely random. A truely random system would be fairly even over the long run. I know so many guild members who have their companions in almost full pvp gear because they are getting so many duplicates and 3-4 times as many gear drop from bags than others. Yet others who play just as much have almost no gear. The only way I see this system working is if: 1) Random items are on a completely lower tier than those you buy with commendations. That way you have a slight random reward, but someone who has recieved the same amount of commendations will have very similar good gear. OR 2) Remove the random from the mix altogether. Remove the horrible bag system completely, and just give commendations for quests and allow players to upgrade the piece they want.
  3. Every other MMO with inbalances this obvious would hot-fix them within a day or two of the youtube videos. Operatives need their damage reduced slightly, healing across the board is a little OP (especially since BW said they do not want healers that only heal), and the shadow/assassin classes are so completely underpowered it is not even funny.
  4. Agreed, lack of damage and skills that do not work are the problem. Of course no one plays this class, they are completely under-developed. I am putting out the damage I would expect from a tank, but from my dps tree. Here is a start of what might come close to fixing shadows: 1) Fix broken skills...resilience never works, I still get stunned, damaged, etc. after popping it. 100% chance to resist any tech or force ability.....right, more like 10%. Fix me! 2) If you can't fix resilience, at least make force cloak remove all DOTs and stuns. This skill is the main reason I know resilience is broken to pieces. 3) Increase damage from the kinetic dps tree and balance trees. Make it higher level if needed, so you can't tank and dps at once, but a shadow's strongest hitting skills hit for an average ranged dps amount at best. I made a trooper alt because shadow is so completely useless currently, and wow what a difference. Very similar damage output, but heavy armor and the ability to heal makes trooper insanely easy in comparision to level or pvp. My level 27 trooper puts out about the same damage in pvp as my pvp geared 50 shadow, which just screams FIX ME!
  5. Day in the life of a Jedi Shadow... Wake up, put on paper thin cloth robes. Rendezvous with attack fleet bound for Alderran. Get off speeder-bike from the drop-ship. and follow group to kill some imperials and sith. Cloak into combat to get into a good position. Go the long way around combat to avoid AOEs while stealthed and find a juicy sniper taking shots at allies. Drop out of stealth with a kick stun and backstab with dual lightsaber twice before 2 second stun wears off. Get thrown back 20 yards by a concussive blast from sniper, who ignores you because the damage from two backstabs was pitiful. Run back to sniper with a project and add another backstab when you reach him. Sniper finally turns attention to you and throws you back with another knockback shot, this time which roots you in place. Take a blast in the face for twice the damage you can ever do from melee. Break root and run at sniper again with a force project and force stun. Sniper breaks stun and shoots again, again hitting you harder than you could ever hit him. Take final mortal blow from sniper and wonder you could not kill a measly imperial sniper in 30 seconds. Also wonder with last breaths how a sniper rifle does more damage than a lightsaber... Head rolls to side to see combat with allies progressing. See imperial operative drop out of stealth and stun allied trooper in full heavy armor and take him down in 8 seconds flat without trouble. Again wonder how a vibroblade is doing more damage than your lightsaber and how someone in medium armor was able to move through combat well enough to do more damage than a force equipped jedi shadow. Wonder with dieing breath why you ever chose the glass cannon jedi route because obviously the force cannon is beyond broken or did not get the force gunpowder installed. Decide you will pick up a vibroblade and heavier armor in the next life. Please fix this problem of light armor stealth classes unable to do more damage than medium armor stealth classes. There is not even a hint of balance here. Some basic archetypes that follow in every balanced RPG: 1) Melee damage potential should always be higher than ranged damage potential in a fight 2) Armor and damage should be inversely proportional. More armor = less damage potential, less armor = more damage potential. 3) Similar to rule #2, healing and armor should be just as proportional. Or, same healing across the board, but more crowd control with light armor than heavy armor. This is not necessarily a cry out that operatives are overpowered....just that the jedi shadow that wears less armor and that goes DPS spec should have a higher damage output potential than any other class. Shadows have to 1) get into melee range, and 2) have the least damage mitigation of any class. Even sorcs/sages have shields and heals. The dps spec of shadows may be the problem, but there is a very obvious problem that will need to be fixed soon. Disclaimer: I was in the group of the first 50s on the server, have great gear, but have noticed these problems ever since starting pvp at level 10. Rolled a trooper alt until things get fixed and om my there is such a difference. Troopers are insanely more powerful than the shadow in literally every respect except the ability to stealth.
  6. Honestly, I see the list of post topics complaining about early access and I am disgusted with a good portion of the population here. Give people an inch and they want a mile. Bioware has a lot of issues with this game currently, however, early access is not one of those. And as a disclaimer, I am not one who has access yet. 1) Launch date is Dec 20, we are currently a week ahead of that. Most games do not have early access at all. Quit complaining! 2) "This is a failed launch". Have you ever been in a new MMO first day? Not likely if you are complaining. Most MMOs launch with severe lag issues, server restarts, queues, etc. because there are too many people on some servers and too few on others. A rolling start was a brilliant idea by someone at BW because they can control how the population enters servers. It is NOT about buying minimal servers, its about best arranging people with the servers they have. Servers that are too full become a lag and queue problem. Servers that are too empty end up being deleted or with huge server shifts, which sucks for players and company alike. Did you not stop to think that by rolling out new servers with each wave that they can control where people go better? By solving the typical MMO problems BEFORE they actually become a problem, BW can spend more time on content updates. Do you know how long it took WoW to implement server migrations? Months of developer time, which would have been much better spent with content development. 3) "People get started before me (whine, cry)" For one, someone obviously pre-ordered before you, YOUR FAULT. Blame yourself for not ordering early, not Bioware. Get preorder earlier on the next MMO, learn from YOUR OWN mistakes. Secondly, with rolling server starts, when you start is likely when 98% of the rest of your server will start. If you have not been assigned a server with a guild, pick one with the lowest population and you minimize if not erase that 'problem'. 4) "Everyone should get in at once, we expect lag, server restarts, etc" Seriously? It is a sad industry when people expect major problems like that. (I know most games have them). But to complain when a company comes up with an innovative way to prevent the major issue with MMO launches is just moronic. I would much rather wait a day or two extra to have a smooth start and not waste my time with lag/restarts. I, like many people, have better things to do than deal with crap like that. 5) Finally, do you not recall that BioWare said early access would be 5 days, FIVE! Now they are doing 7 days early. We aren't even to the original preorder date. Stop complaining! I do not understand how people can be dumb enough to complain when a company says "oh, btw, we are going to start earlier than expected (when NO OTHER MMO ever does), and we are doing everything possible to create a smooth start for everyone involved". I can assume most people complaining are Americans, but sometimes I am sick of our "me,me,me,now,now,now" culture. I happen to be a proud American, just not proud of half of our population.....
  7. I am excited about this server! All the zerg guilds are assigned to their own server, leaving our small-medium sized guilds (which usually have better skilled players) together. I know a majority of our players want to level through PVP, so I hope all you sith out there plan on losing plenty of matches. There is a reason the Jedi rule the galaxy. However, long term in games, warfronts get rather boring over time. World PVP is where the fun and excitement is! Let's all get out and have some fun slaughtering each other!
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