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Posts posted by Speedwash

  1. Okay, so I decided to give pvp a chance since I reached level 50 last week on the sage. All I can say is... really? Just REALLY? :rolleyes:


    Managed 12 tokens/zero gear from the bags thus far - pricing seems to be 25ish for one of the cheaper gear pieces - so play another 30ish games and might get one. But to do so you have to enjoy getting crushed in WZ's by already geared up Empire folks (or Republic, depending on server - but seems Empire has the majority in most). Do I want gear handed to me? No, but I sure don't want to be stuck in a meat grinder for a week or two per piece.


    Starting WZ matches when one team is down 2/3/4 players? Even if you do get enough the game is already pretty well over. Games shouldn't even be starting if one team is short. This just helps increase the speed at which the dominate faction gears up, giving them these free matches.


    Would go into the out of control CC - but that's been covered a million times elsewhere.


    Well, gave it a go - don't think I'll be pvping again anytime soon. Wish the PVE end was better - but that's why we have alts I guess. Trying to give the dev team some time to fiddle things into place, but it gets harder as time ticks away.

  2. Oh, the fun of the post patch scoundrel/operative. Open up and stun that bastage right away, unload with everything, and then see them sitting at 40-50% health. Weeeeee! Well, kill me now then I guess, or maybe I'll pot shot and hope you have no heals or ignore me for a minute or two...
  3. Yeah - sorry, but as wonderfully written and insightful as the OP was - doesn't change the fact the resolve system is nearly utterly useless. Great - I can be cc'd for soooo long, then (maybe) not be able to be cc'd again. Whoopie. By the time the system kicks in (if it works), you're dead or so close to being so it doesn't matter unless you have one on the ball healer only healing you.
  4. One 50 republic, a 35ish Imperial, and have made a ton of others that get deleted when I can't make myself go back through the planet quests on Coruscant - have slightly better luck moving past Dromund Kass.


    Dreaming of the day there will be another path to go questing... one path is boring.

  5. I honestly don't mind the AI for companions in most regards, except one instance mentioned a bit earleir in the topic. That being I would just love if the AI would move the companion out of the big glowie damage areas.

    I know I can manually turn them to passive and they may make a leisurly stroll back to me (run dang it!) or they may not, then after the attack expires, send them back - but would be hecka' easier if they would move the 3 feet on their own. :)


    Edit: On the note I made of companions (especially troublesome for your melee type comps) strolling back leisurly after combat - anyone else been stuck fighting that wandering patrol you were hoping to avoid/rest up to fight because it aggros your comp while they walk back, when there would have been no issue if they had oh, run like they usually do? :cool:

  6. Speeder bike levels, so far as I see, the level 2 and 3 variations are not worth purchasing. I did do so, not so much for the minimal speed increase, but for this vaunted knock off protection. So far, while speeding around on my level 3 bike, I've aggroed a single mob 6 times and been shot off the bike 5 times with one hit from the mob. And these are regualr mobs (well one was a wandering strong). So it helped once.


    Just thought it might need to have that protection tweaked up a little. But, the bike looks rather nice. :p


    As it stands, any future alts will just stick with the basic models.

  7. Some of the later planets just overdo it with packs of strong/reg mobs though - a particualr Voss cave is a great example. To get through you have to fight a strong/2 reg group or 1 strong/1 reg group at about 10 foot intervals. And it's a loooong cave. :p


    Was it hard? No. But it was reaaaally annoying, especially when it's the exact same group up of mobs everytime.


    By the by, is it just me or do the strong mobs hit a heck of lot harder then the elites do? As far as I've seen, except for the odd elite that uses one big burst damage ability, the strong mobs hit like a ton of bricks compared to elites. :eek:

  8. Ugh - I gave up trying that mission (republic side, but same thing), come around to the part where all the ships (and the big heavy hitter) pop up, hit the warfare pod, and fire blindly because all I can see is laser fire blasting in my face until I die. I can't even see the ships coming at me at that point, just mass flash - and bobbing/weaving/barrel rolling doesn't help - or at least not for me. I've survived the onslaught a time or two, but failed the mission because I didn't kill enough fighters.


    Edit: and I'm using the grade 5 stuff. Never claimed to be a great twitch and play gamer, so it may just not be doable at my reaction levels.

  9. It is a bit of an issue when the leveling 'group' quests get you zero points. You take the time to get a group of four together, spend 30 minutes (give or take) to actually do the quest, hearty congrats go around in chat for completing it, and then you manage to keep the group together for turn in - but the turn in is just a drop box. So no points.


    Oh, you can get them if you know in advance which quests will be group when you talk to the person, and get your group to go (maybe drop the quest if some had it) and all talk to them. Yay - two to four points.


    Unless you have a great friend (IRL or IG) that always plays the same time as you - you aren't getting many points. Only choice (if you want to get a good amount of social points) is hope you can find a guildie or whatnot, roll characters together and then play that char only when the other person is online.


    Not to be bitter - glad some people have the joy of having that one (or two or three) people they are can always play with, but that's not a luxury everyone can enjoy. Sorry, my IRL friends aren't gaming types (yes, I think they're nuts too).

  10. Yes you have infinite choice in TES series to steal from whomever you wish and kill whomever you wish. Unless of course that person is a quest giver or somehow decided by the game to be "important." Then they suddenly have the gift of immortality. It's not freedom if you can't kill EVERYONE!!!


    EDIT: Damn, someone beat me to it!


    Interestingly enough, in TES: Morrowind, you could literally kill main story people - but if you did all you got was a nice notice saying "Good job, hope you have a previous restore point because this game in now over", since you could no longer continue the storyline.


    But on to the discussion at hand. Yes, I honestly do wish there had been a couple (don't need a lot, just a few) 'side' planets to do some questing on that have no bearing on the overall character story. This was the thing that made me not stick with Rift for long - since there you started in the same area no matter what class you choose, and then went to the exact same zones to level in order. WoW is exactly the same way, just feels more wide open since there were a couple other places, but in reality you were folowing the same line you did on the last character.


    If a game has an overall story to it, you can bet you will be moved along that story whether you want to or not.

  11. Okay, thanks kindly!


    So lower levels just give a lower amount over time as affection goes up, but they do still give increases. And higher levels give more - but apparently not much more, did just do a trial and gave a level 1 and 2 to the companion (same type gift), got the happy reaction, but level 1 gave 40, and level 2 only 43. Meh! Good to know the details though!



  12. Just trying to figure out how the gifting system works with companions. I know you give them to raise affection levels and such. But I see there are various levels of gifts, do level one only work to a certain affection level (like 1000) or just give a lower amount per gifting than level two? :confused:
  13. I kind of thought they would have just been located in very out of the way areas to start with, which encourages the same exploration aspect that "put it in out of the way and get to it by using your old Mario Brothers expertise" does, without the *** moments. Problems like yours just add to the *** expressions you get to practice - just be sure and change them up now and again or maybe learn a new expression or two for varities sake.
  14. I find sitting around spamming LFG for 40 minutes ruins my "immersion".


    I was talking more along the lines for getting them a bit more involved with their associated planets (or planet hub, since they are usually different worlds so far).


    As far as getting a group together, not sure which way to go for that since in MMO's I've played to date you either have a group finder that just ports everyone in, or you spam in General for a group, or flag yourself as LFG in the social tab. Not sure of any other ways to do it.

  15. I've only gone through the first four planets so far (five if you count the starter planet), but it's my impression the flashpoints are really disconnected from the rest of the games storylines.


    I did The Esseles which was fit in nicely as an option for getting to Coruscant, but after that the next one I got the quest for was Cademimu, then when I find a group for that and actually get to the fleet area to start it - I finally realized there had been three other flashpoints that were available for me to that point, I just never got a quest for them.


    Going back I see there is a droid on the planets that actually does forward you to these flashpoints (not always placed very well), but that's kind of a 'meh' option I think for these kinds of events. I would have preferred if there was some mention during the planetary stories, maybe a pre-quest or short questline that points you in that direction. The quest doesn't have to done to go in, just would be a nice touch saying 'Hey, may want to go to 'x' - there is something we need help with up there'.


    May just be me (probably the case), but they just seem completely disconnected from the rest of the game, tothe point you could do the storylines for each planet and never realize they exist except for chat references of people looking for a group. :)


    Obligatory TLDR: Are flashpoints too disconnected from the rest of the game?

  16. Just wanted throw something out there to let people kind of describe what they are seeing their character's persona as when they make their dialogue choices in game.


    Myself, I'm going (so far) with a smuggler with heart of gold - always an eye on making as many credits as fast as possible: no job too small, no payment too big - but if there's a damsel in distress or children to be saved, he's on the way no payment needed!


    The Imp. Agent is similar but with a super snorky attitude so she and Kaliyo get along (usually) - plus making things difficult for any of those high and mighty Sith she meets and has to deal with, anything to put a kink in their plans.


    Also, have the super gung-ho trooper, he is just so 'For the Repuplic' even other Republic military personnel probably find him annoying. :p


    In the wings I want to go with a neutral/pragmatic Jedi Consular or Sith Inquisitor, but waiting until gear for being neither light/dark becomes a reality...


    Please share your ideas!

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