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Posts posted by imscared

  1. This is ridiculous. A complaint thread with one line of "This game is boring, waah waah waah" (summarizing) can have 10,000 views, but a positive thread has 5 views?


    I understand the notion of "If it bleeds, it leads" but come on folks. Let's make the community a bit more positive.


    I'll agree with you, the game is great and as I near 50 on my BH, I still adore playing as much as when I first started back in open beta during the last few weeks of November. But, you already said it, negative threads will already garner more attention than the positive ones because, typically, people use forums to bring up negative issues.


    As bad as it is right now, it will never be as bad as the WoW forums. That place is just a cesspool of a community and I wish some of the people that hate playing SWToR would just go back to WoW as Bioware continues to fix some of the more pertinent issues such as ability lag.

  2. Good luck! I'll be ETSing here shortly, so you may have my spot. Just remember, during marksmanship, steady your breathing, pull the trigger after exhale, and pretend that plastic target is someone you really hate - works for me. ;)
  3. Have you honestly never encountered an idiot and wondered why is he such an idiot?

    Your explanation is inadequate. I find it unlikely that multiple males fought over a single woman as the ratio between genders is more or less even. I just think they want to feel (for once) like men, and by doing so they wander even farther from masculinity.


    No, I let people live their lives. If you're dumb, well that just sucks for you. One less person to compete for something I may eventually want!


    Oh, and males have always fought over one female because they possess features that are seen as more desirable. You have 40 dudes that all look the same, and then 39 fat girls and one that is absolutely stunning, kinda what I was attempting to explain. Things like that can only end in tears (and a leap of joy for the winner).

  4. Personally, I don't understand this trolling stuff. Why would anyone want to troll? What possible reason do they have for doing so? More importantly, I'm curious how these people manage real world socializing. In all my time, I have yet to find a satisfactory answer.


    As for flirting with women on the vent, don't they find it odd and quite awkward that they're five guys hitting on one girl? Seems disturbing to me.


    Do you honestly sit there and think about why nobody can answers questions like that? That is a little bit weird, and only because I can answer the second part of your question through simple human evolution.


    In the animal kingdom, multiple males tend to fight for control over a single female. Despite the lack of socializing through a more normal medium, we put two things together that can succinctly add up to the very question you've asked: the desire to mate and spread our seed (primordial needs), and the fact that anonymity invites brevity based on the fact that we suffer little to no repercussions as a result of our rejection, and we can move on a little easier.


    Hope I helped!

  5. If it runs in window mode is there a problem? Of course, I didn't switch to window mode in beta weekend because I gave it 100% attention, but when I play it normally I'll run in window mode if possible.


    Ah, I can't play games in windowed mode. Just one of those little OCD things I have where I know it's in windowed mode, even if it doesn't seem like it. Hopefully the folks at Bioware will figure something out soonish.

  6. I alt tab a lot between the game and other things when I'm not paying attention to one thing over the other, or something comes up, and I couldn't help but notice a splash screen appears when I alt tab back into SWToR.


    It's not annoying... yet, but what purpose does it serve?

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