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Posts posted by imscared

  1. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139011


    Something like this would give you a little more bang for not much more buck (129.00 after rebate for an 850w PSU). Just depends on your budget. I would personally always choose modular over semi-modular simply because less wires/parts in any form are typically less of a headache to install as long as you're not sacrificing any performance.

  2. I resubbed about a month ago. A lot of it is because WoW has just been stagnant for so long, and while I think WoD will do well for the first couple of months, garrisons were just as heavily rail guided as the strongholds appear to be. To the victors go the spoils, though SWtoR has a huge advantage of doing housing first.
  3. I recently came back as well before the F2P model was in place and, from my limited knowledge of the Cartel Market et al, your assumptions seem to be correct. I had some Cartel Coins saved up somehow (security key from previous sub?) and bought a couple of the Club Vertica packs and got nothing. Well, not nothing, but some genuinely useless items. I'm actually surprised people throw money at RNG like that.
  4. At the same time, this over-the-top thing has gotten over-the-top. Action movies always had some scenes that were like that but it seems to've become so common place in movies these days I find it too much and distracting rather than a fun addition to an action style movie.


    Not every movie can or should be James Bond. A lot of the incorporation with CGI has allowed a sort of free form directive. I do agree with you, though. A lot of the old Star Wars movies had a lot more melancholy fight scenes than the newer ones, and I think the next installments will probably capitalize on what's been working out for Disney - it's just a staple with Disney to add stuff like that. Sort of a trademark, as if they 're saying, "Hey, we own this now too. See?"


    I don't think Disney will do a bad job with it - I'm actually expecting the opposite. But I'm also prepared for the nonsense that will probably be included with the purchase of Lucasarts into a predominantly family oriented demographic.

  5. Between my wife and I we have spent close to $1,500. We tend to overdue it when something new comes out. We bought a few hypercrates of the Club Vertica packs when they came out and such, and don't get me started on the damn Acquisition and crystal packs. Like Crack candy those are. (Got a revan set tho so it was totally worth it).


    As long as we are having fun with what we spend I don't mind supporting SWTOR in this manner. I kinda wish there was some sort of Micro-transaction market for Diablo 3 so I could support them more so the developers of that game would add more resources to its continued development.


    $1500! The real question is, did you get anything good? Or did you get ALL of the good?

  6. I actually went the opposite route you did and resubbed to Star Wars after playing WoW for awhile. Threads like these don't pop up enough after initial impressions, so I think it's a good thing.


    As far as server population goes... Eh, this is kind of a one way street. Even after server merges in WoW, those physical servers still exist as individual entities, and WoW has a TON of servers to look after in comparison to what Star Wars currently offers. Not trying to put you down on that point, but yeah, if you're not playing on one of the six or seven big kid servers in WoW then you'll likely not see too many people floating around. Not to mention WoW completely dies after midnight until about 8am PST, so time is also a major factor.


    Leveling in Mists of Pandaria is a freaking mission. Star Wars chains quests quite a bit so it always seems a little bit more dynamic in comparison, which is a good thing. It became pretty clear relatively early on in Mists to understand that the journey from 85-90 was just an afterthought to the raiding pandemic at 90.


    In game stores are a complete mess no matter where you go in the MMO universe these days. Developers see a chance to commit additional (or in most cases pull ) resources for monetary endeavors like mounts and weird looking hats while still allowing a subscription based model. While that may fly in countries with obscene amounts of vapeware, NA is getting a whole lot less tolerant of them, which is totally understandable, IMO. Same could be said for games with DLC already integrated into full priced, half finished games, but I digress....


    All in all, you're pretty much on point. When reality sets in and the fog begins to clear then things will hopefully make a little more sense.

  7. The game is linear to the point of being dubbed a rail MMO.


    I'm all for stopping to take a breath, in a well cared for open world. This game lacks that human touch.


    Have to agree, unfortunately. Everything feels like a still life. We see it, it's pretty in it's own right, but there's some diminishing factor to it also. How hard would it be to put in some clouds that move across the rendered sky, include some little critters that roam around, or make it feel as though the surrounding area is way more vast than where you're actually able to go?


    Whoever designed Balmorra did a great job in some respects. Everything else is pretty lackluster. Even space doesn't feel like space.

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