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Everything posted by Palar

  1. Gospel? No. But it is the last definite answer they gave, rather than vaguely-worded nothing.
  2. 50/50 on the Catwoman thing. If the current writer had created the character, her "I've always written the character that way" would actually mean something... but they've been doing little nudge-winks about Selina as far back as I can remember.
  3. Yeah, spot on. Despite the thread name-change, some 'Clarification' would still be nice after... 3+ plus years. Specifically, the two old Erickson quotes. "When we do this, we wanna do it right, we wanna do it with the characters that make sense, that we always knew that we wanted to do it for those, so you guys know and we've talked about it before, it ended up being a budget and scheduling issue. There are romance arcs that we wanted to do that didn't make it in the game, we knew which characters" and "We were not willing to go in and just change all the dialogue to work for the other gender. That is not writing. That is not good storytelling." Has the second one been killed, in terms of bi/hero-sexual/whatever companions? When RotHC hit, they switched tracks and started the "Oh, we never said companions, you must have misunderstood" line, so I'm pretty sure the first one is dead and buried. Sure would be nice if Musco... or whomever is on the Community job now (I've been gone awhile) could pop in and say what's up with the impending companions. Not to compare Biowares, but look how ahead of time they detailed the LI availablity for Inquisition.
  4. Yeah, about that - here's the old Stephen Reid quote they used to trot out. "Due to the design constraints of a fully voiced MMO of this scale and size, many choices had to be made as to the launch and post-launch feature set. Same gender romances with companion characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a post-launch feature. Because The Old Republic is an MMO, the game will live on through content expansions which allow us to include content and features that could not be included at launch, including the addition of more companion characters who will have additional romance options."
  5. No, but they did say it would be with new companions. Since, though, they've tried to pretend that was only an assumption we made.
  6. There's also scattered flirts with the Bounty Contract events and the Macrobinocular stuff.
  7. So it seems. That's just an assumption, though, since communication is dead.
  8. Chair mounts? ... But that would require a chair players can actually sit on. Kinda gave away the prank with that.
  9. Kinda - the term came from Dragon Age 2 players, after the Devs said that all the LIs jumping at the PC, regardless of what gender you made it, didn't mean they were all bi.
  10. They gave up on the no herosexual thing Erickson said, back when they talked to us, with the SoR mini-arcs. Screw it, either gender-flip them or churn out a couple of new CM companions for it. Just use the "it's only the monthly allotment, so you're not really paying for it" excuse they did with the Cathar.
  11. The continued existence of beta bugs would say not even that much.
  12. Let's see... 400 pages? Wow, they don't even bother resetting the thread anymore. And it's over two years since a response. That's less shocking.
  13. If they know what a Falcon is, they'd know eagles too.
  14. Shows what I know - well, double-checking is an excuse to watch Empire again, so I should probably get on that.
  15. Apart from "Star Destroyer", I don't think they name any vehicle-types in the movies. Well, snow-speeders, but that's a generic thing.
  16. Only a few pages back, I think, but 'that escalated quickly' so I'm not sure either. A quick summary since Makeb: "We're sorry you were disappointed by what actually came with RotHC, but we hope for better balance next time." No clarification on what they mean by balance (simply swapping the Makeb orientations so Pubs get one gay male and the Imps welcome Little Miss Bi, to 'balance' the factions, or an even spread); and 'next time' turned out to be the GS thing. That was over a year ago, so I guess the new goal-post is June or whenever they go into detail about this year's DLC.
  17. *** SPOILERS *** If that were the case, I really doubt Erickson and Co. would have spent the first year saying it was going to happen. Granted, their "companion SGR is totally coming, with the characters that make sense" mantra turned out to be some random Sith and a bi woman who will never reappear - judging by the Consular's mentor in Act 1, characters with possible deaths in their branching options are simply forgotten about if they live.
  18. How so? You clearly said "show me someone who doesn't make cracks about groups of people, and I'll show you a liar and a hypocrite." So unless they say something like "everyone but me is a judgemental *****", your 'hypocrite' line made no sense whatsoever.
  19. "If you don't make all-encompassing insults, you're a hypocrite"... congrats, that makes negative levels of sense.
  20. "We're just joking - ugh, stop trying to un-Freedom of Speech us!!" Apparently, nobody ever told BW:A "if you don't condemn it, you condone it".
  21. She was pretty much a Padawan rushed through training so they could use her Battle Meditation - it makes sense, at least to me, that she's paying lip-service to the Code and has a superiority complex.
  22. Garza seems pretty hands-off, so long as you get her assignments done. Going off-mission to storm some Tatooine Imp base as part of continually messing up a SIS operation because Jorgan asks you to, or picking up Dorne's brother because she asks, don't seem to phase the General. Given that Dorne even mentions Form A38 (or whatever it is) that permits relationships, fraternizing isn't that big a deal to the Republic.
  23. Nadia actually hounds the player, instead, for what it's worth.
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