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Posts posted by woodcan

  1. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Bellamy, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently running 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations and starting Nightmare. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights along with various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and have been fully participating in Guild Conquests where we have been placing in the top 10 on our planet! :w_cool:


    If you would like more information you can PM me or if sounds like we are what you are looking for visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Quenoc, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. If you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations (full clear) and starting Nightmare. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights along with various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and have been fully participating in Guild Conquests where we have been placing in the top 10 on our planet! :w_cool:


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  3. Thanks for the work in figuring out what is going on here. I too get quite annoyed seeing random Combat messages and Flytext that is not my own or my groups. I hope Tait and the Dev team haven't let this one drop off their radar.


    I seem to recall this was the problem causing the serious performance impact when CZ-198 was first launched but my search through the patch notes did not turn up anything.

  4. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi jayshadowspeed, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. We have a number of folks from various time-zones so there is typically somebody online during the day. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations and starting Nightmare. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights along with various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and have been fully participating in Guild Conquests where we have been placing in the top 10 on our planet! :w_cool:


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  5. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Eventiine, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. You mentioned you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 7:30PM-10PM Central (sounds like it falls into your available range) but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations and dipping in on Nightmare on occasion. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and are hard at work running Conquest events with guildies!


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  6. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi FoolishLobster, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. We have a Guild Flagship and are hard at work running conquest missions with guildies! :rak_03:


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  7. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Ringlercorp, it sounds like Grievance may be what you are looking for. We at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. If you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and this week Conquest runs! :rak_03: Speaking of, we have Guild Flagship and are participating in Guild Conquests!


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  8. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Patty_Boh, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a lot of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. If you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also, we have a Guild Flagship and plan on running lots of conquest activities!


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  9. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Augitao, welcome back to SWTOR! You have returned at an exciting time. We at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. If you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We have completed the Dread Operation Hardmodes but currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode for achievements and gearing. If new people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also of note, we fully intend on having a Guild Flagship when released and participating in Guild Conquests.


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  10. I proposed this to my guild with absolutely no response. I thought an all-Trooper Operations run would be fun and neat. I do also remember an old Reddit post with a youtube video of a Trooper guild doing open-world PvP vs Imps that was pretty cool.
  11. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Pendragyn, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: We do not really run the old level 50 Operations right now but that will likely change when 2.9 releases for the rare mats and decoration drops :rak_smile: Also of note, we fully intend on having a Guild Flagship when released and participating in Guild Conquests.


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  12. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Medatho, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. Since we have others in your similar voice comms situation we do enforce a no foul language rule outside of M-rated channels in TS. We also focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also of note, we fully intend on having a Guild Flagship when released and participating in Guild Conquests.


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  13. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi Varsor, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Dread Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also of note, we fully intend on having a Guild Flagship when released and participating in Guild Conquests.


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

  14. Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


    Hi whoopdangles, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. There are a number of us always interested in running dailies, Flashpoints, PvP, the occasional Galactic Star Fighter and just hanging out in Teamspeak. If you are interested in end-game, our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We are currently working on 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations. If people still need to gear up we run Story Mode Operations on Wednesday nights and if not we have been doing various achievement runs! :rak_03: Also of note, we fully intend on having a Guild Flagship when released and participating in Guild Conquests.


    If you would like more information you can PM me and/or visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

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