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Posts posted by maccajnr

  1. Since the last patch, I'm unable to do one of the dailies on Ilum, Crystal Clear Sabotage quest.

    The plant bomb item is never blued anymore on the map, like it needs to be reset.

    I've tried relogging, reset the quest, waited a day more. Nothing do.


    Anyone else has the same problem?

  2. - If you know RL friends, see with them which server they will play on. It's always good to see friends as ingame players. If not, see choice below.


    - You have a choice between pve/pvp server, english/french/german server (english for you I guess), Role-play or not server, and European or American server also but better for you to pick up European as more people will play during your timezone.

    So basically choose if you want more pvp oriented or not, then pick up a server name you like :cool:

  3. I was wondering was is BW going to do about servers full with a waiting queue?


    Yesterday already there were servers with a waiting queue, only day 2 in pre-access. There are still many players who will join their guildies and friend on those servers, so it will get even worse. And we are still waiting the launch date with another big wave of players.


    Is BW hoping players will be fed up queuing and start a character on another server, splitting friend or guildies community?

    Or is BW going to increase those server capacity to handle more players?

  4. blizzard did that, then had to merge some servers together later on, BW is trying to avoid this.


    It's easier to merge servers later on, then to have servers overcrowded and full with long queues and try to split them.


    It doesn't pi$$ off players if the server is slightly less crowded for some time, but it does if you have a high level character on that server and you need to wait 10 hours queue time to login.

  5. We are not even at launch yet. 20th December is still 6 days away.


    So please stop whining and wait and see yourself at launch.


    I will personnally juge how the servers are doing post-launch, not pre-launch.

  6. Servers can't handle all logins at the same time, or login server too small????


    Well let's see what will happen during post-launch with millions of players waiting to login after servers maintenance. What will BW do???? Again several waves to let all players login again?

  7. What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.



    So I get in tomorrow. that's fine for me then

  8. The only fact I see is: 21/7 had a huge spike in pre-order.


    That said, he is my personal 2cents guess...


    3 days of waves (today, tomorrow and 15th) which makes at least 5 days of pre-access for everyone. One third for each day. So:


    - today: 21/7 and remaining pre-orders until third of pre-order. I guess end of July

    - tomorrow: second third of pre-orders. I guess August, September, mid-October

    - 15th: last waves from pre-orders end October, November, December

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