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Everything posted by Errrkill

  1. Our plans are nearly complete...We have finally infiltrated Bioware itself. Unfortunately their now procrastinating on getting more servers up. This was.... well, expected I guess.
  2. Well they might not want to have us waiting for an email when the 20th gets here. It will really be a train wreck if people that buy the game on the 20th find out they can't get in. We won't even talk about launchers being able to get in while preorder players remain in a holding pattern lol.
  3. I remember commodore 64 with a 5 1/4" floppy used to have a bunch games I would get at ham fests (ham radio conventions/whateve).
  4. I'd say someone other than you is liable, well so long as you didn't do anything...
  5. I think people are just glad your not working while at work.
  6. East coast here just joined the official site. Ermm I'm 12/12/12
  7. Get into what seems like your in the right place to me.
  8. Maybe that's the problem with this thread we can't seem to get anything done.
  9. Ironically some of the people that were laughing at us are now finding themselves in 2 hr ques. Some of the threads are rather amusin with all their que que. I'm happy to call this thread my home
  10. BW may have spent so much money developing the game they could have run out of money to buy servers. So now their counting on money from the preorders to bring more servers online. It's kind of like the U.S. economy. WE should recruit more people to the game in the way of preorders to reduce que times.
  11. Here Here! This man speaks wisdom. Let us remember remember those que qued in December!
  12. Well several of my friends are leveling without me right now because I can't get an invite to play something I paid for. Soooo I guess be patient like me. lol
  13. By the time they let us in everyone will be playing guild wars 2. So at least we'll have the place to ourselves.
  14. Well put to bad the op is a troll I doubt mods warned him though. To be honest I kind of enjoy playing Forum Wars: The Old Subject.
  15. Play with your friends, I thought this was single player game?
  16. Erm forgot to preorder, when do I get my email again?
  17. They have blessed you. Nana heya (makes cross symbol with fingers etc.)
  18. Bioware is taking advantage of the product they really created. It wasn't a video game they were making over the past 10 years, it's a propaganda machine (HYPE). They are now using it to torture fanbois and noobs (yes you).
  19. Chuck Norris doesn't have a light saber he has a ****.
  20. I'm pretty sure you get to keep your old guy. If not I'm canceling this sucks.
  21. It puts the gamers in the game or gets complained again...
  22. Bioware is enjoying the last moments/days of hype this game has generated by torturing fan boys and noobs (yes you).
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