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Posts posted by snwmnx

  1. And if you wonder, no, I won't lose my time making a ticket.


    Asking for a ticket to give you back items that were stolen from you is like asking the Galactic Senate to do something.


    Then you really only have yourself to blame. Every MMO I have ever played would correct a situation where you gave a crafter materials on the stipulation that they were to craft you something in return and then they hauled off with the materials.


    I honestly don't believe the entire story has been put out here. What you describe is not common (in my experience) though it does happen. That is what Customer Service is for, you know.


    I usually have my tickets resolved (satisfactorily) within a day at most. The Customer Support has REALLY improved in this game over the past several months.

  2. Yes, the community we have! Full of people who would rather blame others for their own short-comings, huh?


    You have almost certainly realized, since making this thread, that YOUR folly was not right-clicking the mod table before YOU deleted your own item. That's a tough pill to swallow, I know. However, continuing to blame someone else for your own actions is just immature.


    Perhaps you could try to answer your own question(s) before going to a community full of people you don't know? Independence is a good thing. Any real effort on your own part to answer your own question(s) would have resulted in a far better result for you and probably answered a lot more questions about the modding system than you had to begin with.


    1.) There are several articles on this (the official) site about item modifications. Example.

    2.) You could also try the better known fan-sites (here, here, here, or here for example).

    3.) There are even several youtube video's detailing the process (



    I think there is an important lesson to be learned here, and it isn't about how other people are out to get YOU personally or how the community failed YOU. Try to be a little less self-centered.

  3. Tank swapping is not needed in hardmode if you have an assassin dps that can taunt during incinerate. I know this because that is how we kill them in hardmode.


    To OP-If you have the bosses down to 15%, I wouldn't change too much in your strat. Get a bit more BH gear and download MOX Parser. Take your DPS to the bridge deck and dps the PVE dummy for exactly two minutes to see where everyone is with their dps. Once you know who needs to do more damage, work with them on their spec and rotations.


    15% means you are doing a lot of things right. You shouldn't change your entire strat to try and get the last 15%. Change little things. You guys will definitely get them down soon. Just keep working on it and buying that BH gear.


    Black Hole gear is not needed to complete story mode. If they are hitting the enrage, it is a DPS issue - simple.


    I agree that you need to have your DPS on the Operations Dummy on the Ziost Shadow and see where your weak link(s) is / are and address the enrage timer issue where you should - with the DPS.

  4. I don't think it ever went away.


    • If I juke a Tracer Missile its a coin toss on if the GCD will activate the GCD.
    • If I spam Rail Shot after an Unload / Power Shot, its a coin toss if it will activate the GCD (even if it did not proc and is still on CD).
    • At the beginning of warzones, I often find that my first 2-4 skills used have no animations (and often no castbars) until the third or fourth one. Then, its like the animations play catch-up (I see missiles flying and my character does a silly dance).
    • If I want to use an adrenal between using two tracer missiles, I can't just spam the adrenal while casting and immediately consume and cast the next tracer. If I do, its a coin toss if the consumable will be used.


    This doesn't count the NUMEROUS other animation (audio and video) issues that I have had in this game like:

    1.) Stormcaller and Firebrand

    • I sometimes get no audio or video cue for defensive systems.
    • Often times, I can not see the shields or the three NPCs under them when they spawn for several seconds.

    2.) Toth & Zorn

    • Rarely, I move outside of their red reticule and it will warp me back into it and impale me on the rock spike that appears.

    3.) Nightmare Pilgrim

    • I am never able to see the various reticules on the ground until we are half way through killing the dog.

  5. Since this is a guide, should probably note that Guard should always - always - go on the heaviest hitting DPS in your group who will pull more threat on a single rotation than the healer will the entire fight.


    Tanks that refuse to guard the DPS or, even worse, refuse to even use guard ("Use your threat dumps!!") are bad and rather worthless.


    Also: If someone doesn't take the queue, the remaining members get dumped at the BEGINNING of the queue, not the end. Just putting that out there.

  6. There is another, more lengthy post, on HM Toth / Zorn. I would direct you to reading that as there is a lot of good info on the strategy in there.


    Also, your DPS needs - needs - to be higher. You are most likely going to be butting against enrage unless your DPS are pushing more than 1k DPS on these guys.

  7. Its not over-tuned, you are simply failing the coordination check.


    Look, you push them through the phases by static HP hits at every 10%.


    100% - Encounter begins.

    90% - Jump

    80% - Throw phase

    70% - Jump

    60% - Ground AoE Phase



    -Project takes so long to deal damage it hits after Toth & Zorn Jump and so our Tank gets 1 shot.

    If they are jumping in the middle of the Throw Phase, it is because you pushed them too hard with your DPS. Throttle your DPS and hold at 1% - 3% before the next push. When Zorn begins to cast the actual throw, then crank the pain back out again. It is a coordination check, man.


    -No gear step up. We can not improve our gear to aid us in the fight. It is the first boss.

    You don't need a gear step up - you aren't failing the gear check. You are surpassing the DPS check, just failing the coordination check.


    -The boss has no hard to mechanics, it is simply lazy stack it with heaps of damage to make it hard.

    They DO have mechanics. Pushing them at the proper times throughout the phases is the mechanic of the fight.


    - It favors a raid with as little to no melee as possible COME ON! that is just stupid, i am so angry right now, being forced to change our entire raid makeup recruit new players and force friends out of our operation because we can't progress.

    It absolutely does not favor a ranged raid. It, like most others, favors a mixed composition raid. Keep ranged on Zorn to avoid fearful and put melee on Toth. We have had HM EC on farm for quite some time and run with 2+ Marauders, one DPS Jugg, and an Assassin DPS all the time with other melee rotating in sometimes.

  8. I have been playing this game since it came out and I have made three different sith warrior(I went light side on one and decided i didn't want to be good :p). All three times I have always been 1-3 levels behind my class and the world quests. I'm currently a 43 SW on Voss and my quests are 47. I do as many of the side quests as I can but I'm on a low server so I'm not able to do any heroics, flashpoints, or operataions. Any advice?


    Did you do either the Hoth or the Alderaan bonus series? These are easy to miss and costly in terms of Character level in regards to the required level for Voss.

  9. He said popular. He did not extrapolate that to "enjoyment". You did that on your own. ;p


    If lots of people are doing them for the xp, or the cash then they are popular. There is no incompetence or lies in that statement. They are, in fact, popular.




    suitable to the majority

    frequently encountered or widely accepted

    commonly liked or approved


    I would be willing to debate if meeting the "frequently encountered" half of one of the definitions should qualify it as popular. I don't think it was a blatant lie like some but I also do not think "popular" describes space missions very well at all.

  10. I actually really like the idea of using the campaign vendors as a model for pvp vending, but on that note, if you want a complaint about grinding gear that's actually justified, it's the entire "forced progression" system to begin with. I used to be a dps spec sorc and geared with BM accordingly (force-master) but then I joined a guild that needed more healers. I was already healing in pve and respeccing 3-4 times a week to pvp so I decided to just heal full time. Now I'm forced to grind an entire set of force-mystic BM armor I have zero intention of ever wearing, just so I can trade it in for the WH healing set I actually wanted to begin with.


    Putting a valor rank req on buying the mods from this new vendor would make sure people still need to play warzones to get better gear, without forcing them to buy **** gear they don't want. It would also make respeccing feasible since you'd only need to buy the mods you actually want instead of 2+ full sets of armor.


    Edit: as for the OP, try grinding 2 sets of BM for mods/enhancements for different stats, half a war hero set before you decide to respec, 1 more useless set of BM to trade in for gear you actually want, and FINALLY your actual war hero gear...and more war hero pieces for the mods/enhancements, then come back and qq about your 3% accuracy. I completely agree that the gear needs to be interchangeable, but the fact that they buffed your class and tweaked a talent is probably the least compelling reason it needs to be changed.


    Oh I totally agree. I am / was not too happy with the system, but it is what it is. I'd rather them model it more like the PvE vendor (either in my suggestion or as it stands today) than be what it is now.

  11. I would like it if they handled end game gear like they do Commendation Gear while leveling:


    NPC 1: Campaign Equipment Vendor - Sells empty shells of each item (reduced price) and each item again itemized (full / standard price).


    NPC 2: Campaign Modification Vendor - Sells the individual modifications that one normally finds inside of the items, but can be purchased singly, and at a fraction of the price of the full item / price.


    Easily translate that into the PvP vendors as well. It only becomes a problem with the PvP vendor when you look at the forced progression (trading in one BM piece for one WH piece).

  12. Overall, I'm not crazy about the character specific legacy perks as is on PTS.


    Legacy of Altruism - is a complete waste of time as it is. For 250k I can increase my affection gain through gifts on one character by 15%. I don't think this one is even close to worth it. For 250k I'd personally be looking at a legacy wide buff for this kind of benefit.


    Legacy of Persuasion - Again, not even close. It's just not worth it.


    Legacy of Craftng - This one is much more in line with what I'd expect from character specific perks. There's not many places you can gain crafting crit, putting the stat at a premium. It's not something that can be overcome with time like the companion perks, adding to its value. I'll be picking this one up on most of my characters when it goes live.


    Legacy of Leadership - This one's kind of crap. That said, it's also pretty cheap so I don't have a problem with it. I'll probably grab it just to light the boxes up on my legacy window, but I can't remember the last time I sent my companion to sell.


    Field Repair Droid - These are good, I'll be picking these up on my main. Not much to say about them really, probably won't see a tonne of use but when you wish you had one, well, you wish you had one.


    Field Mail Droid - Pretty useless, mailboxes are everywhere, but thankfully it's nice and cheap so I'll buy this.


    Field Respec - Just plain handy. Will get this, no complaints about this one, other than it not being accompanied by dual/multi spec :)


    Priority Travel - The prices on these are fine except for Black Hole which I feel is a little excessive. I also don't think that any of these priority travels should share a cooldown (care to share your design philosophy on that, by the way? Seems an unnecessary annoyance) and that the cooldown should be much, much lower. We're not talking gamebreaking stuff here - these abilities remove the need to go through load screen after load screen to get to where you want to be, that's quality of life and something everybody should have access to. These artificial restraints aren't making the legacy system or the game any more fun.


    XP Boosters - These are kind of all over the place. I can't see myself blowing 275k on any of these perks as they are right now (though I would if they were actually legacy wide). 30% extra XP isn't the same in all cases. For example, the gain from 30% extra exploration XP is miniscule, yet it costs the same as 30% FP XP which is potentially excellent.


    One of the things I personally wanted from the legacy system was the ability to see the other class stories without having to repeat content - something that the class quest XP boost perk could have provided, were the buff 500% (or whatever percentage brought it in line with doing all the world arcs that accompany the class quests). I'm not an alt guy - SWTOR is the first game I've rolled an alt in and while I really do want to see all the class stories, I don't find the leveling itself much fun past the first character. But "play how you want" is kind of misleading how the perks are set up right now, because I won't be able to play how I want.


    Overall, however, I think the biggest thing that's stopped me getting excited about the character perks system so far is that the costs are so high when you're talking about just one character. I've never had a problem with the high cost of the legacy perks (and I have them all) because I knew that once I bought them, I'd see the benefits for the rest of my time playing the game. With this, and given the fact that I only really want to play alts for the story alone at this point (and don't really want to spend potentially millions of credits on them), it's just a total "meh".


    This. Almost exactly for me.

  13. yawn at this thread.


    People complained when 1.2 came out because they thought they would just be able to grind dailies and get BH gear that way. Turns out those fears were unfounded.


    There is no way Bioware is going to implement a system in which you can obtain BH gear just from dailies and FPs in a timely manner. The system they'll develop will make it so youd have to grind for months just from dailies to get fully decked out in BH.


    Yawn. Log into the PTR and see the system that is already developed.


    Voicing concern (read: The OP) are what stop these systems you are talking about from happening.

  14. Every single response is still valid.


    No, they aren't.


    Do you acknowledge that the only way to have BIS with BH is with rakata/columi/tionese shells? If so, my first point is valid.


    Yes. As a matter of fact, this is the ENTIRE POINT OF THE THREAD. And no, your point was:


    Cant carry set bonus to orange, cosmetic gear unless you have campaign, buddy; so yes "a" still applies after 1.3 After 1.3 you'll only be able to consider BH best in slot when in rakata/columi/tionese shells - doesn't sound like a customized look to me.


    How, exactly, does that address the main points of this thread which is: BiS Achieved without HM Denova therefore making it pointless. Unless your entire argument is that HM content is still relevant for purely cosmetic purposes. If that is, indeed, your argument, then I question your sincerity.


    Do you acknowledge that the mod you linked is not available in BH? If so, b is still valid.


    No, it isn't. However, your argument was for min / maxing. Therefore, your point is still invalid. Below is your quote:


    There ARE certain mods/enhancements that are only available through campaign gear. It's all about min/maxing using BOTH BH and Campaign.


    Do you acknowledge that both campaign and BH will be inferior to NiM EC drops? If so, my third point is still valid.


    Irrelevant. They will all be outdated with 7.3 hits. We are talking about 1.3. Stay on topic.


    How about because it's more enjoyable than steamrolling easy content? And where does your +4 dmg rating come from?


    Doesn't make what the OP says untrue.


    Or since everyone loves BH so miuch - how about the 28 BH comms you get from a HM EC clear. Not to mention, the Mk2/3/4 drops off of every boss. For people who took the time to put it on farm, its by far the most efficient way to gear a guild.


    Again, we are talking about WHEN 1.3 HITS. The LFG tool brings with it more than enough BH Comms to make up for not running EC (Both HM and SM).

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