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Everything posted by Scyln

  1. I have actually thought this would be a good idea, say up to level 10 you play your character which influences light/ dark side pts. As you obtain dark 1. You are on the Empire side. Light 1 your on republic side. PVP would be based off that. The quest point of view it would just spilt when you obtained the certain level of dark side points. The quest that you finally become dark/ light could have an epic cinematic to go along with it. I feel its awkward being republic and having dark pts and being empire and having light?
  2. I have noticed this on my Sage, BW really needs to fix this. Nearly a month after release and its killing the game play when you are trying to save someone or get that last hit and you end up hitting an ability and it just does not go off.... I find this amusing when I was in Beta, this was never an issue. It seemed the abilities were pretty spot on. Combat feels very clunky w/ how its designed....
  3. I am baffled by the fact that you can be republic and still get Dark Side points and vice versa. I think BW should of completely got rid of factions. Instead of picking it at the char creation we pick it as our story progresses to become either fighting for Empire or Republic sides... I am lost in this lore. Can someone enlighten me?
  4. I don't know if this is an appropriate fix for this issue, i really think that the huge problem is the mass flood of commands that are being sent from the player to the server in which causes this lag. Myself i will hit my 1 key about 3-4 times and so forth and so on. How i have always played even while playing WoW. I believe if they would get rid of us having to constantly use abilities to kill mobs/players that it would alleviate some of the lag. I have noticed many times when abilities go ON GCD when they shouldn't or the ability does not go off, my char will hesitate, or sometimes it bugs out so bad i can actually spam an ability that is not meant to be spammed.. This is an issue that really needs to be taken care of ASAP. It kills the game play when abilities do no go off when they are supposed to.
  5. Umm i think you have your graphic memory wrong. the 6750M is 512 dedicated not 1gig
  6. Where is the Auto Atk. My self i find it very annoying that this feature is missing. After playing and leveling and doing flash points my hands actually hurt from pressing my 1 and 2 to keep my rage up. I feel that this is an absolute necessity for melee classes. What you all think?
  7. So i am currently thinking about replacing my current Laptop with a Mac Book Pro. This isnt a thread about PC VS MAC i don't care what you say about PC i want a mac book. Now that this is over with. I am looking at the 15" 2.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 4GB 1333MHz 500GB 5400-rpm1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5 Built-in battery (7 hours)2 It is possible that i would get the one with the 1gb dedicated video memory. So basically i wanna know if anyone else in the Swtor community that has that computer is able to run Star Wars on decent settings? The laptop im replacing is a Samsung i5 with 4gb of memory and the nvidia 310m hybrid video card. It runs SWTOR like absolute crap. Have to run on lowest settings and it still gets very low FPS.
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