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Posts posted by Daize

  1. Our problems atm have nothing to do with energy management. If you have a problem with energy management, I am sorry to say it is you not the class. So I don't see why buffing the energy return would really make it any more tempting to use. We DO have problems healing in an emergency and at the same time spending 3 seconds on a heal that doesnt really heal is a no go.


    Here is another suggestion I though of in the mean time that would reduce development time :

    Keep the spell as is and just increase the heal component and add a buff to hots while it is being channeled then add a cool down timer. That way graphics/basic programming stays the same and you have just added a CD + a Hot buff.

  2. Making a thread just for this spell as there are serious issues. This is NOT intended as a complaint thread but a discussion as to how to improve DS.


    Problem :

    With its loooong cast time, minimal to the point of uselessness heal, and perhaps semi-decent help on regen but that costs 4 whole talent points for something kinda blah, I can basically never cast this spell in any situation where it might be useful. I do not have 3 seconds (a bit less if you use aclacrity which imo is an almost useless stat for Op Meds) in a fight for basically zero return in terms of healing. I either actually need a real heal or I'm gonna dps.


    Suggestion :

    1 - Turn DS into an instant emergency hot + buff on a cool down timer (say 30 seconds) - we are a hot class after all.

    2- DS now hots(amount of hot tbd) AND buffs the hots already on your target (lets say it buffs hots by 100% for 5-10 seconds - obviously something that is not overpowered but really is a help in an emergency - adjustments can be made both on the overall cooldown for the ability as well as %buff and duration to ensure it does act as an emergency hot buff but is not OP) .

    3- Keep the regen bonus as an added extra if talented and add a CD reduction in the talents to make it worthwhile to spend the talent points (say 1 min untalented, 30 secs if talented).



    Please post reactions to my suggestion and your own suggestions here, but refrain from b***ching as there is no point.

  3. This thread is going way off course here folks ! I started it for one simple reason : Med Therapy, one of the few upper tier talents (along with SP) that is actually decent, is broken.


    I love playing Op Med and love the mechanics in general. If you do not, reroll a sorc, there is no point saying "op med is boring". Op med is what it is, if you don't like it well there ain't nothin' anybody can do for you. This is a thread for peeps who like Op Med but realise things need gettin' fixed and that fixing Med Therapy would go a long way in the right direction.

  4. I had my operative speced as healer and used Kaliyo as companion. I really liked the combination (companion tanked, I healed/DPS'ed). Problems begun for me somewhere at 45-46. I begun having problems killing Elite monsters (especially the ones found at the end of a mission). At that point, I respeced to DPS and start using Dr. Lokin as companion (I do DPS, he heals me). It was a bit better but not by far. PvP wise I do much better with the DPS spec. I will probably rethink what I do at 50. I am a bit disapointed though.


    try vector to kill stuff way faster and spec a few points outside of healing. Imo he is the best choice for medics. Yes you will get aggro but anyways its easier healing yourself while hitting the target than healing your companion. Be sure to use defensive abilities like shield probe (which you can't use on kaliyo if she has aggro, but can use on yourself if you have it with vector dpsing) and the dodge one.

  5. Currently in game, when we get to 10k points, either light or Dark, every future decision contrary to our general ethos will drop us below the 10k. To get to 10k we could, now and then, make a contrary decision and still easily get to level V, which was fun but more importantly meant we didn't have to mechanically choose the option that was the right one for our chosen ethos.


    Things change drastically once you max your light or dark side points. Now you have to mechanically always choose the side you are maxed on (problem for Diplomacy missions as well) or immediately lose your title and use of your Light/Dark gear.


    I understand this is not a priority, but it is really too bad to be forced into a much stricter play-style than was needed to get to Light/Dark V in the first place. It is not fun, as it completely limits your conversation (and the Diplomacy crew skill) choices in a way that was not the case previous to maxing out.


    I would suggest a hopefully easy to implement fix : just add a 200-500 point threshhold of the opposite points to your chosen ethos (somewhat like what is already in system pre-max Light/Dark point level where you can see in brackets the amount of the points opposite to your chosen ethos). Say you are light V. You could have in brackets accumulated Dark points that only lose you your Light V status if they go past 200 to 500 points.

  6. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, almost all of them. I tend to want to dps in melee, but you want the ranged abilities for when you are out of melee. What I don't use : explosive probe (I just use fragmentation grenade instead), Kolto Infusion (I just use SP instead), the frontal cone aoe gunfire thing (I find its a pain to get right), sever tendon (its for pvp), escape (mostly for pvp of some use in pve), Diagnostic Scan (I have it on my bar but if I am a bit low in energy I'd rather use rifle shot, unless I think someone really really needs the heals...but then well i'll use a real heal...so I actually never seem to need it).


    And thats about it, pretty much everything else you absolutely need on your bars to play the class well. I am not totally happy with my keybindings and am thinking of investing in a G13 key pad and/or a mouse with more buttons. You just use alot of abilities as an Operative, makes the class a ton of fun for me.

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