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Everything posted by Iggybug

  1. just look at the jedi consular shadow form and the sith Inquisitor assasin form. the jedi range attacks is 10 m well the sith ranged attacks is 15 to 30 m. the sith just need to stay back and the jedi is toast. so the devs made sure the repub side has no chance on these two alone. its no wounder they went from about 50 servers to 6 or 7 now. it is one sided from the launch, the first patch was a full sith advantage, and a year plus later, nothing has changed as far as the pvp goes, the game is still a fail. wel done
  2. So was the fact that players where able to spawn camp the taxi's coming into Ilum a glitch or was it a bug. And my understanding of a glitch or a bug is that if any player takes advantage of the glitch or bug to advance there toon is the same as cheating. So whta is Biowares stance on glitchs and on bugs with in the game. And I will go find the game rules to look it up. Now if my understanding of a glitch or bug is correct, what does Bioware plan to do about all the people that have been using the glitch or bug to advance there toons over the past 24 hours. Will Bioware do nothing thereby telling all players it is ok to cheat so have at it, or will they take action against all the players that have been cheating over the past 24 hours in Ilum. Or will Bioware just delete this post and send me another e-mail telling me I have been bad for putting a negitive post on the forums. What is Bioware's stance on cheating. and by using a known glitch or bug to advance ones toon is the same as cheating.
  3. yep, imps saying they not op, what a joke. imps win 70 to 80 percent of the time across all severs, so I geuss all the good players went imp well all the bad players went republic. is that what you are saying.
  4. Why do any of us bother to post any thing about the pvp. the devs play as imps, they will not change the fact that the imps are op. they dont even read the forums becasue they dont care what you think. they just want you to shut up and pay your money.
  5. fix the *********** pvp, make it an even game, I understand that the devs want to all play as imps and want every advantage to win 80% of the time, but enough already. the imps are way op, so fix it.
  6. So why is it the sith win every tie game, what a *********** shame this is. maybe the devs should start making it a fair game and stop this *********** ********.
  7. I am sure any person playing a sith class thinks PvP is just fine as is, been that every sith class is op. flame all you want, but the way PvP is set up right now, sith has every advantage. they can heal them selfs fast well in combat, they do more damge per hit. they take less damage per hit. As a lvl 36 commando, I took 5k damage from one hit from a lvl 17 sith agent. and then you want to tell me sirth are not op. the only ones that will say that are people playing sith. and I know they wil jump on and say they play republic, but thats just bs as well. sith is op and they need to fix it befor there are only sith playing battle grounds.
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