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Everything posted by Justintyme

  1. I'm looking for a guild that dose operations and Pvp. My experience in the game is almost all Pvp, vet flashpoints and a couple of master flashpoints. I have a lot of raiding experience in World of Warcraft, so I should be able to learn the strats for operations. I have 11 level 80's , 5 on empire and 6 on republic so I'm open to joining either side. All toons are 325-326 rating. My Empire toons are Bounty Hunter-Operative, Marauder-Shadow, Sniper-Operative, Sorcerer-Guardian, Scoundrel-Mercenary. My Republic toons are Juggernaut-Sorcerer, Shadow-Sage, Sentinel-Assassin, Vanguard-Operative, Sage-Guardian, Commando-Gunslinger. I perfer dps or tank roles . I have very limited experience tanking in this game but most of my raid experience in WOW was tanking so I should be able to learn the tanking concepts for this game if needed. I'm older with a family so I won't be able to play everyday, but I should have no problem setting up 2 days a week to commit to doing operations.
  2. would really like to know if at any point this will happen. gonna need to redo crew skills again for pvp and would like to know if i am gonna be wasting time and money. oh and i was wondering if there is a moderator for the pvp forums i never see any bioware posts on the forms for pvp.
  3. well i guess according to almost everyone posting the consensus is that if you ever start this game and you want to be a serious pvper you need to roll 4 toons . i am cool with that . I just wish bioware would let everyone know that you need the 4 toons for serious pvp. btw i did roll all 4 toons but bioware f'd up the server transfer so i couldn't have all my toons togeather. i know some people got lucky with the transfers but some didn't. my biggest point here is that what if you are new to the game and you want to play pvp hardcore but you can't without putting some serious time into the game. and not to mentiont hardcore pvp teams that are trying to get the best ranking will start demanding that you have atleast 4 toons so you have full uptime and i mean full uptime not waiting for some one to buff you ourside the starting zones. I applaud all those that do buff alot but i have played a ton of pvp on sword of adjunta paul and fatman and i have started many games without all the buffs from team mates and then you die and you might get lucky if someone is with you to buff or you might be alone meaning no full uptime. i hope this will change with ranked but at the moment pugs can't be counted on for maintaining full uptime.
  4. this is a balance issue. having full uptime with the buffs give you a tremendous advantage over someone who dose not have time to roll 4 toons or got screwed by biowares population management and had to leave toons behind on another server. please support .
  5. Please support this thread to push to priority. I have several toons that need to be transfered to the server i am playing on the fatman. I was forced to leave my original server sword of ajunta paul for fatman becasue bioware messed up the population so bad that i couldn't get groups or que for bgs . I say forced becasue i was not gonna pay 15 a month to play by myself. Now they finally get transfers going and they were great and smooth so you would think they would open up transfers to any server now but they don't think consolidating toons is a priority. I disagree since they have this huge legacy system that requires you to level other toons witch i have done but can't use. they have a huge legacy patch coming out and ive level 5 legacy right now witch won't do anything. I had legacy level 40 on my original server now i basically have to start leveling all those toons over again so i can get thier stupid buffs for pvp . yea you messed up bad when you made those buffs work in pvp now if you want to be a serious pvp player you need to level up 4 toons for the buff. Please bioware don't be stupid and greedy hire some extra people and get our toons back to us we need them for that legacy system you put alot of work into instead of fixing the bugs and questionable pvp balance.
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