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Posts posted by KalElc

  1. I don't see the issue, BioWare made it less rng now, u don't know how crazy it is to burst people down now more often then before. More user friendly for the rest of the player base that players Marauder aka Carnage.


    No mater how u see it its a buff, i cant say how big it is but its at lits a nice one. For me well i perferd the old one as it required more from the player to time & lookout for your proc's but in this way more players will enjoy carnage and should be easier to play it now.

  2. All right, I guess it’s better late than sorry, let me introduce myself.




    My name is Skyrush and SkytorRush on YT, I like to make and share my pvp moments true YouTube by various of classes and mainly marauder. I like to do more Montage type or even slight humored videos or make a special touch on them then doing commentary videos. When I edit my videos, I like to focus more on making it much entertainment as possible to make people enjoy watching them and that’s always been my goal to reach out with it.


    If u like Entertainment and marauder gameplay or mercenary gameplay u should definitive check it out.



    Here some few sneak peak on what I can do and most rated on my Channel:




    Here is my latest Swtor video:


    I also have a twitch but I stream when i feel like it:



    Checkout my Twitter and Facebook page if u want to interact or keep heads up on the next video when it’s on the work or when it’s out.



    Anyway, hope u find a good video to watch and enjoy!

  3. After seeing this video I have come to the conclusion that all sin/shadow vids just seem boring. I usually like skyrush vids, but this one just seems kinds bleh.


    I skipped around on the video, but does it ever show anyone attacking him? Stunning him, or is it pretty much a bunch of clips of him unloading on people with no interuptions?


    Good eyes my friend, i usually safe when i'm playing assassin and especially in dps games, shhh dont tell anyone that im squishy on my sin.

  4. Thank you for the effort but this mostly felt like a music video.


    I would much prefer if you would:


    1) Post a match in its entirety. People will scroll past the boring parts.

    2) No music (whether added or in-game).

    3) Possible with commentary.

    4) Possible with slow re-plays of selected sections.


    I am currently leveling an assassin myself, and I would love to watch how a more experienced player perform. To learn proper tactics and rotations. A slow replay of you doing something perfect or terrible would be equal educational :)


    Edit: You did say it was entertainment purposes, so I guess I should not complain ;)


    in the end it depends on people taste here, people like montage videos people like commentaries people like full matches. most people want to see action most people hate to scroll in to video's. i'm focusing more on other stuff then what u prefer i'm afraid and i don't think i will change that anytime soon, commentary stuff can come from my stream. I can consider it. maybe make a pool to see what people want to see.

  5. what is the point of this thread tbh?


    Beats me, people qq from left and right, barely read most of the post / comments that fly past here. and pls people dont get to serous here, these are "yours" opinions and not facts. remember that. There are a lot of reason people going Wildstar and Reason for the state of pvp in swtor, i laugh every time people say swtor is "dyeing"? and Wildstar will fail?. i could start make a bok here but, nah. dont have time for it. il end it that there will always be people that will come back, question is how many and how many will not and how much does actually Wildstar Affect the pvp side this year is hard to pin down. might be the case that some people see the differences and some dosen't' i only see opinions not facts here.


    I see frustrations (Doomsday, dark times bla bla), I see people are scared (for the game they love). Its understandable. Wait out after summer and check out for collateral dmg. might be less players dosent meen u can play right now yes? does who are playing make the best out of the situation that happens right now.


    Why waste your time on concern and frustration here. BW fully knows whats going on or what is already happening ( i think) all do i know there are some that feels like they need to discuss this its a endless Topic war.


    Hope my post make sense as i'm currently dead tired wile writing this post. so im heading for sleep :sy_backpack:

  6. As it happen back to 8v8 Removal: The vast majority of Pvp players escape from swtor :sy_armor:. New Heros! will appear to take over :sy_inventory:. If u talk about the quality of players left, idk Judge for your self :sy_item:. This game is more Casual now? idk. Swtor Still fun to play? ah yes (for me at list) :sy_companion:. How about Competitive? hm , is it in our lvl of satisfaction? meh. :sy_backpack:
  7. I am currently working on some ideas to introduce objective based open world pvp to TOFN. No more of the senseless gank feast openworld but openworld with objectives that will have a clear winner and loser. These events will require team coordination and tactical planning. I will be hoping to discuss these ideas in the meeting Irisa the guild master of rebel dream is planning.


    If you have any ideas that you would like to put forward please make them known in this thread.


    if u want open world pvp it have to be very limited of players, like 8 vs 8 or 12 vs 12 or something not higher. not possible due to strain of the game/server/computer. A rule of the objective should be sort of easy to organize and follow. If i some how come up with something i let u know :sy_armor:

  8. well he says is this "DRAMA",seeing as win trading is not possible in yoloqueue I think he was implying group ranked//


    Have to hold my self back here...

    There is no way he have because i know how good he is that it infuriate's me if people think he have win traded him self up there, what a load of BS. hes one of the best out there give the guy some credit's. at current state GR in this server are its possible for him to get there. Well deserved to. hope he gets above 2k rating as well. He deserves it.

  9. @ NightBOI - I will come with full story. I can play GR most of the time to be more exact i prefer to, but on my marauder i prefer to use it on Main setup and players, i have tested players class setups in preseason as well and come to conclusion if im /we are serous about getting rating and be competitive i made a standard / basic stuff that time we don't go half attempts like taking players we dont know, not good enough for gr or class not viable unless they are exceptional something we dot have in our guild.


    Im pretty sure that day our healer had to go we had no backup operative healer online, we probably had one sorc to heal us but that's like ..well. (We dont have exceptional healer for a unperformed class such as Nhilas With all respect to him for being the best Mando out there ).


    In time to time we or i tried with another setup with alt for fun or trying stuff out so we haven't been sitting there. reason for we been inactive GR was lack if interest of key players. I cant do much about it can i. only me quin yesterday as we queued around 7-8 PM GMT time and it was like one pop out of 30 min and yeah again lack of interest of one or 2 player decide to stop and we had no backups online to try get some place again. like i said we might queue in bad days and time i think as its not often we are able to get our ***** together and play much as i wish we could and try to redo as we did in s1.


    think u catch my drift. To clerefy it now the hate is not directed to you. its to players out there that has been vocal.

  10. This thread lacks some evidence, so let's bring it.


    Nuff said. This is pathetic.

    Sent to CS but they prolly won't do anything. I hope you won't get your rating rewards, still.


    Hey sir. Let me remind of the topic


    What about players who “sync queue” to specifically play each other, AKA match fixing?

    This is an issue which is again due to the amount of players in the queue. If a group of 8 players wanted to fix the queue to play against each other, they may be able to do so at some weird “off time” for their server. However, we have systems in place to detect these types of actions and when Season 1 ends, those players will find themselves without any rewards at all.


    I hope you guys get stuffed..!

    *specifically play each other, AKA match fixing?* that wasent even close so





    now i have lifted that out of my chest.

  11. I am happy that we have been able to keep this small camp fire burning for that long.


    Well i am not. I feel the half of the stuff that has been said in this thread is true and half have made a lot of unnecessary commotions.


    People don’t understand how this system is so weak and cant grasp that we have bigger advantage because we have ts and alot of our player base do SR.


    People dont understand that we queue when we queue late night, morning, evening u name it.


    People dont understand that its a higher chance to face 4 random vis fatlis player vs rep side then impside


    People dont understand even if we have a guildie on the opposite side we do everything we can to win we care about our own rating as well on alt or main


    What i think we all do understand is Vis Fatlis is breaking the system making it unbalance and unfair to so many with a lot of us in queue


    solution? Why not make Strong PvP guild yourself find good player's u enjoy to play with and u will have the same advantage, there is no science. its simple. dont be shy and anti social.


    What i think we all understand is that when we are not there and half of us gone and jumping to Wildstar its time for u nonfactors to shine so hurray get your rating now while u still can.


    People dont understand we dont have anything better to do then playing competitive and SR is the closes we can get besides GR and GR doesn’t pop often anymore verry few dears to queue. or we have a bad schedule.


    Thats hopfully one of my final words here. if there is someone that wants a proper and civil question/discussion to ask me do it here msg ingame what every il try to give a proper answers.

    Behalf of my self and the guild apologies if we have ruin your chances of success by stacking up against u all un purpose. The lack of X-Server, Lack of team rank teams and lack of strong pvp guild queue for Yolo queue proves that casuals suffers greatly but i believe the future if it still stand u will not see much of us queue for SR if it still stand. Hopefully. So less QQ pls and look for your bright futhure.

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